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Ful-Power - Fulvic Acid

ice minus

Active member
What does ICMAG think about this stuff?


My third time buying it now so I sprang for the jumbo bottle this time

From this point forward, to all plants, I plan to go full term seed to harvest at 1ml per litre to my water supply

Anyone ever messed with this stuff? Thoughts? Legit? Snake oil?

How do YOU use it or recommend using it?

Let's hear it all!

ice minus

Active member
I give a single shot of fulvic at each transplant, and cutting stages. That's all. But next order I'm getting humic and fulvic in one, just to see if humic adds anything. It does seem to aid the roots a tad.
I was kinda using it randomly similarly as well previous to getting the big jug today.. Was adding it to Foliars and so on

But I listened to Tad Hussey's Cannabis Science podcast and he had the creator on who recommended trying a seed to harvest approach at 15ppm or so added to the water so I'm gonna see how it goes

Supposedly helps with nutrient uptake immensely, especially P and K if I understood correctly, it makes your nutrients go way further is the claim

Thank you for reading and writing!

ice minus

Active member
I'm always a little sceptical about using products in the way the people selling them recommend. It's not like they're going to tell us to use less is it? I really try for as clean a final product as possible, so after the last month of flower, I try to keep it to water only.
Most definitely! Actually shoot I forgot it wasn't just the creator who recommended this stuff but Clack Coots is a big fan as well, and said on the podcast himself, that overdosing on it is the worst mistake one can possibly make - will give you problems that no amount of flushing in the world can fix

So I'm definitely not planning on going outside 1ml/Litre dosage unless I hear otherwise that I've got my proportions wrong lol

I'm with you too, I love just feeding nice fresh water in the final weeks, but I do still add some goodies even then. Aloe flakes. Freeze dried coconut water powder. Microbes and a drop of molasses here and there..

Who knows if it does anything, but I've already got the stuff so I better use it up!

Orange's Greenhouse

Active member
It functions as a chelating agent. If you're already using salt based fertilizer then you won't see any benefit because those are already fully chelated.
If you're doing a living soil approach then you already shot yourself in the foot and now try to use a product of the chemical industry to compensate for the lack of another product of the chemical industry.
Just use EDTA. It doesn't come in a bottle of questionable quality.


The Tri Guy
I've often wondered about the coconut water/milk powder. I'm not sure of the nutritional diffs between the milk and the water, but it makes sense that it may be if use to popping seeds/very young plants. I figured though that by the time it's been through a factory or two, it's probably contaminated/useless. Do you really see a diff between using the powder and not using it?
I only add or remove one product at a time, so the diff that product makes is clear.


New member
Just another scammer pot community product. There's virtually no carbon in fulvate. 14 units per molecule. Compared to humate ~C187.

Acetates are more soluble. Hexanoates are a better carbon source. Citrates are cheaper. Microbes make all the intermediate acids in the tricarboxylic pathway and I'd guess most of them are chelates also.

This community does not, has not ever and will never protect itself from scams. Says alot.

ice minus

Active member
Dang, not too positive I see

I honestly have no idea and guess I just fell for it then, tis a shame indeed. As a novice I just take what I hear on podcasts, literature, and online forums and try to make educated choices from there

I guess I "shot myself in the foot then" as another poster put it, as I am not using salt ferts but rather Black Swallow Soil KIS Mix which I dry amend as needed
