They ARE pretty wasteful. When did they come around first, about 1975? Disposable lighters are just accepted, even tree huggers use a fuckin Bic, come on.
I buy the shit brown ones. No person in their right mind buys the shit brown. Really stands out in a crowd...and I have been known to put a small mark on it as well. I smoke you up for free and you take my fucking lighter??? Funny thing about this is....some of my really close friends, ones that have proven friendship by doing things for me that are just,...we will just leave it at that. Friends that I would put my families life in their hands, and have . I have stored weight in their houses, I have moms in their closets, breeding chambers in their houses, have helped me so much over 20 -25 years, those friends. Still take my fucking BIC!!! If they asked me for the lighter I would gladly let them have it. Dude I have a 5 pack of bics in my drawer if you want em. Is there some lighter ripping disease I am unaware of???
I generally buy those clicky electronic "disposable" lighters that are actually refillable. The piezo clicky spark thingy dies eventually, but they last a long time. The trouble is, lighter gas is like rocking horse shit around here. None of the nearby corner shops/convenience stores sell it because of kids inhaling it, so I have to get it in town, if I remember.