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Fuck Those #$% Ass Cops - Go Hard or Go Home


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So i finally stepped into the stone age and bought a tent and a new light. you know what that means? 2x the amount of burned up fucked up looking leaves than before. all for free. because i love you all.

60x120cm mylar lined, got enough room for the same 6 i was doing before but now they don't have to be crowded and i can allow them to get a little bigger. light is a dimmable 6, got it on 300 for now. temps are fair but this is with no filter and using an old house fan as an exhaust. once i get a proper inline fan on there the temps should come down to the point where i'll have to turn the exhaust way down so it's not too cold.


Deez week 2 flower, the seeds are about halfway done and the buds are at about 5% started. never started a pollination at the beginning of flower. excited to see how the yield turns out.


Weezy this one is at week 6 or 7. been in the tent roughly a week and already i can see the hps makes a difference with the frost coverage. this is week 8 frost. still having issues with my watering system. basically everything has been underwatered constantly for the last few weeks. trying something new. longer waterings less times a day. hope this works. don't really have the time to be watering by hand multiple times a day, nor the stealth to have the sun come out at 9pm and no one take notice.


BSK #2 the drought has taken a toll on this one the most. over nuted, mag def, slow growth. i'm wanting to repot but it's fairly late in the game for that so i'm just gonna nurse it back to health with plain water and finish it. hopefully these clones root. I was most excited about this one since it was smelling so lemony. but the smell faded with the overfeeding.


BSK#3 I like this one a lot, very tight nodes like the runt but stretched out some and definitely prettier to look at. but a lot of that might be phosphorous deficiency. we'll see in a week. i'm using some new nutes GH MaxiGrow, and the GH bloom liquid at lucas like rates.
1/2 str maxi and full strength bloom for weak formula. since i'm continuous feeding.


Lastly BSK#4 i like this one too. very similar to #3, this one is actually the little runt one that i said most looked like "Kush" and made me name these like i did.
I don't think i uploaded the pics from last time but the leaves were looking better, and before that worse, but least it lets me know that i can reverse that nitrogen toxicity look if i catch it early. hopefully after this flush and getting the waterings back in line the next picture will be better looking.


Active member

another good news, i was moving a male plant some weeks ago and accidentally shook a huge cloud of pollen into my flower tent... oh noes... but look at this, the runt finally took pollen, and furthermore my thought to be sterile NL took some of this pollen from the BSK#6 male. just goes to show maybe some pollen isn't compatible with some strains. i have been trying to get seeds on this NL for almost a year now.


This is one of my i call them FloriDeez for now. (Atlantic Dieselx??) either gonna be S1 from late herm or somehow got pollen from BSK#5 prolly pollen from the BSK got 4 males and 3 girls.


older picture of 4 of em, i believe 3 of these 4 ended up being males. both red cups and two of the four black pots. that tall lanky plant that fell over in the beginning was one.


Older pic of the most unique one. i call Goliath. seed that was sitting at the very top growing mostly outside of the calyx on the end of a foxtail and was huge and lumpy too, looked like the embryo started growing then the seed shell wrapped around it and stopped it from germinating in the bud.


Atlantic Diesel. Didn't have any actual nanners i ever found, but most of the tips of the buds were mysteriously pollinated and some had seeds fully formed.

anyway that's all for now. later.


Professional A$$hole
Well your upping your game, what, with the tent and all. My trolling will cease..... For now.... Muahahahaha, haha jk tho for real that last weezy pic looks like she's chugging along


Active member
It's all good homie, i don't even remember half the people...that's a lie i don't remember just about all the people who talk shit to me. water under bridges. but i have to make one correction.

Game still the same. Just got a bigger area to play in. Keep it HARD.


here's another weezy for ya. week 8. gonna start flushing end of the week then chopping in the 10th week somewhere.


FloriDeez (Atlantic Diesel x Unknown [either S1 / unk pollen] )






FD#3 aka Goliath. this seems to be the sport pheno. everything else in there is way overfed, showing nute burns, this one...fucking starving...

anyway, till next time.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
So i finally stepped into the stone age and bought a tent and a new light. you know what that means? 2x the amount of burned up fucked up looking leaves than before. all for free. because i love you all.

60x120cm mylar lined, got enough room for the same 6 i was doing before but now they don't have to be crowded and i can allow them to get a little bigger.

Always enjoy your grows, stihgnobevoli. That 600 & some leg room is going to change things up!
(I'm running a 400 in a similar tent)


Active member
small pots in soil are too hard for me, very tricky to keep proper balance . bigger pots with soil is so much more forgiving. but if that starts to be too easy you can always make it harder with no-till!


Active member
Thanks for stopping by guys, it's a challenge, but the harder you train the faster your muscles develop and the better you get.
Plants are loving the new setup so far. not really all happy about what i'm feeding, but we must hard mode on.


BSK#4 slight calcium def, some mag and some nitrogen, just hungry all around. changed the food up a little this week, using the maxigro at 75% of the recommended dose. It burned em pretty good first time i used it. maybe because i flushed em all before i started using it?


BSK#3 still not sure if purple from def. gonna up the food some more. showing it the worst. i'm gonna hand water this one for a while i think the roots had some issues somewhere when i put it into flower.


Weezy close to the end. i don't know how many days now... lemme count...58 days. had some root issues midflower and started life in that much smaller box. all the seeds are done and it's close to finish anyway. gonna take this down early day 60.


here's the newest additions to the flower chamber. FloriDeez till i find a better name lol. (Atlantic Diesel x Mystery Pollen) got 3 girls, they look pretty similar. "Goliath" on the left and FD#2 on the right, FD#3 not pictured is quite the stretcher. i had to top it. it was almost 6 inches from the bulb and only after 1 week in flower. i threw em all in within 3 days of each other. so they're about week 1 flower now. i need to start writing this shit down the day it happens lol.


lastly the Deez (CSG- SourStrawberryHaze diesel leaner) it's only like week 4 and this shit's gotten all the way to the bulb. it's actually over the reflector. i only have this lamp on 300w i can't imagine how i'm gonna control this shit with 600watts on it. still got 6-7 more weeks before it's done. yikes! never had an issue with too much weed when i was running the 100watts.


Active member
just a couple random pictures for today i don't even pay attention to the days of the cycle much anymore.


Florideez #...one of em. they're all about 3-4 weeks along now. i'll have to go check some notes or something.

so far i think they are S1's of the atlantic diesel. the males i got out of this batch of seeds seemed like true males but i abused em up a bit before collecting my pollen. i saw 2 of em start developing pistils at the top so im thinking they were only 90%male. i kept the pollen from all the males and i'm gonna mix it all together and dust all the girls for S2/F2's


BSK #3 this one is gonna be my funky chunky one. it's thick and chunky like the BSK#1 but stretches a lot more and smells better. a real deep funk smell...i associate it with "blueberry" strains. but dunno what to call it cuz it doesn't smell like actual blueberries or even artificial grape. but it's that deep stinky smell i associate with blue lineage plants.

after growing out 6 of these male and female i think these seeds came from a blue dream type of plant that hermied. half look or smell kushy and the other half really resemble blueberry lines.


my WBK mom still going. had a buncha issues this grow, mostly underwatering. i took this one off the sauce the other day and i'm just gonna give her water and molasses to ripen like i usually do. let her finish eating up all the food in the soil and bulk up. i put her right under the middle of the light so hopefully another 2 weeks at most before i can chop. she's really floppy i with i had a better picture but my camera and lighting both suck really hard. just scroll up a few posts till you see that other floppy WBK in the 2liter. imagine like 10 of those in a little bush.


This is another floriDeez dunno which one, but they're all 3 identical to each other and have the same growth pattern of the Atlantic. actually i take that back they all 3 grow similar. the 3rd one is actually a really really realllly stretchy even more sativa leaner. i topped it once when it got as tall as these ones back in week 1 of flower. then a week later it was that tall again so i supercropped the tops. then the side branches got up to the point where the original top was and then the supercropped branches grew back up even higher. shit's just ridiculously out of control , looks like a bunck of long sticks with some wispy buds at the very top. most of the budsites are over the top of the light.


lastly i have my Gold Rush girl i call "Dicklicker" since she was the only girl in the pack. but she's wonderful so far and i really wish i had taken clones. i'm gonna have to clone the bottoms after i chop or try a reveg. smells like pine, sour apples, kiwi and lemons. all rolled up together. it's a pretty wonderful smell. don't laugh but it smells like smelly armpits when taken as a whole.

this is a good thing because weezy smells similar but more of a garlic and onion body funk. hard to control the smell but man the end result is a funky berry coffee lemony stanky dumpster.

anyway till next time. i'll have updates on the thang thangs and hopefully i'll have germinated some seeds. pray for me i've not had a single seed sprout in the last 100+


Active member
@Dropped somewhere between 5.8 and 6.5 i just keep it in that range when i change the res. might be closer to 6.5 or closer to 5.8 depending on how the plants are looking. i lowered it last res change since they were getting too much N.



them thang thangs @ 3 weeks. nothing to see really. should be more interesting in 2 more weeks. they all look leany' because they stretched and fell over, i just let em stand back up on their own to see the strongest ones. seems to keep them shorter in veg. they spend a lot of energy standing back up vs just stretching out and getting more lanky. top left stood back up first and as you can see seems a little ahead of the other 2 in development.


FloriDeez @ 4 weeks or close to it.


BSK#4 with seed from BSK#6


Gold Rush (a.k.a DickLicker) @ like 64 days or so.


Active member
Been 5 weeks with this new setup and so far so good. light is still on 300w since i still haven't gotten around to upgrading the exhaust, but that's not a major concern right now since temps are manageable. my bigger issue is i still can't seem to keep the water flowing accurately. for unknown reasons it's always uneven watering. one plant is always getting either too much or not enough. so i take the drippers from the one getting too much and swap with the one not getting enough and now the flow stops and reverse course and still the one overwatered getting too much and the underwatered one still underwatered. shit's driving me crazy. i think maybe because the pot sizes are uneven so i'm gonna switch over to all one size pots and because some of these plants are getting so big that the drip just isn't enough they suck it all up in between waterings. bigger pots might just make it all that much worse or maybe better since i have more time before they dry? or maybe the roots will just overtake the larger pots leaving me with even bigger plants that drink even more? so far i'm thinking more column B than A based on how big this deez is getting in the larger close to 1 gallon i guesstimate pots.


anyway. mega update today gonna document everything in the tent. except deez. first up is BSK#3 @ ...i think 6 weeks about now. i put em in the day i got the tent so just about 6-7 weeks. closer to 6 than 7. smells are not reliable right now. been suffering a lot for the last 3 weeks or so. i thought it was a calcium def or overfeeding so i took her off the sauce and hand watered till she looked hungry again, put her back on the sauce and the calcium def looking issues return. after studying a little i think maybe the K in the nutes are too much for these BSK (they both show it to some degree) i'll keep that in mind for the next time around. i'm still testing this maxigro. i might have to get some more gh Micro there doesn't seem to be enough between the maxigro and the bloom additives i have on hand. oh yeah back to the smells. on her good days she has a deep funk i can't explain really. one day i thought burnt rubberbands. specifically rubberbands not burnt rubber like tires. on her bad days she smells like concentrated grass. from the too much nitrogen. i'm still working on a good formula for using this maxigro. full strength is way too much and half is not enough.


BSK#4 this one is the better yielder of the two remaining. the BSK#1 was very sensitive and was just too much of a pain and it autoflowered. also smelled only of grass, but had a very strong body stone. i ended up hashing it. too dense and a mold magnet. #2 hermed in week 4-5 so she had to go. but i rooted a clone i might run her again when i flower my males so i don't have to worry about if she gets seeded. anyway back to this #4. she's a strong yielder even though it doesn't look like it here. like i said both have been plagued with issues. this one is one of the ones that's always thirsty. as a result salt buildup occurs fast and nute lockout. if i could keep her properly hydrated those buds would be the size of literal solid golf balls. this one is really dense. gonna clone and run again. smells are a lighter version of the smells on #3. but that may change once they get rid of the excess nitrogen.


Florideez #3 i think is the number i decided for this one. this one is soooo ridiculously stretchy. i had to top and supercrop and it's still too tall. i haven't grown a sativa this leggy since i was in "the old country" and leggy meant more than 2 feet tall. this one is reminiscent (literally) of the AD mom. smells like a floral arrangement with a musky dank smell behind it. handles the nutes better than everyone else. at the very least of the 3 FDeez.


FloriDeez#2 this one along with #1 (possibly all 3, i never topped the mom) resemble the mom in structure and leaf shape and pattern identically. this one smells like the danky smell in the mom more than any other smell i can identify. i wanna call it a chocolate smell. but like a richer darker chocolate...like the fudge topping they put on ice cream, or bakers chocolate, the dark kind. but not the darkest one you know? hard to explain. but i'm watching this one the most.


FLoriDeez#1 This one so far hasn't produced much smell but i'm sure it's got something for me in there. it's sensitive to nitrogen and the reason i didn't finish mixing all the nitrogen into this batch yet. wanna make sure it's not continuing the leaf curl but if the rest of the plants show they are needing more nitrogen then i'm gonna have to just take her off and hand water. all 3 are really heavy drinkers and eaters but this one seems to need more magnesium than nitrogen, or possibly just not enough magnesium period making it look like too much nitrogen. i might have to go back to organic nutes next round this is too much work. i prefer to just add epsom salts here and there or lime here and there. 5ml this this time, 7ml next time, but 15 of the other stuff this time, bring the pH down, raise it up. lower the PPM's raise the EC. ugh.

besides i seem to get more pronounced frost and stronger smells/tastes with organic. it's not a gigantic difference but it's definitely noticeable. if i had to quantify it with a number i would say up to 20%.
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Gold Rush (ATFxOrtega) a.k.a "DickLicker" @ 65-66 days it's starting to fade but it's gonna run longer than 4 more weeks. well normally it would. i'm gonna take it early and i'll have to run it again for a proper test. had some bad root dying and when they recovered they sucked up a bunch of nitrogen and exploded with a bunch of growth i hadn't noticed they weren't doing. anyway all these foxtails popping out are unwanted and lead to possible nanners and definite lack of taste flavor and quality of high. so i took her off the sauce immediately, clipped a couple lowers to try and clone. gonna hand water her out till she's done. hope the clones take. like you don't even know. these things are the densest nugs i've ever grown hands down, and on top of that they don't seem like lousy "mersh" nugs. has a sweet skunky smell to it, still has the lemony and piney minty fruity smells individually but when you smell it all together... smells like sweaty girl funk (armpits). if you know what that smells like. anyway i'm falling in love with the aroma and i hope the high is as pleasant.

next time around i'm gonna give her more nitrogen that she wants and more K.



Lastly but certainly not the leastly is my Weezy. she's at 77 days here and i've decided around 77-80 days is most ideal for her after having run her at least 6 times if not more by now. i'm sure it's prolly closer to 10-12. but whatever. she's good if you're impatient at 63 days. but she's solid at 80. found that topping her actually reduces yield and she likes more of her phosporous during veg than in flower like most plants. in the future i will start her off as freshly rooted or no more than 2 week old young clones and no topping. i'll post dry pics later but half of this is popcorn i didn't bother taking off the stem. just into the trim bag. when dry i'll use it for hard-times smokes or to cook. fed a lot of P during flower this time so no hints of blue, hardly any purple at all, this time around in fact it was detrimental. grew a lot of leaf in flower vs buds. last time i take advice from the peanut gallery. can't say i never listened to anything they advised. but i'm gonna continue doing it my working way like i've been doing it. more space was all i ever needed and more time. looks like i got a little bit of one of those now.

till later. ciao.