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how far north freezeland will be fine? in canada northern terretories? north 60?

nepal has similar pink pistils


grown north 61lat


New member
I had looked far and wide for a plant that would suite my needs. I'm not as far north as you but, after trying many strains over the years, I am happy to say Freezeland is a solid performer, and the best bet I gladly make each year. Some autos are going to finish sooner, but they will probably lack the weight of finished bud. maybe you could put them in a greenhouse of some kind, and extend the season a few more weeks. If anyone can suggest another strain for the northern grower that is comparable to Freezeland, please tell us.


what can i tell you it was this spring till -6c temps on late may
it rained wet snow on middle of summer
maybe 3 days +25c
others under
in september its 100% humidity every day and +1-+15max temps mostly +1-+10

october there is no uv and -C temps for sure

oh we have more sun light more north you go it comes peak in summer and goes down to winter fast but in summer we have more sunlight than you still 13hours daylight now

i need strains that start on june and finnish start of september or lates half september

but if it finnish there on september it sucks ass here and is too late im pretty sure..

that means it finnish on late october or november when its snow

so you are like on latitute 45-50? even 55latitude strains are hard to finnish here pretty much makes poop stuff that you can eat or extract but still you get very little

best is auto here in shit summer becouse it finnish for sure some photosensitive strains might not

so if freezeland finnish there like in july or late june on 55latitudes

it might finnish here on late september?

they need to start push flower when there is 18-17hours daylight to perform best for me 16,5 latest im pretty sure

finnished resin is better than lots of unfinnished resin and poop plants just take room for autos that is the problem i face

if some breeders sell photosensitives or ''semi-autos'' and dont know how those strains even act there is no way to tell if they make it here

esbe is good becouse he marks the latitudes

i can say that last 3 summers finland has just gone colder and colder summer i hope fourth one have some global warming :Dd winters are pretty much same maybe little bit more wet and not so much snow but what ever


misterD farmhouse
Hey buddy,

You should look for hybrids of hell, and line like "wild1" they are semi auto! With little to no cares, you can fastly get some good greasy sativa buds! :D


hybrids from hell dont sell any autoflowers so how can it be semiauto?

you can clone hybridsfromhell stuff and veg them 2 months , if i would veg autoflower for 2 months i would have bud before planting them outdoor


that term is wrong for what the semi+autoflower means



i have tried it its too slow =) danish gold is better here example or wildsuper 07
they are pretty much only ones that survive on bad summer and there is shit phenos and good phenos and maybe 1-2 out of 10 are fast and photosensitive enough to trigger the flower under 18-17hours daylight
i think in big pot you can veg them as long as the roots hit too much on bottom but 1-2months easy

others need that 15-16 and are too freaking slow

i dont see esbe writing on anystrains of his that its ''semi-auto''=SOME PART OF IT WILL AUTOMATICLY FLOWER UNDER ANY LIGHT CYCLE OR CONDITIONS


''The Wild hybrids all have great medical value against pain, lack of appetite, pain relief and depression.
7-8 weeks flowering, harvest time from sep 1-sep 20, depending on your northern latiudes. Very good against mold. HFH seed packs always contains 13 seeds, carefully hand checked for best possible sprouting. Very early long and happy Sativa, for n lats up to 60.The Wild1 are picked from a single plant with extra potential. The Wild family originates from the same Super Wilds that are worked Eno genetics dusted with Danish Gold(Danish Passion x Guerilla Gold). Please remember that all HFH hybrids are made for the great outdoor and natural lights only.''

VEG THEM UNDER 20hours on light if you dont want them to trigger flower from the 18hours daylight that they need to start it or 21 hours better
fast phenos will do that but they turn back to veg if you give them more than 18hours so no way thats autoflower of any kind

BUT WE need to go deeper still!

SEMI AUTO CAN BE PHOTOSENSITIVE SEMI AUTO (so semi part of it will photosensitivly flower under 18->15hours and other semi part of it will AUTOFLOWER automaticly under any light cycle)


SEMI AUTO CAN BE REGULAR PHOTOPERIOID SEMI AUTO (so semi part of it will regular photoperioid trigger in under 12/12 or something 14/10.. and semi part of it will AUTOFLOWER automaticly under any light cycle)

so witch semi auto you think it is? this is fucking confusing :D

also i think someone can think it autoflowers if they veg in too low light cycle for fast phenos and they dont have as much sun light as in north in summer.. north 65 lats i think its 24h daylight in midsummer

good ''super-auto'' can be good as fast photosensitive one for my taste not much yield difference

but medium size auto can be 1:2 yield

and miniautos are just funny, i think part problem for miniautos is too picky crossing to indoor plants that dont like cold and little tiny bit of cutted root when planting. sometimes you dont even see cutting it much. i think best way is to pour autos out of small pots becouse i think even cutted small root hair can trigger fast auto to be miniauto xD i only veg autos for 2 first leaf pair max i find animals dont eat them as much as seed in ground cant veg autos really much more if you dont know if its ''mini med or ''super'' big'' autos start flower from week 1-5

i might try them once more becouse i think even the wild super 07 had only 1 pheno out of was it 13 seeds or how many those packs have.. fast one

it should do becouse danish gold and guerilla gold should do but i dont know if wild 1 is selected late phenos..

this is fast pheno photosentive

i think its like 18 hours daylight maybe even 18,5

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misterD farmhouse
I had looked far and wide for a plant that would suite my needs. I'm not as far north as you but, after trying many strains over the years, I am happy to say Freezeland is a solid performer, and the best bet I gladly make each year. Some autos are going to finish sooner, but they will probably lack the weight of finished bud. maybe you could put them in a greenhouse of some kind, and extend the season a few more weeks. If anyone can suggest another strain for the northern grower that is comparable to Freezeland, please tell us.

Hey man, that could interesting you ... I sale online a freezeland cross wich is killer in canadian north part like your :D


under 55 latitudes pretty much every single one photosensitive ''early'' flowers just fine if they get enough sun light and dont grow in bush


New member
Yes, I see the problems. I am guessing the only way to sort this out is to run a few of the likely candidates indoors, but under your specific light parameters. Or you can track down a breeder who breeds outdoors at the highest latitudes possible. (maybe there's a breeder from Chile/Argentina which is also 50 degrees (south). Could there be a legal seed seller in Uraguay with the connections to their southern neighbours.
However there are likely more strains available from the N. Hemisphere. I am about 50 Degrees. I plant seeds after May long weekend and harvest after Halloween. My plants keep growing despite dropping to -4 for a few hours each night at the end of October. Once you find some good seeds that like living at your location, keep inbreeding some of them and you'll find the best ones stand out each year. Each year the earliest phenos will produce the best seeds. Keep track of which plants are fastest and reproduce just those seeds each season. Eventually your strain will change to meet your needs. Hope this helps.


i have not heard any chile or argentina seedbanks :D or breeder
can you tell one

yeah like i said about 95% of photosensitives did not make it this summer so i picked the 3 good ones out of maybe 100

its top 3 shittiest summer on 70years


misterD farmhouse
That very nice from you, but please don't forget than it's the "freezeland" thread here :D

Et idéalement ont parle francais ;)


Seed Whore
I wish the Pluton 2 that helped create the Freezeland was available.

I could have fun with a plant like that. :biggrin:

Mon francais c'est plus comme du franglais. :laughing:


See the world through a puff of smoke
Je parle et ecrit Francais un petit peu maintenant, mais je suis appendre le language.:D

Friesland is not the only province where you have a high humidity, the whole country has a humid climate.We had some varieties in the past which were quite mold resistant, but most of them are gone.Indoor growing took it over and even indoor there're mold problems.

Have Freezeland beans in the fridge.Perhaps next year.Personally i like those pink pistils.
How is the aroma really like? Only pine smell?


misterD farmhouse
Je parle et ecrit Francais un petit peu maintenant, mais je suis appendre le language.:D

Friesland is not the only province where you have a high humidity, the whole country has a humid climate.We had some varieties in the past which were quite mold resistant, but most of them are gone.Indoor growing took it over and even indoor there're mold problems.

Have Freezeland beans in the fridge.Perhaps next year.Personally i like those pink pistils.
How is the aroma really like? Only pine smell?

Hey pal,

Not only pine, a bit of sweet floral note. Sometime if grown very organic, i smell some meat note in her aroma!


misterD farmhouse
I wish the Pluton 2 that helped create the Freezeland was available.

I could have fun with a plant like that. :biggrin:

Mon francais c'est plus comme du franglais. :laughing:

Brad been lucky to find the old pluton 2 from sssc on sale at HD back in the days!

That's how he BX the line, cause originally there's no pluton in the line. :tiphat:


Qui as le vrai freezeland pour troquer contre mes trucs

c'est une des genetiques qui me fais rappeler a ma jeunesse et je serais vraiment content d'aider a la maintenir et partager.

SVP PLEASE anyone with real friesland genetics :tree: please hit me up i would really appreciate it