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Freeman-on-the-land - Lawful not Legal

Freeman to the enth degree (Not Masonic)

Freeman to the enth degree (Not Masonic)

To tactical farmer.....

Hey man, didn't mean to get your feathers ruffled. And I FULLY appreciate what your saying. I'm just SICK OF THE FUCKING TYRANNY!!!!

Not YOU!

YOU are loved, appreciated and fully respected. I'm sorry if i made you feel unappreciated.

I was attacking the message, not the messenger.

You, as a messenger, my friend, ARE my friend. In freedom, and with respect.
Lessons for the wise....

Okay, about US, not the U.S. (United States), but you and me, US. "WE". the FREE people.

What makes us FREE?

It's the fact that we are born free, not under obligation or contract.

If you work for a corporation, then you are OBLIGED to that corporation , to a certain degree, correct?

Well, to what degree?

Whatever you agree to, correct?

Well then, only employees are obligated to the United States Corporation, correct?

That is what they "assume" you are, an "employee".

How do you rebut that presumption?

You cannot do that by defending yourself in court.

The reason why......

Because you are "defending".....

If you defend...you admit the controversy, itself....correct?

Well, how do you avoid "defending"?

#1 - NEVER Hire a LIAR, sorry...Lawyer.....
Because the lawyer, although he may be Jesus best friend....may in fact be Judas....the betrayer....

Because his BAR License says "British Accredited Registry" [B.A.R.)
That means he works for the British Crown, instituted in the United States Corporation in 1871 in New York, and used to implement the new standard, the "Codes", , immidiately after the civil war, first adopted in New York, then throughout the states, illegally.

The "Codes" in New York, set the standard for the "Motor Vehicle Code", Code of Civil Procedure", "Penal Code" and "Civil Code", if I remember correctly.

These "codes" were adopted illegally, by all states, and never enacted into "Positive Law". Therefore, they are invalid, in truth.

The positive law, and lack thereof for standing, i'm talking about, was discovered by Joe Allen, Thomas Marvin Maxwell, and another fellow, all whom I knew in the Valley in Los Angeles, who gave lectures and wrote a couple private books I still own, today.

For the Record, "How the Heck are Ya?"

Proves that the enabling statutes to enact the codes into positive law, were in fact, NEVER ENACTED........

That means that ALL CODES ARE INVALID!!!!!

Statutes....Codes. etc.....are all Invalid.....

That's the truth.....

But, does anyone know this?

And why not???

I've known it for over ten years now....what does that do for me?

NOTHING!!! Because you all don't know it yet!!!!

So, a jury will still convict me, for lack of knowledge and willful ignorance...I would die a freeman still, hanging in public, until you all woke up!!!
My UCC-1 was filed, appropriately, in 1999, in December, approx.

I filed it immediately upon Roger Elvick's release from Prison and the NEW Redemption information was newly being taught. I was the very first case in the united states to implement "redemption/UCC" into my defending arguments in a medical marijuana case in Los Angeles in 1999, in Van Nuys Superior Court.

Yeah i'll bet you all want to know what it did for me, huh?

The judge referred to me, behind my back, to the attorney that I had representing me, for a moment....as "the freeman".....

The judge actually acknowledged me as a "freeman" in private to the attorney.....that was a proud moment of glory fr me.....but it's not over....that was ten years ago.....

I was recently arrested in medical related case......we'll see how it goes....but for the moment, I will not make comments about it, other than that.
The Original 13th Amendment

The Original 13th Amendment

In 1812, the United States was invaded by Great Britain. This is widely known, however, the cause it rarely observed, and through history books, well, hidden.

The war was not caused over Hemp, as Jack concluded. I disagree.

The war was not caused over all the "junk" that history books and wiki would lead you to believe.

The facts of the time, lay the reason to bare for all to see....

In 1812, 12 of 13 states that were required to ratify an amendment, .... had NOW, as of 1812, ratified an amendment, VERY IMPORTANT to American history, in far reaching implications.....the HIDDEN and SECRET 13th Amendment!!!!!

You all know the "common" 13th Amendment...the one which "set the slaves free, amen...", right?

Well, that was NOT the REAL 13th Amendment.....

Get ready for this.....people, because YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE IT!!!

But it's 100% TRUE!!!

In 1812, AFTER the 12th state of the 13 REQUIRED to pass an amendment, the 2/3 rule...had passed the ORIGINAl 13th Amendment...which stated, in fact..., as quoted here, exactly....

Article 13, ratified in 1819, reads as follows:

If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain and title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.
The following states and/or territories have published the Titles of Nobility 13th Amendment in their official publications as a ratified amendment to the Constitution of the United States in the following years:

Colorado ------- 1861, 1862, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1967, 1868
Connecticut --- 1821, 1824, 1835, 1839
Dakota ---------- 1862, 1863, 1867
Florida ---------- 1823, 1825, 1838
Georgia --------- 1819, 1822, 1837, 1846
Illinois ------------ 1823, 1825, 1827, 1833, 1839, dis. 1845
Indiana ----------- 1824, 1831, 1838
Iowa --------------- 1839, 1842, 1843
Kansas ----------- 1855, 1861, 1862, 1868
Kentucky -------- 1822
Louisiana -------- 1825, 1838/1838 [two separate publications]
Maine ------------- 1825, 1831
Massachusetts -1823
Michigan -------- 1827, 1833
Mississippi ------ 1823, 1824, 1839
Missouri ---------- 1825, 1835, 1840, 1841, 1845*
Nebraska --------- 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1873
North Carolina - 1819, 1828
Northwestern Territories --- 1833
Ohio --------------- 1819, 1824, 1831, 1833, 1835, 1848
Pennsylvania --- 1818, 1824, 1831
Rhode Island ---- 1822
Virginia ---------- 1819 (ratification by 13th State)
Wyoming -------- 1869, 1876

Totals: 24 States in 78 separate official government publications.

At the END of the civil war, the attorney general wrote to all the states, (in the midst of all the confusion), and asked then to submit their proper ratifications of the Original 13th Amendment.....13 States, included their submissions. All but one, was needed for final approval before the war broke out...gee, what a coincidence, huh?...and the British invaded and at the end, in 1819, all but one had submitted approval and ratification....Virginia!!!
But Alas, Virginia had the numbers needed and approved it and sent it over to the state legislature for submission.

It was recorded in approx 24 states constitutions over the years between 1819 and 1857, when the last state, Colorado, was known to have published it. (copies have been found with it, for Colorado as late as 1857).

Then, in 1868, after the civil war, after Lincoln declared Martial Law and suspended the Constitution and enacted the Liber Codes, the original 13th Amendment has since vanished, and the 13th Amendment that set the slaves free, that has never been properly ratified, as well as the 14th Amendment which created a new form of US Citizenship, has also never been properly ratified, has since taken place and eradicated the true and original constitution and it's true and real amendments, all under the pretext of "Martial Law", which the courts actually ruled at the time, have standing in law, ONLY when and where actual disobedience and outright rebellion to the law is occurring in the form of burning of courthouses etc, and only strictly in jurisdiction tot the actual time and location of the event, and for no longer or in any greater capacity..."

In other words, even in times of Martial Law, the courts rules that it only applied to the exact location and time of the event, until the event was no longer a threat, and pertained to burning of courthouses as an example....- from a book from 1906 titled, "Act of State in English Law"

That means that ANY attorney in the United States that has a BAR license is FORBIDDEN and EXPATRIATED from Citizenship!!!!!


Well, at the end of the Civil War....the Constitution was reconvened, like I said...under EXECUTIVE ORDER, NOT LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY!!! (Constitutional Rule)

What happened to the Original 13th Amendment?


That's what criminals do!!!

The Bar association and ALL LAWYERS, I.E. NORML, are ALL FUCKING CRIMINALS!!!!

in 1857, as LATE AS 1857, a COLORADO Constitution was found to have this Original Amendment in it.....

ALL OTHER Constitutions after 1871....(what did I say about 1871?)...ALL have the NEW 13th Amedmend in them...and a 14th Amenment that talks about the new citizenship for black folks. The United States Citizens.....
Along with their new "Birth Certificates" which certify corporate "ownership".....or evidences of "debt".....

Only problem is this...along with ALL THE OTHER FRAUD.....

The Original 13th Amendment was proceeded by a 14th Amendment in some states that were "keeping track".....

That 14th Amendment was the "freedom for slaves", 13th amendment act!!!!!


now can do whatever the hell they want.....and people don't even know about the laws that have been buried underneath the dust of our once great country and civilly instituted government....


What a fucking brilliant idea!!!!!

Why didn't some Nintendo head think of that one?
Green Gold - Tree of Life - FIJA

Green Gold - Tree of Life - FIJA

I've known Lynn and Judy Osborne since 1992.

While I have had my bouts with Lynn over "Sovereignty" for a few years, and I have always talked shit to Jack about him...(I'm sorry Lynn), I truly appreciate his and Judy's efforts for their involvement in the FULLY INFORMED JURY ASSOCIATION.

My only problems with Lynn were issues dealing with Sovereignty, and his refusal to accept it's relevance in politics and law, and freedom, but his spirit is based in freedom, and for that I salute him. Both of them have been very important in the push for freedom in relation to Sovereignty, in regards to this very important issue....


They can never take that away from us, although they may try...

Did you know? .... ?????

That US citizens were only guaranteed rights to trial by jury since 1967?


There is much to learn, folks....

Welcome to Freedom, and slavery to information and learning!!! - lol


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
much thanks for your contribution medical green. so do you currently make payments using fake american currency or do you sign for stuff as a sovereign?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Great posts medicalgreen. Many thanks for info. Hopefully more and more people will begin to see our country for what it really is. Knowledge is power and power to the people may one day equal freedom from tyranny.
much thanks for your contribution medical green. so do you currently make payments using fake american currency or do you sign for stuff as a sovereign?

Like most people, I pay with fraudulent reserve notes. The reason being, financial crimes are the hardest to beat, because the dumbed down public will buy anything a prosecutor tells them.

If people can go to jail for offering a store a Silver Liberty Dollar, when its just a form of currency that was declared "legal", then we can all get in trouble for just about anything.

I have been tempted over the years, to put it mildly.

Roger Elvick never uses fraudulent reserve notes, he always pays with closed account checks, promissory notes or his signature. I know this for a fact.

He does not always get what he wants, either. Sometimes he just get's hassled.

But he has bought things, paid bills and lives practically fake dollar free.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
An article I found about our worthless Federal Reserve Note.

The US Does Not Own Or Control Its Money System ZeroHedge

What is money?

Most of our adult lives are devoted to making this stuff. Next to food, water, and sleep it’s the #1 concern for most human beings in the US. Nearly 80% of divorced couples cite financial difficulties as a reason for the divorce. And the American Psychological Association reports that 73% of Americans cite money as a source of significant stress.

And yet, despite being the medium for every economic transaction in our financial system, few if any individuals actually understand what money is and how it works in today’s Federal Reserve banking system.

So I ask again, what is money?

The common answer is: Dollar bills or coins.

The common answer is wrong.

The US monetary system is in fact entirely backed-by debt. Dollars are not actually assets, they are debt-backed instruments produced by the Federal Reserve. I realize this is difficult to swallow, but have a look at the Dollar bill itself.

Note the top of the bill does NOT read “US Dollar” or “official currency of the United States.” Instead it reads “Federal Reserve Note.”

Roger Elvick has a theory that he has good reason to believe, is truth.

Since we should all be creditors, not debtors, borrowing other's money, that when we USE and HOLD Federal reserve Notes, we are ADMITTING the evidence of debt right there on our person.

The reason it is evidence of debt is because the note itself, represents, DEBT, not CREDIT. The "dollar" is a borrowed instrument, i.e. Promissory Note, but it's not just a Promissory Note, it's a BORROWED promissory Note, from the Federal Reserve, a Private bank.

Roger believes jurisdiction (for the Unites States of Slavery) extended to all who carry the notes, making all people who use the worthless paper, to be indebted slaves, and walking surety for the debt.

A Federal Reserve note, the minute it's issued, represents "debt". If you have $50 in your pocket, you do not have $50, you have "evidence of $50 worth of debt".

Try that one on for size, and see how it fits.

Each day i'm inspired to, as I can, i'll provide tidbits of information to be studied and pursued by the freedom fighters on the forum.
Criminal Process

Criminal Process

What happens during criminal process?

"Mr. So and so, you are charged with 3 felony counts of cultivation, transportation, and possession for sale of cannabis...How do you plead?"


"The fictional corporate bankruptcy court has reason to believe that you have broken employee code, as we have reason to believe you work for us, Mr. [NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS], since we are just a business and we have no business with you unless you work for us....."

..."We have charged you with 3 counts, whereby we have noticed the agencies that you have 3 accounts set up, whereby your corporate name is now a debtor to these charges."

..."You, owe the corporation, titled "The State of California", a fine for employee misconduct, by violating our policy codes.", you now owe on these 3 accounts and we call them "felonies".

"Our system, you see, cannot operate without your consent, unless we admit we have you under absolute slavery, so we have devised a set of unknown rules and principals which rely on commercial law, to secretly steal your wealth".

"You see, your charges are what charge the system to act on your behalf...actually on our behalf, to your detriment, because you have lost all knowledge of your true ownership of the country, and since we have taken control, we don't have to tell you otherwise....."

"Your charges are the electrical energy used to enslave you, and you just submit to it, without realization. So, we have set up our circuit courts to capture that energy emitting from your ignorant mass of tv and sports consuming blubber"

"So, once we have set up these accounts and charged you, electrically, financially, and energetically....and you believe they are real and criminal.....the CON is ON!!!!!"

"Now, we set up an account in a bank with your name as the surety for a debt, through your bail bond, and we place it on the market and make money off it, while you languish in prison....."

"The signatures you gave us, gave us the money we needed to take out loans on the stock market in YOUR CAPITAL LETTER NAME.....and now, your attorney has assured us, that you are are going to play by our rules, and since we own this court, and you don't know your bankrupt, but even more important, you don't know you aren't!!!.....because you can pay all debts with your signature, like for like, dollar for dollar...."

1. Charges are electrical and financial.

2. Circuit Courts capture electrical energy and harness it to your detriment and to the benefit of the fictional corporate state.

3. Currency is used to enslave you, because if you hold it, you get shocked! because it's debt, representing death, not credit, representing life.

4. All courts are bakruptcy courts adjudicating issues of debt, not guilt or innocence, but debtor or creditor.

5. People who use Federal Reserve Notes are assumed debtors, and therefore subject to bankruptcy courts.

6. A Freeman is a creditor, not a debtor. A Freeman does not need to use Federal Reserve Notes, because he/she can issue their own credit with their own signature.

7. Money is all debt. Only signatures give credit, or living artificial constructs, all debts are dead artificial constructs.

8. A Birth Certificate certifies a deposit on account.

9. All Capital Letters represent DEAD entities, or "artificial corporate souls".

10. Corporations cannot ever, and will never be able to control a

11. All debts are voluntary.

12. HJR-192 took us officially off the Gold Standard because, in 1933, on June 5, it was passed and stated to the effect that "all debts incurred from this day forward, may be discharged like for like, or dollar for dollar. This literally meant no debts were valid for payment in substance anymore, only credit was the acceptable payment, therefore signatures now RULED, because that is how credit is created. You cannot be forced to pay back a debt, if there is no gold in circulation anymore ot pay them with, correct? You cannot be forced to borrow someone else' money correct? So, how do you think debts get paid, when money is extracted every year for interest on the debt? It has to come from somewhere!

13. All charges are claims that have not been filed as such, and are therefore only valid as true claims once you put your signature to them and validate them. The state cannot make claims themselves, because they are a fictional entity, and therefore cannot be injured.

14. More coming tomorrow.
It's BEYOND staggering Billy Big Bud....

Check it out, alright...

A little about "legal terms".


"Word-Meaning in Legal Interpretation
by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
(Dartmouth College)

When judges decide how to interpret laws, they cite many factors to
support their favored interpretations. Among these factors, judges often cite the
meanings of the words in the laws and the intentions of the legislators who
passed the laws. These two factors have led to two schools of thought about
legal interpretation: textualism and intentionalism.

At the most general level, textualists claim that the meanings of the words
in the text should guide interpretation, whereas intentionalists claim that an
author’s intentions should guide interpretation. These doctrines could be
adopted for all interpretations, or at least all interpretations of language,
including interpretations of literature, the Bible, and everyday conversation, in
addition to law. However, since there might be differences among the standards
of interpretation in various areas, or even among different actors in a legal
system, we will focus exclusively on legal interpretations by judges. Judicial
textualists claim that the common meanings of words in laws should guide
judicial interpretations of those laws, whereas judicial intentionalists claim that
such interpretations should be guided by the intentions of legislators (or of
earlier judges when precedents are interpreted).

It's a very long article but worth reviewing - Here is why....

The term person applies to corporations in law, so laws that say, "no person shall" may actually mean "no corporation shall", but you can still be charged for the offense because of "legal presumption"....

You see, when things changed to commercial law, back in the 1930's and 40's, contract law and contracts prevailed ever since.

So, when you are being charged in a bankruptcy court, (superior court etc.,), you are in the position where someone, (most likely the cop) wrote up a complaint against you. That is not a charge, because the cop was not injured and never made a claim in the UCC. So, when you "appear", you give energy to the charges, and they use that to move the presumption along. Presumption works like this, in contract law and commerce, and its the way things are, so you better know your stuff, in case someone, like the IRS does this to you....

"Sir, you owe $90,000,000,00,000.00 in taxes because the government is bankrupt and you are our slave, at lest we presume you to be, so here is what we claim you owe us...."

Now, once they can show, through process or evidence they have presented you with this bill, it is now up to you to rebut it, word for word, point for point. This is perfectly fair, actually, because it gives you a chance to reply. If you do not reply, it is assumed you default, or walk away from the battlefield, because you failed to reply to the affidavit. Now you are whats considered "dishonor".

You lose, automatically.

More coming soon.
Ah, the Freeman on the Land thing! Funny, so funny ....

..... But also, very misleading and dangerous.

:snap out of it:

You are half right, half wrong.

It is not misleading to learn and study truth and law.
It is very dangerous to practice it on your own in the courts these days without many years of study and lots of courage, and even still, the fascists kill presidents, so not much stops them.

If we were not currently run under complete anarchy toward constitutional law, and our politicians were not all lawyers, and our judges were not in bed with every member of the British Accredited Registry, (B.A.R.), and were not not overtaken by revolution by the British through legal manipulation, starting in 1872 with the introduction to the BAR association in New York, the legal stronghold of York, England, and the City of London, then I would say....yeah, were could be safe affecting change...however, it IS DANGEROUS affecting liberty because tyranny will kill, but freedom loving people will not, usually, unless they are put against a wall, and have no choice.....

The founding fathers were were not "safe" and what they did was extremely "dangerous", and now we have, or had, for a short period of a few years in this country, the semblance of what freedom COULD look like, if people are awake to legal manipulation and paper tyranny.
For someone thats thinks this is a joke they should look at current "visual living examples".

The Amish & Native Americans - they seem to have what we want ?

* Thanks for sharing your knowledge MG :)
Only the Brave must face the fire...and so only the brave may get burned, and only the brave may learn to step on hot coals and not get burned.

The following is something I wrote off the top of my head one day i was upset with the artificial system, and devised a way to mess with them.

The following may or may not work. I have not tried it. I have tried to get past the first question, and had a hard time from the judge, but a brave person with some confidence could pull this one off.

The situation in court is that they MUST get your agreement each and every step into your demise. If you are representing yourself, or perhaps you don't have a very serious situation to try this out with, you may want to use this approach.

From what I have learned, you cannot get into trouble for asking questions for things you do not understand, and since they ask you, first off, "Do you understand the charges against you?" ...
You can actually say, "No, Your Honor, I do not".

It has been explained to me, that "understanding" means to "stand under", or to be held to something. "Standing on your principals" is another way to hear and see and view the words themselves. When you stand for something, you put yourself behind it, ...maybe as "surety" for the debt?

So, the first thing you want to know, is ......

Now recently, in my own case, the police did not want to accept my note. They did not believe I was who I said I am. So, if they can question whether our credentials are valid or not.....maybe we should ask them a few questions of our own, before we enter a plea...after all, it's our lives and freedom on the line, right? We have a chance to confront our accusers in court, and although the judge is not the court, if you do not understand your charges, then someone has some explaining to do, correct?

Here are some questions that would be good to get off our chests, before we give them anything, so much as our names!

The first part is the question to the Prosecutor, after you call him to the stand (if and when possible), the second, to the officer once you have him on the stand. The second set of questions was centered around a local traffic stop a couple years ago. It can be changed to suit the situation.

It's very important to remember something.

They have NOTHING on you, until TESTIMONY is entered into EVIDENCE.
The DA could read charges for 14 hours straight, but if nothing is entered into evidence, there is no evidence, and testimony is the most powerful evidence. (The power of the Testicles, to swear on your word, and the word of God, and your sacred honor, your Testicles, or Testimony, as it has been called for ages) --
So get that cop on that stand, and have him admit the fact that there are no charges and he has no claim against you, and you have established a serious precedent for your appeal if they railroad you, and the fact that the cop admits he is a dumb ass on the stand, helps your case tremendously)

What is the name of the agency that employs you?
How long have you been employed by the agency mentioned or State of California?
Is the State of California, a corporation, different from the California state, or Republic?
Are you personally aware of the difference between the State of California and the California Republic?
Is the agency that employs you part of the Judicial branch of government?
Are you personally registered to do business in the State of California?
Do you have proof of your Registration in the Chamber of Commerce of the State of California?
(If so, May I see it, please)

Let the Record Reflect.....(Each time)

Do you have a claim against me?
Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?

Who is the holder of the bond on this account?

Do you have a proper assessment done on these charges?
May I see it then?

Are you aware that it is a crime to make charges without an assessment first?

Do you have personal knowledge or evidence that you are willing to swear to and testify to hear today, under penalty of perjury, that ******* is a US Citizen?

Do you have personal knowledge or evidence that the natural person, standing here before you, today, is a naturally dead, artificially created civil debtor entity?

Do you, Mr. John Doe, doing business as Prosecutor JOHN DOE, either in your natural or your corporate status, have any contract or implied agreement with *********?
If so, when and where did this agreement or contract take place?

To your knowledge, does the fact that a natural person holds a Driver's License compel that same person to be obligated to contract with the state in matters of infractions of misdemeanors or to accept any and all fines fees and levies imposed by a court?

To your knowledge, does the fact that a natural person holds a Driver's License, imply that all activities carried out by them are done so in "commerce"?

To your knowledge, does the fact that a natural person holds a Driver's License, imply that all of their traveling done in their automobile, is actually the act of driving in their vehicle, and therefore, considered "commerce?

Do you have any evidence that the California Motor Vehicle Code was ever properly enacted into Positive Law?
Do you know where I may find the enabling statutes?
Have you seen and read them yourself?
Are you willing to testify here today, under Penalty of Perjury to having firsthand knowledge that these enabling statutes exist in fact?

At what point, exactly, does the state or the court have the right to compel a person to contract with them?

Is my appearance in this courtroom today a voluntary act or is it mandated by code or law or contract?

Do you or anyone you know have evidence or firsthand knowledge that ********* was involved in commercial activity?

Do you or your office receive any profit financial benefits in any way from this court appearance?

To your knowledge, is it lawful or legal to accuse or assume a debt upon someone, hand them an order to pay, and require their court appearance for non-performance?

Well, would you please read and review the document I have here in front of me and read it into the record?

Hand Mr. John Doe, doing business as PROSECUTOR JOHN DOE, paperwork/bill for services rendered.
I would like to call my second witness to the stand, Mr. John Doe #2 Doing Business as OFFICER JOHN DOE #2

Remember: "Let the Record Reflect"

Would you please state your name for the record?
Would you please state the name of the Agency that employs you?
How many years, approx. have you worked in this capacity for this agency?
To your knowledge, is this Agency a Corporation?
To your knowledge, is there any difference between a Corporation and the Republican Form of Government as laid out by the original Framers of the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution for the California Republic?
As a part of your job, are you ever given the law to examine?
Are you aware of the difference between the law, and corporation code?
To your knowledge, is corporation code the same as Law?
Could you describe your job or the function of your job as revenue enforcement or collection?
If not, how would you describe your job or the function of it?

Do you have a claim against me?
Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?

Do you have any evidence that the California Motor Vehicle Code was ever properly enacted into Positive Law?
Do you know where I may find the enabling statutes?
Have you seen and read them yourself?
Are you willing to testify here today, under Penalty of Perjury to having firsthand knowledge that these enabling statutes exist in fact?

To your knowledge, is there a difference between an automobile and a vehicle as defined in the Motor Vehicle Code for the State of California?
If answer is "yes", ...Could you please describe those differences?

Do you have any evidence or firsthand knowledge that ********** was involved in commerce at the time you pulled the automobile over on Sept. 11, 2009?

Could you please describe the events as they happened on the day of September 11, 2009, when you first decided that you were going to pull over the automobile that was occupied by ***********?

Do you remember any part of the conversation that took place when you approached the automobile to speak with Mr. *******?

When you approached the automobile and initiated the verbal exchange, were the headlights on or off?
Can you recall what Mr. ******* stated as the possible reason for the appearance of the lights not being turned on at the moment you decided to pull the automobile over?

When you pulled the automobile over and approached the owner, were the headlights turned off or on at this point?

Were the automobile's headlights broken?
In your opinion, what do you believe the cause was for the lights not being turned on at the moment you spotted the automobile and decided to pull over the occupant?

Do you have any recollection of the conversation that took place between yourself and Mr. *******, in which Mr. ******* explained that the car was newly acquired and he was just checking to make sure the headlights were as bright as they could be, when you noticed that it appeared that the lights were not on?

In the ___ years in your career as a professional & police officer, how many times have you written a ticket to someone for not having their lights on at night, when in fact, the lights were not broken at all?

Could you please state for the court, how in your professional opinion, there arises a benefit to the safety of the public, for writing a ticket to someone who has their lights working on their automobile?

Do you maintain that a person who is in the process of adjusting their headlights at night, for the purpose of brightening them is in any way a threat to the public safety?

Do you see the words "Revenue Slave" written anywhere on my person?

Are you aware that you are party to an illegal extortion racket, disguising itself as a common corporation for the purposes of pillaging the free people of all their wealth?

Ok, so I threw the last few in for fun, but you get the point, hopefully. Get them to admit the facts into evidence.

There have been cases where judges have fled the courtroom, when someone just asks questions like these. I have known this to happen with only a few of these questions asked.

Good luck....more to come in a few days.


******** CA. 9***

Bill for Services Rendered

Fee Scedule -- $1000/Hour

Item #1 -- Time spent standing in line outside courthouse in rain on Dec. 21, 2009 at 7:30-8:00 A.M.
1/2 Hour = $500.00

Item #2 -- Time spent in court on Dec. 21, 2009 at 8:00-9:00 A.M.
1 Hour = $1000.00

Item #3 -- Time spent in court on Feb. 1, 2010 at 3:30-4:00 P.M.
1/2 Hour = $500.00

Amount Due = $2000 if paid before Due date of Feb. 30, 2010
$2,250 if paid after due date of Feb. 30, 2010

Buyer agrees to pay all fees including interest payments by due date.
If unpaid by due date, buyer stipulates that seller may lien or levy
any or all possessions of buyer in recovery of debt.

Buyer - _______________________

Signed - ______________________ - Date Feb. 1, 2010

Signed by Accomodation - __________________ -- Feb. 1, 2010
