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Active member
Hey raq i dont remeber how long everything vegged for, the GS are fast and easy, the m39 was sittin around for quite awile before i decided to throw her into the bucket and flower her, i was gonna take a couple cuts and toss her but a few things i had veggin turned out to have balls so i needed something to fill the gap so i worked out pretty good actually.

and thanks bro i apreciate it! :woohoo:

bonz :wave:


Active member
nice looking tree!!

where's the munchies??? :lurk:


looks like you got another nice haul there, bONZ!!!

should be a blurry, red-eyed summer! :woohoo:


:kewlpics: Thats quite a monster M39 u have in there bro! I know your using GH 3 part for nutes... any additives? I may have asked this before but dont remember the answer... Is each plant going to have its own resovoir or are you going to plumb them all into 1? Any idea what your root temps are? Your roots always look so white and healthy. Anyhoo... keep the awesome pics coming... gonna be fun watching that fatty girl mature. :bigeye:
pea's out,


Tree Grower
:wave: hiya Bonzo my :friends: very nice indeed :jawdrop:. :chin: how many day's vegged on the M-39?Can't wait to see the outcome on her :yummy: .Hope to start another run myself in a couple of week's :woohoo: .Again nice show going on here :wink: .


Active member
:woohoo: :woohoo: Hey there my friends, how are ya? :woohoo: :woohoo:

Sleepy dude! :wave: Thanks man! She is hinda perrty aint she. Shes a little ragetty but thats ok, shes lookin better every day! :woohoo: MUNCHIES!, i love MUNCHIES! :lurk: The OGRE clones did better than the mom, pretty nice.

Howdy MJG, :wave: yeah this system is very smooth :cool: , i really am tryin to do a run of 4 or 5 of these buckets at one time, possibly all one strain and flowered at the correct height. Should be fun! :woohoo: Thanks man!

GM my brotha, whats crackin'!? :wave: Indeed GH 3pt, diggin' the 3pt :woohoo: , when i started growin again i fooled around with couple different nutes but saw some grows that kicked ass with the 3pt and the rest is history. Ive been foolin around with a few additives such as Floralicoius Grow and Bloom, Diamond nectar and my latest one Liquid Karma. I wanted to add some fulvic and humic acids and all these products are mostly acids (I THINK :confused: ).There kinda pricey and if they all do basically the same thing i will stick with the Floralicious cause its the cheapest considering how much they recomend per gallon, 1 teaspoon per. I allways add in veg and bloom: SM-90, Pro-teKt by Dyna Gro but am gonna try Pro-Sillicate by Gro-Tek cause its 1/2 the price of the Dyna Gro. 4 weeks into flower i start the Koolbloom. I have been known to add a splash of Canna PK 13/14 two weeks prior to harvest. All these things are added at bottle directions or less. I have no idea what my rez temps are :confused: , i know they allways feel pretty good to the touch, im gonna get somethin' to read it, i wanna know too! It is indeed fun watchin' her fatten up, shes developing fast. PPMs are at 1500 and shes diggin it! :woohoo: I never took the ppms past 1000 the last run, so i think shes gonna be fatter and hopefully tighter nugz :woohoo: . Thanks dude!

Howdy Teresa! :wave: So good to see ya here! Thanks! The m-39 was in a state of neglect just kinda sittin' around till i decided to put her in flower so all in all she had been veggin' for a couple months at least, but not doin much groein till i decided to flower her. Are we gonna see some pics of your next run? What do you have lined up? Lookin' forward to it! :woohoo:

thanks for droppin by everyone and dont be strangers! :friends: :woohoo:


bONZ :friends:

While i was doin this i started lookin at the acid additives:

Diamond Nectar, 14.95: 0.001% Humic Acids.

Liquid Karma, 18.95: 20% Humic Acid.

Floralicious, 25.95: does not give a percentage.

hmmmmmmmmm :chin:

looks like Liquid Karma may be the one eh? Somethin' to think about.

m-39 babie pic, thats them in the white pot, upper right:

peace again

bonz :wave:


m39...mmm mmm mm.. oh no I wont be a stranger...how bout since you are neglecting it Id take care of it for u..jk seems like you are giving it the love it needs in hydro


ICMag Donor
nice plants bonzo...you got it going on!...the size of those plants are awesome!....very cool, thanks for the nice journey :joint:


Active member
Hey NYCN, :wave: how are ya? good! the more the merrier! It was defenitely plant abuse and she allmost got the axe, :dueling: chop, chop! Im sure glad she was still around when i needed her! She is gettin' much love now.

Howdy Mrs Babba, :wave: nice to see you here too! I kinda would like em' a bit shorter in this setup but its all good, next time im gonna be tryin my hand at some pinching and bending to keep em' in line :whip: . Your welcome for the journey, its my pleasure!

thanks again for comin' by :woohoo:


bonz :wave:


Active member
Good afternoon :wave:

I took a few pics last nite at lights out and wanted to share them with yall just for fun. :woohoo:

The first 4 are the m39:

sorry i had to edit the first pic :wave:

these shots from below are kinda neat:

the whole garden from the door. m39 on the right and 2 Golden Skush and a BOGBubble on the left in ebb & flow buckets:

GS cola in the making, gonna be a bigun!

freedom bucket:

and ebb & flow buckets:

yall have a good evenin'


bonz :wave:


Tree Grower
Bonzo said:
Howdy Teresa! :wave: So good to see ya here! Thanks! The m-39 was in a state of neglect just kinda sittin' around till i decided to put her in flower so all in all she had been veggin' for a couple months at least, but not doin much groein till i decided to flower her. Are we gonna see some pics of your next run? What do you have lined up? Lookin' forward to it! :woohoo:

bonz :wave:

:wave: Bonzo sweetie :friends: thank you for the interest in what i do :respect: .Harvesting current crop tomorrow :canabis: .What's up next will be 2 of Bog's Sour Bubble 2BX, a couple of Woodhourse Seed's U.B.C. Chemo along with 2 of Rez's Sour Diesel :yummy: .Just for u handsome maybe a grow report is in order :respect: to you my :friends: .Again great thread you have going here.Hope all is well with you and your's take care and above all be SAFE :wink: .


Active member
Good afternoon Teresa :wave: , how are ya girlie! How did the HP do? I wanna know. Sounds like an awesome line up for your next run :woohoo: . Thank YOU for taking an interest in what I do!! Lookin forward to your report/thread darlin'. Have a good evenin'


bONZ. :wave:


:kewlpics: WOW :yoinks: Damn bro "NICE" i guess that setuo REALY works! :jawdrop: Cant wait 2 c those girls in flower :sasmokin:


Active member
Good evening IC! :wave: how the hell are yall'!! Been awhile since an update and at this point i have a new favorite plant: My BOGBubble in the ebb & flow system. I am blown away at how fast this plant develops and the structure of the buds: big fat and round. She has been sick ever since i put her in a 6" rockwool cube when she was a babie, i just have not been able to dial her in. Despite looking like hell she is still doin her thing like a champ. I have a cut of her and will do a run of her in the future.

I am a little upset with the m-39. She is defenitly a carrier of the Powdery Mildew. No matter what i do it just keeps comin back. I know i can get rid of it at the end of this grow by doin a top to bottom cleaning and runnin the sulfer burner for a couple days but at this point i will not be growin her again for awhile. I lost a large branch of her due to bud weight, snapped at the joint. I tried to tape it up but it just wilted and died. Other than that she looks great and the Freedom bucket is kickin' ass!

The GS in the ebb & flow look good as well, one seems to be a bit leafier than the other and not quite as resinous but still looks very nice. The GS and the BB show allmost no Powdery Mildew while the m-39 right next to em is pretty bad. I have contemplated cuttin her but im just gonna run the burner and cut the infected leaves and see what happens.

One other note, i have read many grow threads on BOGBubble and heard paople say it smells like bubblegum, well i never woulda believed if i hadnt grown it for myself, smell just like bubblegum! Crazy man!

some pics: first 4 are BOGBubble.

Golden Skush:


GS and BB:

I also started biulding my giant veg/mom/clone cab, should have doors on it by tomorrow. Havnt quite figured out exactly how its gonna be set up but the dimensions are: 3 x 5 x about 7 1/2.

thank you all for stoppin in and ill see ya next time! :woohoo:


bonz :wave:



I love your threads dude!

you always have the coolest ideas all homemade stuff

im not that handy, give me 5 years ;)



Active member
Hello Skunky Demon! :wave: I dont know how i forgot to say hi and thanks man, spaced out as usuall!! Yes indeed this system works great! I will be doing a run soon in all freedoms with a bigger rez, the m39s are very thirsty at this point and its hard to keep the ppms and ph at a constant when the water level gets low. I may even run a passive rez with a float valve to keep the active rez topped off :chin: . Thanks again my friend!

Howdy bongsmoke! :wave: good to see ya! Thank you so much, i honestly think i was born with a hammer in my hand! :confused: I have been biulding things for as long as i can remember so naturally it became my proffession and my passion (sort of) It sure does help when puttin together a grow! If you ever need a tip or two dont hesitate to give me a holla! Id love to help you out if you need it. :woohoo:

thanks again for comin by! :woohoo:


bONZ :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Bonzo - your girls look great, really packin on the weight!

Your new veg cab looks great - a lot of space! Should be in a vaportec ad! :biglaugh: :yes: