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Active member
:bow: :bow: WOOO HOOOO MAN ,There she is all hail the queen!!!! :bow: :bow: Thanks GM for puttin her up here, shes the inspiration.

How are ya dude, im puttin 4 of these together and im just gonna enclose them in some black/white poly or something. What are you using in that shot? Ive seen this heavy plastic allmost like a tarp, black on one side white on the other. Any ideas?

woooo hooooo man :woohoo: :woohoo:

bons :yoinks:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor


Well Bonzo thanks for sharing. That is one fine bucket set-up. I should have my buckets up and going by the end of June and would like to pick your brain. Keep up the good work as always.



Active member
Howdy Mr wags :wave: pick away my brotha! :woohoo:

So that 6 mil is pretty tough? Im just tired of biulding cabs and i think this will wok fine. Ill have a back wall and 3 sides poly. Whattaya think? Man im ready to get em veggin' wooohooo man fun fun fun! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


bonz :dueling:


Active member
Gittin R Dun!! :woohoo: my local HD didnt have any more of the smaller square pots :bashhead: so im goin to thother one yo get em. So as yall can see im gonna run 4 of thse thingies outside the flower room. Gonna pick some good clones and probably get em goin in 16 oz cups and then popem inte the freedom thingies. Im gonna use lava all the way. also gonna have to purchase another GH air pump, amd get a bigger power head to feed the girles. They will be topped and trained here in preparation for the big lights. Once again im totally wingin it so its gonna be fun to see hoe it psogresses. :woohoo:

peace and have a great afternoon :wave:

bonz :dueling:

forgot to upload pics, be right back :bashhead:


Active member
OK pics of whats goin on: :woohoo:

there will be four units with 2 400 watters lightin em up! Gonna make a Panda plastic "tent" enclosure.

the big one is just for sixe comparison, who knows that might be the wat to go, well find out!

clones in the ready room!

couple pics for inspiration :woohoo:

ill be back with more fabrcation.


bonz :woohoo:


Active member
Thank you so much MRwags! :wave: Its my pleasure sharing. like i said this system is new to me so im sure there will BE ups and downs to overcome. What kind of buckets are ya gonna biuld? cant wait to see your set up, by the looks of your grows in BOB it should kick ass!!!! :woohoo: Will you be running it oganically? I have thought about going organic but i kinda just want to stick to one nutrient and get it dialed in. Maybe someday ill go with the PB. Thanks again bro and feel free to ask anything you like!


bONZ :wave:


Active member
Howdy Skunky Demon, :wave: thanks man it should be fun! :woohoo:

So i put together what might be the veg units, you never know they might change a bit by the time i actually get growin in em'. Im not quite sure about the drain system, i guess ill fill it with water and find out. Also i might put them a little closer together. Other than gettin the pumps, runnin' the plumbing and hangin' the poly i think were ready to give these a whirl. I also remembered i have one more 400 in the garage so i think ill run three 400 watters over em' So the idea is to pop rooted cuts or sexed seedlings in em' and top and train (if needed, depends on strain) get em good and bushy with lots of tops and pop em in the big room where they might go one more week or two in veg and then POW! flip em to 12/12 and watch em go crazy! fun fun fun :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

M-39 in the test thingie lookin pretty nice even though i did some leafing to allow a bit more light to get to some of the lower tops, theres alot of em!

and 2 big bad Golden Skushes just cause there so perrty :woohoo:

until next time, good night and have a pleasent tomorrow

bonz :wave:


Active member
Good evening and/or Good morning depending where you are. :wave:

Freedom update, in a nutshell the freedom bucket is out performing the ebb&floe buckets handily, :dueling: there are a couple of reasons for this, for one the m-39 thats in the thingie is growing crazy, :yoinks: i may drop a 400 watter in there vertically as an experiment when the OGRE come down in 4 days. Also the freedom bucket sits about 6" lower than the ebb & floe buckets giving me that much more head room. :woohoo: Finally i have had overflowing problems with the E & F buckets, impossible with the freedom, well i wouldnt say impossible but i can see the drain without having to lift the inner bucket out, which is a real pain in the ass with a plant heavy in late flower and in HYDROTON that lacks support. I lifted one out and bent all the way over at the main stem, well allmost all the way over and theres no stem rot just no support. One other little thing is no timers, the freedom runs 24/7, all the time, nice. Main thing is growth and growth there is, shoots are shooting EVERYWHERE and i cant explain it but in a different way than in the EBB & FLOW buckets. Maybe its due to being constantly fed ? I dont know but so far, i like it! Cant wait to get the 4 units i have ready for veg up and runnin, just tryin' to decide what to put in em! :confused:

ok pics oof the m39 and one thing i keep forgetting to mention is theres actually 2 plants in the freedom, both m39 just 1 was much smaller and i left her in there cause i didnt want to disturb the roots. ok pics: :woohoo:

lots of shoots: :woohoo: :D

lots and lots of tops :hotbounce

just for fun some other things in my closet:
Golden Skush (i really like GS) :yummy:

And of course the OGRE clones: (gettin the axe soon!) :woohoo:

and one last shot: The freedom bucket itself, doin its thing. :cool:

Well, good night and have a pleasent tomorrow :wave:

bonz :D


Hey Bonz! :wave: Wow, they are looking great. I am reading your thread very carefully, I might be building some of these in the next few weeks. The growth looks spectacular. I'm watching this one carefully, can't wait to hear what you think of this system. From the looks of it, I might have to go soon and get some parts. Looking awesome as usual man, have a great day! :yummy: :woohoo:


Active member
Great work, bONZ!!!

seems you got out of your funk, eh! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

all plants are lookin' REAL NICE!!!



:joint: Great work Bonz! Just stumbled onto yer thread - that's about what I came up with after tinkerin one night.

Not to hijack yer thread - just to show different ways of acomplishing the same thing! Can't wait to see the results after checking out yer babes.

Bucket Boy



WOW :yoinks: Nice looking setup... I will have to pick your brain a little in the upcoming weeks. I will build one and see if the big bushes will come. :pimp3:

Keep it up.. :woohoo:


Active member
WOOO HOOOO man, visitors!! :woohoo:

Howdy Shorts, :wave: Thanks dude! So far i really like this thing and it is basically a Home Depot special, except for the air pump. Did you get parts yet? I was very sceptical of this thing when i biult it and was given instructions on how it works. I thought nothing could be better than ebb & flow buckets but man, im pretty darn pleased with it. Lookin forward to seein' yours come together! :woohoo:

Sleepy my brotha! :wave: I am pretty much out of the funk for now bro! Thanks a milliom man! :D

Howdy 1toke, :wave: welcome man! Very cool setup! My computer screen is a little dark i cant quite make evrything out, is it DWC or BIO? Hey dude theres no hijacking here, i encourage all to post whatever you got goin' on, its all good! :woohoo:

Howdy Bucket Boy! :wave: Thank you! Pick away dude! Cant wait to see your system. I think this is one of those systems that if you follow a few giudelines your pretty much gauranteed some big results. Thats how it was described to me and thats how its workin out so far.

Thanks for comin by folks, im gonna try and get the other 4 units up and runnin this weekend and ill post pics of my progress, it should be fun! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


bonz :D :hotbounce


Active member
Howdy raq, i know isaid this is a Home Depot special and i suppose you could use home depot hoses and fittings but i think the stuff from the Hydro store is better. Everything fits tighter and is more leak proof than the stuff used for lawns or household gardens, so i do recomend getting all the lines and fittings from a hydroponics store or ordering online from a hydro supplier. Its pretty simple raq, if i can expliant that is! I used 1/2 " black rubber hose from the water pump with one of those cap thingies on the end, you could just bend it and tape it to make an end if you want. I used two 1/4" elbows, the kind that you poke into a hole made with one of those punch thingies, or anything else that will make a small hole. From the 1/4" elbows you just run your lines to the top of the bucket and stick em' into the rocks just deep enough so they dont pop out, i guess mine are about 1 1/2" inches deep into the rocks.

In this pic you can see the 1/2" line coming from the pump/rez with the cap on the end, the two 1/4" elbows poked into it with the 1/4" feed lines runnin from there up to the rocks. I drilled 2 holes in the rim of the square planter and ran the 1/4" feed lines through them to kninda hold em' in place:

As for the stones i made a "ring" with 4 stones out of 1/4" clear air hose and 1/4" "tees". I ran 2 input lines if you will to the ring for maximum air pressure, cause i was using 2 small pumps at the time. I am now using a GH duall diaphram air pump and could probably run the ring with just one air line, its a powerfull pump and makes ALOT of bubbles. Soaker hose is also used to make bubbles but a high pressure air pump is reguired.

The drain is placed 1" to 1 1/2" from the bottom of the bottom bucket, keeping about 1 1/2" inches of water in the bottom of the bottom bucket, just enough water for the stones to be submerged and make bubbles. I used 1" gray PVC electrical fitting for the drain (in the electrical section at HD) with a 1" pvc elbow directing water back into the rez. If your going to use a round bottom bucket i can get a link for a bulkhead fitting that fits rounded containers.

one of these last 2 pics above shows the GH air pump, im still gettin' the hang of postin' pics.

bubbles in the bottom:

I asked alot of questions when i was learning about this thing (and i am still just learning myself) so dont hesitate to ask if anything is unclear. :woohoo:


bonz :hotbounce


Active member
Hello all, good evening, :wave: i dont have much to repotr on the bucket, it is doin great. The plants in it are flourishing and bigger that i prefer for my space. So needless to say i am very pleased with this setup, total ease of operation and excellent growth, what more do we ask out of a system. :confused:

m-39 in the bucket thingy: :woohoo:

I cut the OGRE clones and spent last weekend trimming, i am defenitly going to be growing something different next time around: :chin:

Probably the prettiest plant in my garden, a big Golden Skush gal in early flower: :woohoo:

yall have a goodnite and a pleasent tomorrow


bonz :wave:


Active member
Howdy raq! :wave: How the hell are ya! :yoinks: Everything in the flower now and the OGRE i just cut were vegged under two 400 watt hps. At the moment i am tryin to decide what to do next. I was gonna set up 4 of the freedom thingies and hang three 400 watters over em' and veg veg veg, and then into the 2k walk in flower room. However if i do that i dont really have any space for anything else such as moms and cuts and that big-ass veg set up would take up alot of space that i dont really have. So the next round i think im just gonna do a short veg in small containers under a 400 watter then put em in the buckets and give em a good veg in the 2k walk in and flip em' when their ready. Gonna be tryin some pinchin' and bendin' bro!!!! :whip: :bat: :dueling: :woohoo: I really want to do one run in the big room where everything is nice and even and all flowering at the same time, maybe even all one strain. please excuse the long winded reply to your simple question but i think it helps me figure out what im gonna do next! :confused:

peace my brotha

bonz :smoweed: