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Fox Farm Planting Mix or Ocean Forest?


Fox Farms soil

Fox Farms soil

Ocean Forest is our choice, used happy frog also.

think there is a poll out there and 70% say Fox farms worth the price.



Ocean Forest is our choice, used happy frog also.

think there is a poll out there and 70% say Fox farms worth the price.

to each their own I am a 30%er!! 17.99 a bag is not worth it to me especially when I am paying for art work and the word "humboldt". A good soil is a good soil, It is easy to make a good soil much more cost effectively than FFOF. For a ready to go grab a bag it is pretty high priced, although good results can be had...I have found that for ready to go potting soils nurseries and such are much better priced. Example : Ednas best made by EB stone is 7.99 a bag, with added coco 2.99 a brick, perlite, dolomite, and dry ferts you are pretty much good to go with 2 plus cubic yards of soil for about 10 bucks.

There are even cheaper ways however.....

Not knocking Fox farm, just stating my humble opinion.
yea i hear ya. itd be easier to not use it for me tho if it wasn't hands down the most available soil and for $10, i end up getting it and ammending it, and making sure to always add dolomite lime. its usually cool without it, but sometimes it can go way acidic:joint:
ps. is $35 for 3.8 cu of Sunshine Mix #2 a good price? does a 3.8 cu foot square come out to more when its pulled apart? if 3.8 cubic feet is 3.8 cubic feet, and at $35, id still be saving a little dough if i bought three bags of ocean forest total=$30, 4.5 cubic feet

Patient 957

I just started my first grow this week. Here's my current mix recipe that I'm using for this and the next few crops (realize this is JUST enough for 8, 3-gallon containers):

1 bag of Ocean Floor
1/2 bag of Light Warrior (FoxFarm)
1/3 bag of Worm Castings

I emptied these into my mixing tub; adding in halves to ensure solid mixing (by hand). I then added this combined mixture into my 3-gallon pots. On top of which I have about a 1/2" layer of pure Light Warrior to top it off nicely (I plant seeds directly into the main/final container) to make a nice happy nest for the seedling to uncurl and do its "thing."

I'm only on day 2 of seedling growth, and already have 2 sprouts (out of 3 seeds) already approaching over an inch high. The middle and most vigorous of the 3 seeds already has a tiny set of the first real leaves forming as well.

I've heard nothing but great reviews about FoxFarm soils and ammendments for organic gardening (flower and vegetable alike)...and I'm looking forward to see how my little sprouts will perform this week. They're off to a great start!

While I'm new to this product line, I'd have to say so far I'm very happy with them. Their freshness and overall quality is fantastic...especially once you get some worm castings in it. Makes for a nice, moist-yet-spongy texture. And as you see below...vigorous seedlings like to push through Light Warrior pretty fast. :)








Clackamas Coot

Active member
to each their own I am a 30%er!! 17.99 a bag is not worth it to me especially when I am paying for art work and the word "humboldt". A good soil is a good soil, It is easy to make a good soil much more cost effectively than FFOF. For a ready to go grab a bag it is pretty high priced, although good results can be had...I have found that for ready to go potting soils nurseries and such are much better priced. Example : Ednas best made by EB stone is 7.99 a bag, with added coco 2.99 a brick, perlite, dolomite, and dry ferts you are pretty much good to go with 2 plus cubic yards of soil for about 10 bucks.

There are even cheaper ways however.....

Not knocking Fox farm, just stating my humble opinion.
:yeahthats :yeahthats :yeahthats

Patient 957

I agree O.F. is a hot mix.

I agree O.F. is a hot mix.

I just saw it with my own eyes today: germinating seedlings in only Light Warrior makes for a much faster germination and sprouting than seeds I started last week in the O.F.-heavy mix.

The seedlings in the O.F. had white first-set true leaves (see the post above with attached close-up)...which showed themselves to be burned tips on the leaves as they healed and grew. But the rate of growth in the O.F. mixture is about 3 times slower than my babies in the L.W.-only cups.

Today is only day two into seedling growth for the L.W. seeds, and they're already almost an inch tall with fully opened cotyledon, and a healthy set of 1st true leaves already green and much larger/healthier than the burned ones in the O.F. mix.

The seeds in the O.F. mix rebounded quickly, the 1st set are all green now and the 2nd set started green/healthy, so it's not like it's a drastic difference...but why trip the plants up if you can afford not to? :)

Such an amazing difference...and these are all the same strain/batch of seeds.



PS - The next time I order soil, I plan on changing my recipe to 80% soil mixture to 20% worm castings. The custom mix recipe I want try next will be 1/3 Ocean Floor, 1/3 Happy Frog, 1/3 Perlite; used only for veg/flower...and I'll start my beans in an equal blend of Light Warrior and Happy Frog. Thanks for the posts in this thread everyone!
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I'd highly recommend happy frog soil over the ocean forest any day. In my experience with it, ocean forest has always been too hot for seedlings and stunts their growth significantly (after a while they pick up the pace). Happy frog is lighter on ferts, has some guano but contains mychorrizae or however it's spelled and none of that dead marine life. Ocean forest works for starting but not near as well. I'd consider using OF after 3-4 weeks, but would definitely have to find some mycho to add.

I haven't done a side by side but have used same genetics and can see the differences within.

21 days from seed in HF:

about same age in OF (smaller ones, the bigger plant is a mom and even she thought it was too hot):

Fuck happy frog, i got a bag a few weeks ago, maybe a good month, and now i got fungus gnats, NEVER had a problem with ocean forest and I havent brought anything in from outside or acquired any clones or used any other soil!.

On the positive side, with the mosquito dunks and perlite ontop of the soil they seem to be under control, wont know for sure for another 2 weeks or so.

Patient 957

Fuck happy frog, i got a bag a few weeks ago, maybe a good month, and now i got fungus gnats, NEVER had a problem with ocean forest and I havent brought anything in from outside or acquired any clones or used any other soil!.

On the positive side, with the mosquito dunks and perlite ontop of the soil they seem to be under control, wont know for sure for another 2 weeks or so.

Sounds like the Happy Frog is holding a higher percentage of moisture for you in your mixture, perhaps?

If you think it's directly related to the mixture itself, I'd write or call FoxFarm and ask them about it. In the very least, they'd probably send you either coupons or some free replacement soil. Perhaps the gnats got into that particular bag at the nursery or wherever it was shipped/stored before ending up with you?

Sorry to hear you had that experience.




Sounds like the Happy Frog is holding a higher percentage of moisture for you in your mixture, perhaps?

If you think it's directly related to the mixture itself, I'd write or call FoxFarm and ask them about it. In the very least, they'd probably send you either coupons or some free replacement soil. Perhaps the gnats got into that particular bag at the nursery or wherever it was shipped/stored before ending up with you?

Sorry to hear you had that experience.



Its definetely related to the soil... there is a whole thread from 2007 on here about it, kinda sad i would think they would get it under control, i'ma bump it now just to see if anyone else noticed this.

Patient 957

Its definetely related to the soil... there is a whole thread from 2007 on here about it, kinda sad i would think they would get it under control, i'ma bump it now just to see if anyone else noticed this.

Thanks for the tip...I'll definitely check out the thread before buying and HF. :)

I'm seeing terrific results just growing seedlings in Light Warrior with nothing else added. So for now, I'll stick with that. hehe For my herb garden, however, I can say that my fennel and sweet basil are both LOVING the Ocean Floor mixture. :)




FFOF Works Great For Some Strains, Horribly For Others (From Seed)

FFOF Works Great For Some Strains, Horribly For Others (From Seed)

I used For Farm Ocean Forest soil recently for two different strains started from seed, Burmese Kush by THSeeds and El Nino by Green House. I germinated the seeds for two days using the paper towel method and then planted them both directly into the soil.

It seems that the issue of the Ocean Forest soil being "too hot" only affects some strains. The Burmese Kush exploded in growth and is very strong, green and healthy after two weeks. The El Nino however has barely sprouted yet and the first true leaves are twisted and definitely nute-burned looking.

So the moral of the story is the FFOF issue seems to entirely depend on what strain you're growing. It works perfectly for some strains right from seed and others it will burn the crap out of and totally stunt their growth.

I'm hoping my El Nino makes it through!


  • buku-elnino-ffof.jpg
    58.9 KB · Views: 27


^^Very good post. It depends on what youre growing... If it is too hot, I recommend cutting it with FF Original Mix and some perlite as the FF Original mix has no perlite in it.

Patient 957

So the moral of the story is the FFOF issue seems to entirely depend on what strain you're growing. It works perfectly for some strains right from seed and others it will burn the crap out of and totally stunt their growth.

I'm hoping my El Nino makes it through!

Your seedling will pull through. My current Hindu Kush seedling also had the elongated/twisted first set of true leaves from the OF burn issue. Do the seedling a favor...once the first set grows large enough, prune off the damaged edges. It's what I did for the HK and within less than 24 hours, the 2nd set of leaves exploded into growth.

The seedling will waste too much energy trying to repair the burned/deformed parts of the 1st set leaves. Just cut off the damaged edges, leaving any healthy leaf area on the stem.


Hope this helps!




Active member
I've found FFOF works great but needs to be lightened up by adding 20% of 50/50 perlite & vermiculite. I found that FFOF dries out fast here in the winter when it's dry indoors, the extra vermiculite helps with that.

btw - general warning to all - if you're using FFOF....DO NOT add any dolomite lime! Your plants will die, trust me, do not add any, it's already ph-balanced. It took me about 2 years to figure this out!!!

I've also tried Earth Juice's soil and found that to be great also. These are great for small growers, it's fairly standardized each time. I used to make my own mixes until I realized that the peat & stuff I was buying was very different in each batch, sometimes the density varied a lot and it drove me crazy.
I started out with Prom MiX dont think its crap but def not worth the expense when you can make your own. With Sphagnum Peat/Perlite/Happy Frog/Rainbow Mix Grow and Bloom. I plant directly into the mix with no problems at all. I reuse this mix. Never had a prob with the girls ODing on nutes. The Rainbow Mix has all the guanos and meals. I feel like this is a really stable mix and when you do start adding nutes you notice the difference within days.
i am using ffof currently, started from seed and sprouts are a few days old, i just didnt care to much for their nutes,

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