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For those growers who have been "inside"


I have a friend who is an engeneer, and got into the Big house, the frist few days he was dying of boredom... So he desided he would fix anything he saw broken.

So he did, he started fixing stuff for the inmates, then he went to the kitchen and fixed a couple old ovens, and some other machines, and well he ended up fixing lots of stuff, and saved money for the jail. So preatty much all the inmates respected him as the god father. He didnt have fun because he missed his children a lot!!!.

But as I can tell you he had private meals with the warden all the time, he had his own space... and all good... but That happend to him because he is one usefull mofo!!


New member
I did a year inside. I had to decide whether to spend my time exercizing, or increasing my intellectual capacity. I chose to read books. Granted, when I got out I was 75 lbs heavier, there were some hurdles. Outside hurdles are much easier to deal with than inside hurdles. Borrow nothing. Be the 'store'. 2 for 1's are the way to get yer buzz on.

I like to draw too. I made friggin' bank designing tatoos. Dont let anyone take ANYTHING from you, ever! I got into a few fights inside. One case: Agroup of hispanic guys were ripping off anyone they could. When they took some of my commissary (sneakily), I called them ALL on in front of everybody. Later, I saw that it was my time to step up... I went after the biggest guys, just psycho... broke my big toe but had the respect of most everyone. :smile:

If you have respect and self control, you can make the time inside go smoothly.


New member
marimbas said:
But as I can tell you he had private meals with the warden all the time, he had his own space... and all good... but That happend to him because he is one usefull mofo!!

LMAO. Sounds like Shawshank Redemption.


Active member
read the first reply



imagine OZ, so you aren't suprised when you get there

from what i've heard from friends


I hear american prisons are like that, but Canadian ones are a bit different....not as primal apparently
Let's say you get popped with 10 plants in your house......what type of time are you looking at? Oh, and NO criminal record at all.


New member
Prisons in the US Vary

Prisons in the US Vary

Hi, all- I've visited almost all Maryland prisons and many jails in MD, DC and VA. They go from limited security to maximum security. Some prisons in the US wont' let inmates have many possessions in their cell, to continue the deterrence and punishment of prison. Some will let you have a TV or radio in your cell and more. Some have good educations programs, and others don't. Prisons and jails are a mixed bag.

It is critical that we push for humane prisons where inmates can improve themselves. Otherwise, the prisons merely warehouse people, which does nothing to reduce recidivism. Prisons and jails often welcome having members of the public come to teach seminars or just to spend time with the inmates. This can be invaluable, particularly for inmates who receive no visits nor mail.

It is sad that the drug war madness puts so many otherwise law-abiding people behind bars often for very long sentences. All of us must push our lawmakers to reverse that trend.

Take care. Jon


My little pony.. my little pony
Prisons only tend to vary to those on the outside since your criminal actions will choose which pokey you end up in.

I have never seen a marijuana grower tossed into any maximum security facilities. When it can cost 2x, 3x more to house an inmate at a maximum compared to minimum they arent going to waste it on a pot grower.


I would imagine putting a passive mj grower in max security wouldnt be a great idea, since the majority are non-violent.

I'm pretty sure in Canada on first offense you're looking at house arrest, unless you have a shit lawyer...


NO, Don't GO

NO, Don't GO

Hey Lugen,
I don't know how to link it but I just finished talking about this on another thread, same forum. some guy wondering if he should skip out on a misdameanor.

Did 5yrs on a 12yr sentance. The WORST FUCKING DAY IN MY LIFE, was walking into a full chow hall as a fish. Where do I sit and who do I sit with? You sure as fuck don't want to even accidently associate with a rapo or child molester. Keep to yourself until you know who you are talking to. Seroius guilt by association.

I was 19, it was my first felony arrest and they sent me up to the max security, no kiddie farm as a primer. So you can guess that I was one scared puppy, but NEVER show any kind of weakness, my asshole is as virgin and protected as before I went in.

Shut the fuck up and be VERY careful about who you hang with. The best is to find folks you were in county with who you already know why they are there. Then you have someone to sit with at chow.

Get busy and do what you can to get a job or get into school. School was never so easy, plenty of time to study. Keep the mind busy, there is to much time to think while being surrounded with such atrocious negativity.
I got my first AA degree through the local community college while there.
Since then I have accumulated a number of academic degrees.

I met some of the stupidist and some of the most foul people that populate the face of the earth in prison. The games played are just unimaginable.

I'd been down 4 years, out of my home state, only a couple of visits, when my brother was killed in a major jet airliner crash. The prison admin. authorized a 3 day pass to go to the funeral as long as I paid for(the airline paid) a captain of the guard to escort me home. He was supposed to house me in the county jail at night, but upon meeting my family a wave of generosity came over him and he let me spend the night with my family. The point of this is that I felt so foreign to be outside the walls a sort of panic set in. I absolutly could not speak to ANYONE with out every other word being fucking fuck fuck. I was rude, disrespectful, and defensive, even to those closest to me, I ended up apologizing to people even before I'd speak to them to let them to know to not take offense with my behavior. It was such a culture shock. Remember, this was unexpected and I didn't have time to prepare for how I was different.

Sever all ties from the joint on release. The people you thought you knew, you got to know in an artifical enviroment. They are not the same on the outside, neither are you.

It is another world in there. It's been 25 years since my release and I've never been arrested again. My momma didn't raise no fool.
I did go back as a volunteer and taught for 7 years, then they wanted a UA. I was gone for good, I'd had enough of that too.


Sour Bubble with 25 days to go
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woof.. I have a lot of respect for you.. and I think your advice is right on the money.

Lugen, it all depends.. I had a long rant but deleted it, I'll just say not every grower is a hippy. lot of them are ignorant and violent people, "animals". if animal outside, then animal inside.. one would assume

also.. 10+ years.. meh.. some kid, polygonwindow, was talkin about leaving the country over 93 days he hadnt been convicted of or sentenced to. but 10+? and you actually have money? time to bury some IDs and cash in grandmas backyard my friend, and soon as you hit bail send your loved ones a post card from scenic brazil..
dj^ c'mon man, get over all that shit man? You're making it worse by bringing it up.

I don't know why it's racist? Probably true. What's wrong with facing REALITY bro?


New member
Lugen said:
...I couldnt imagine facing 10years + for beign a grower in the states, its scary!!

Scary indeed.

Fortunately, the 10 year minimum applies only if you have over 100 plants.

Less than that, you deal with state laws. Some states are somewhat lax. We usually don't mention them by name. A BAD state is oklahoma.

In states that are lax, there is this tiny window of relative safety, provided you stay small, and keep firearms out. Pigs blow when they find guns around illegal drugs


in regards to guns, thats not neccesarily the case.. if the number is sanded off, or the rifling was sanded down, or it was unregistered (to you), or it was stuffed in the lazyboy.. etc etc.. then you have a problem something serious.. but if its a legal gun and stored in a responsible, legal fashion.. especially if they arent also charging you with distribution.. then you're alright.. though it may be case by case basis.

were numerous people on OG over the past five years that got pinched and had a legal gun, etc etc and recieved no additional charges..


The big plus for me out of this whole thing was taking another look at security. Got my guns stashed away from the grow, am hauling all of my extra grow gear to a safe place, moved my cash stash away (I just keep a few $$ on hand, I don't sell but don't want LEO to get their grubby hands on it in case of a bust), scaling my grow to a bare minimum to keep myself in tasty bud.

Guns here are legal with no registration or anything; if you pass the NCIC database check you are good to go with no follow up and no records.

Live and learn.
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Hey dj digigrow - I don't think the man's being racist w/ the statement about shoes. Have you ever done any time? I've done a LOT in my lifetime. 10 outta 12 years were spent behind bars. I've seen it all, man. One thing that rang true CONSTANTLY in every prison I was in was, whenever a white guy hit the tank, first thing happens, he's "checked" by the blacks. Checked is where they approach a guy, and try to hog him for his posessions. Most of the time, if the person will stand his ground, fight, and not just give it up, the predators will abandon thier efforts. However, depending on the type of joint you're in, that checking process can go on for an awful long time.
For the most part, black people in prison reminded me alot of the hyenas you see on the wilderness shows on TV. They typically approach a new guy by bringing along half thier gang, they'll surround him, and start punching. While the poor guy is trying to fight, the hyenas (human-versions) are grabbing his stuff, and making off with it. I swear, it's just like that. I've been the target of attack, and I've sat back and watched it happen more times than I can remember.
He's not a racist. He's just telling the guy a fact.

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