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Florida to drug test Welfare recipiients.


weed fiend
ankles hell!!!

i was SHOCKED the first time i saw 8' waves in fuggin indiana!!!!

as for the "debate"
it's become yet another "care to contextualize" intellectual/moral anthony measuring context.

and we all know DB is the moral john holmes of IC ;)


Hate to be smug but my basis isn't lost in benevolence alone. We've got decades of data that suggest managed assistance programs contribute to the overall economy, where private sector and religious contributions fail to make up the difference, let alone carry that weight on their backs.

Not to mention that yours and my taxes finance these programs. They're not a free ride. Have you ever had the opportunity to draw unemployment between jobs through no fault of your own?

I'm a lib. Calling me intellectual is a bit benevolent on your part, thank you very much. However, it certainly doesn't insult. I too have gut reactions. I usually refrain from posting these gut reactions on forums of global scale. If my gut is seconded by referenced data, I lend my opinion with a bit more value, where value is debatable.

FWIW, I realize the Edmund Fitzgerald wasn't swamped with ankle biters. I'd have to take a pass on the eight footers but I'd stand at the shore and watch you knock em out.


Game Bred
Have you ever had the opportunity to draw unemployment between jobs through no fault of your own?
us self employed types dont get that luxury....
but we do however get afforded the luxury of paying ;)

completely off topic but i also get pissed when a millage is raised for the education cartel against us people who chose not to breed.


weed fiend
That's as good an argument as I've heard to be, at-least somewhat long faced over public assistance. IMO, you wouldn't like my solution. But for the benefit of dark humor (in other words, it probably isn't even funny) here goes:

Imagining myself as a player seeking public office, your respective, potential loophole should be addressed. Or, you should have the option to opt out of something you don't benefit, given potential, unfortunate circumstance.

The money you're paying (IMO) should go to a pool to cover your period of funded assistance (depending on financing.) Otherwise, you should have the option to choose, should you prefer the alternative of withholding your input to the system.

Sorry my response to practical reality is closer to a whim. But you raise an important aspect when it comes to folks who contribute yet don't receive the benefit.

FWIW, I attempted intellectual (emphasis on attempted) because I gathered that others consider me smug. Wasn't aware that smug [and] intellectual go hand in hand.

So I'll read for a while and take a break on any response. But if any wish to address me personally, I'll do my best to not offend.
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Game Bred
thats why i support a

consumption tax with income adjusted "prebates"

make the evil rich people pay their fare share!
note the use of the sarcasm font ;)

yet one more area where you and i disagree...

but lifelong small business owners have a skewed view ;)


weed fiend
Oops, I broke my werd. Small business is our life blood. Thanks for supporting economies while supporting you and yours. I'll check out fairtax.org.

rick shaw

If your self employed/independent contractor you can draw unemployment,you just have to pay into the system.

I know a few computer types that go on unemployment between contracts.


Active member
leaching bitches... oh, don't have a contract atm.. let's have the tax payers pay for my latte... ....or my scattered n tattered taters at waffle house... or my burled peenits...
piggly wiggly is hiring i hear.... go get it...


Active member
Social Security is your retirement fund, its suppose to be money you have saved (or money the govt has taken from you, in order to force you to save). I see no reason to drug test someone for access to their own money.

Unemployment has been my major subject in this thread, and ill say it once more, unemployment is money that is paid to you to look for a employment. Its not suppose to be a free handout.

If you have income, you dont get unemployment. So if your getting unemployment, and using drugs, you are almost certainly using money from unemployment, or you are scamming the system.

Last time I checked you pay into the unemployment fund while employed. I know the employer kicks in some, but he gets that money off my back, If I lose my job, you would have them kick me to the curb because I smoke pot. Since when do folks around here, call smoking pot - "using drugs"?
So even if I only smoked herb that I grew or purchased while employed, you think I should not get the benefit of what I had payed into all the time I was working?

BTW, SS is not a retirement fund. The payments being made now come from current revenues. It's not like they take the money you pay to SS and invest it in mutual funds for you. And many people collect far more than they ever paid in and many get it and don't need it.

And oh yeah, fuck you if you get your panties in a wad because I manage to have a little MMJ induced tranquility in my otherwise temporarily fucked up jobless situation. Fuck you for wanting people who are in a fucked up position to have no food or rent so you can talk tough and pontificate.

I normally don't talk to peeps like that, but potheads who are pro drug testing, especially with no 'signs of impairment' or cause, piss me off.

silver hawaiian

Active member
... potheads who are pro drug testing, especially with no 'signs of impairment' or cause, piss me off.

For me, it's a separate issue from the "legalize it" issue. It's the same thing with alcohol, in my opinion. When the guy in front of me at Meijer needs his groceries split into two orders, the first of which is the groceries, paid for with the assistance card.. The second order is a bottle of booze, paid for with cash.

It's the same thing. I don't care about whether it's reefer, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. To me, the concept is that if you're living on the public dime, you may not be entitled to some of the creature comforts and indulgences that those supporting ourselves are able to enjoy.

It's not about "Drugs are bad and we should test." It's about "If you're taking taxpayer money, you should expect some strings attached to that money."

I don't see how it's any different than not allowing assistance funds to be used to buy a carton of Marlboros.



One day you will have to answer to the children of
BTW, SS is not a retirement fund. The payments being made now come from current revenues. It's not like they take the money you pay to SS and invest it in mutual funds for you. And many people collect far more than they ever paid in and many get it and don't need it.
And those current revenues are dwindling and expected (forecasted) to end in the next 20 years.
What are people going to do when the Gov't can't borrow anymore money to fund it's liabilities?
Maybe some people should find places with lower rent? Move in with friends/family? Get spayed/neutered?
There is no easy answer.
And putting the Gov't in charge just opens it up to this sort of corruption.

And many people don't get shit, for what they paid into the system. If they were to invest that money themselves, it would be worth a whole lot fricken more, or they could lose it all, depends on the decisions they made.


Kiss My Ring
i'm unemployed, living below poverty level, but not asking for assistance.

We live in the US, with a very high standard of living. guilt alone keeps me from complaining about what i have to do without.

i'm straight up against elected representatives making bank off of people who need to resort to austerity measures to survive.

firing squad comes to mind.


Game Bred
i'm unemployed, living below poverty level, but not asking for assistance.

We live in the US, with a very high standard of living. guilt alone keeps me from complaining about what i have to do without.

i'm straight up against elected representatives making bank off of people who need to resort to austerity measures to survive.

firing squad comes to mind.

im the same way..
i refused any government assistance after katrina.
the way i saw it then(and the way i see it now) when you accept their funds(even if you payed into their system)you allow them in!
kinda like never answering the door for a cop.
once you open that door everything changes.
im the same way..
i refused any government assistance after katrina.
the way i saw it then(and the way i see it now) when you accept their funds(even if you payed into their system)you allow them in!
kinda like never answering the door for a cop.
once you open that door everything changes.


My father passed away before I turned 13. My mom never had any help or assistance. I grew up pulling up my own bootstraps, not having the government tie my shoelaces for me, or buy my food or clothes. As soon as you take benefits, you owe them something, and it's nothing short of your soul.


And oh yeah, fuck you if you get your panties in a wad because I manage to have a little MMJ induced tranquility in my otherwise temporarily fucked up jobless situation. Fuck you for wanting people who are in a fucked up position to have no food or rent so you can talk tough and pontificate.

I normally don't talk to peeps like that, but potheads who are pro drug testing, especially with no 'signs of impairment' or cause, piss me off.

Perhaps in between your telling people to to fuck themselves you missed the part about taking from those who need it more than you; unemployment being compensation for looking for employment, and the safety of others.

Whats the difference between a drunk driver killing you, or someone impaired on their job doing the same?

Get real.


weed fiend
Perhaps in between your telling people to to fuck themselves you missed the part about taking from those who need it more than you; unemployment being compensation for looking for employment, and the safety of others.

Whats the difference between a drunk driver killing you, or someone impaired on their job doing the same?

Get real.

ShroomDr, your supposition sets up an after-the-fact to justify speculation across the board. Florida already has protocols in place to go after fraud. These protocols evolve as the nature of fraud itself does.

Your? governor got a 1.7 billion dollar spanking for criminal fraud. The solution? Spank everybody to prove they're not fraudulent. Scott is effectively watering down his own intentional crimes by pointing the finger of doubt to the tea party.

With that kind of logic, Rick Scott should be investigated every time he affects FL Medicare legislation, just to make sure he's not squandering Medicare funds like he already plead guilty to.

This is pandering and you're swallowing the hook. You can't point to a single factual source that shows assistance is being squandered for dope any more than lap dances at the nekid bar.

Do you ever wonder if your gut impulse actually applies to reality? Is your gut so pure that reality doesn't have to pan in order to substantiate your reasoning?

When you reflect ten years from now and see that this law cost the taxpayer more money than it saved, will that sway your reasoning toward reality? Or would your gut still reflect the same attitude toward something you know little to nothing about, if only until after-the-fact?

If your ideological, economic principles aren't backed with the foundation of fact, you're not just swallowing the hook. You yourself are pandering the issue.

Some day, your gut has to pan out, bro. If you simply can't stand the thoughts of unproven potential, I hope you never darken the halls political opportunity.