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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 18340

That ain't no shit!

Another lovely day in Fl. :jump:
Today I need to find a dehumidifier, my 5x5 box has a wall unit A/C that runs all the time but the RH has been hanging between 60 and 80%.:yoinks: And now with my girls in there 3rd week of flowering i need to do something now before a problem sets in. I really thought the A/c would handle it.....oh well.
Anyone using a small one that they would like to recommend?

Hmm, a 5x5 isn't that big...
How many watts you got running in your box? an d are the lights being cooled? How big is your AC?
I have a buddy who's using a 5 y/o 5K btu window unit in a 8x8 (<-I'm guessing, I never measured the room but it's def bigger than 5x5) to cool 2200w of air-cooled lights no prob.
A lot of times if an AC is too big then it cycles on/off too much to properly cool/dehu the room.
I have a deheuy in my room and a 9k btu AC but my AC has been on the past three days and it keeps my RH at 45%.
Happy Easter my fellow Floridians:)
you can sign this bill without useing you name


If you live in Florida please help-KILL BILL HB187 | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Dai
The Florida legislature is preparing to ban ALL smoking devices.This will put ALOT of people out of work and destroy lives.There are alot of headshops down here and most,if not all,will close down destroying

Graham Purwatt

hey crispywaffle,did you hear about the KILL BILL HB187 | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Dai?

happy easter fla,hope everyone is full & high as hell


Space shuttle launches never get old.

And that boom this morning...ffs...it seemed to last 10-15 seconds! The walls and windows here rumbled like I've never seen before.

Anyway...sup eff-el-ay...break out the dank, fire it up and get this Monday thing over and done with. :joint:

Graham Purwatt

its definitely an experience from pretty much anywhere near tville,especially in the dark.shit'll light up the sky even at noon.good morning fla,got to go water the ladies:tiphat:


Ioni Botani



Damn E!

Didn't know you got down like that.

This'll take a couple years, but should pay off!

The only "hard" intoxicants I will intake (minus alcohol) are psychedelics.

"To fathom hell, or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic.."

Socratic Methodology of the day...

PROOF...that cannabis isn't a "gateway drug."

Does everyone who smokes cannabis do hard "drugs"?
Does everyone who does hard "drugs" smoke cannabis?

In my opinion smoking Mary Jane and taking psychedelics opened IonI eye, and kept me away from TRULY "hard drugs" like HEROINE AND METH.

-Spoken from the mouth of a babe.

(June 3, 1926 - April 5, 1997)

Graham Purwatt

nice evl.been tossing the same idea around for the last 2 months.i would absolutely love to have a jar full of buttons:jump:.
good morning fla

Guest 18340

Damn E!

Didn't know you got down like that.

This'll take a couple years, but should pay off!

The only "hard" intoxicants I will intake (minus alcohol) are psychedelics.

"To fathom hell, or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic.."

Socratic Methodology of the day...

PROOF...that cannabis isn't a "gateway drug."

Does everyone who smokes cannabis do hard "drugs"?
Does everyone who does hard "drugs" smoke cannabis?

In my opinion smoking Mary Jane and taking psychedelics opened IonI eye, and kept me away from TRULY "hard drugs" like HEROINE AND METH.

-Spoken from the mouth of a babe.

(June 3, 1926 - April 5, 1997)
This is a new foray for me as far as growing cactus goes. My in laws say it's easy, we'll see.
nice grab evlme2!!! and to all floridians hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.
Thanks bro!
nice evl.been tossing the same idea around for the last 2 months.i would absolutely love to have a jar full of buttons:jump:.
good morning fla
Yeah, this has been on my mind for a few years now but growing MJ had consumed me.
Good morning everybody! Stay safe, FDLE never takes a day off...:tiphat:
The Vote is April 10th.

The Vote is April 10th.

Florida KILLBILLHB187 :snap out of it:


If you live in Florida please help-KILL BILL HB187 | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Dai
The Florida legislature is preparing to ban ALL smoking devices.This will put ALOT of people out of work and destroy lives.There are alot of headshops down here and most,if not all,will close down destroying


Sadly Crispy, If state legislators are willing to screw good teachers out of half their pay...then head shops are not likely to end up being found worth keeping around either.
Hi MostHigh,
The really sad part is the person sponsoring the bill is a former crack addict. Here is the response recieved.

Thank you for contacting me regarding HB 187. First let me say, I am a
co-sponsor of this bill, and not the sponsor. The sponsor of this bill
is Rep. Rouson. The difference is that any member of the Florida House
of Representatives can co-sponsor a bill that they plan on voting for
and agree with. However, when a member sponsor's a piece of legislation,
it is their legislation that they put forth because they believe it to
be a problem that needs to be addressed. A member may co-sponsor a bill
when they agree with the premise of it.

However, I am a co-sponsor of this bill. A colleague of mine, Rep.
Rouson, who was a former drug-addict, came to me and asked me to support
this piece of legislation. I have a great deal of respect for my
colleague, and after reading the bill decided to co-sponsor it. I
believe that just like restaurants, "head-shops," must also be held
accountable for their titles. When a restaurant sells alcohol, they must
have 50.01% of their gross product sales in Food. The same theory in my
opinion should apply to "head-shops." They should not be able to claim
that they are a tobacco shop if more than X amount of their gross sales
are not in tobacco. While I understand your concerns about the effect
this might have on small businesses and our local economy, I believe
that this bill will also help safeguard our youth who do decide to use
the paraphernalia sold at
these shops for other uses besides tobacco.

While I understand you are opposed to this piece of legislation, I
wanted to reach out to you to let you know where I stood and why I
decided to co-sponsor this bill. Thank you again for contacting my
office, and if you have any other concerns or thoughts please do not
hesitate to contact me or my office.


Joseph Abruzzo
State Representative
District 85


What a horseshit reply that is. I mean, its nice and all that he did, clearly though...his motivations are based on an emotional devotion and sympathies to his formerly drug addicted colleague.

Send a news flash to Abruzzo...Head shops sell tobacco accessories...not tobacco.

By his, and their rational...adult novelty shops should stop selling adult novelties/sex accessories, and close their doors because they don't sell actual sex.

One might also question the logic and reasoning of having a statewide lottery gambling racket that routinely reroutes those funds away from education and toward our rep's corrupted pet projects.


Active member
what i like about the response is how hes ok if the "youths" wanna fuck up their health with tobacco but god forbid they smoke somethin thats not addicting and not cause cancer :moon:

are they gonna ban rollin papers next ? what about cigars?

when they pass the bill and shut down my local outragesly priced head shop ima open 1 up as a "functional glass ART store" and sell "ART" at the smallest mark up from the web or shit sell cheap flowers in desent priced "specialty vase's "

sorta like Bong Vodka ;)

stay safe
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