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IGYB, it looks like you are getting your system down and the clone rack looks good and healthy.

i got to get those green cups from publix for my next round of clones, nice find evl.

i got a ? for ya'll. i f'd up and put my clones into an organic soil based off Subcools soil and its a little too hot. should i transplant them into straight worm castings or should i wait it out.

the last 3 clones i took rooted very slow and i think it was the soil being too hot but all three survived and now starting to grow.

either way im happy b/c ive had 100% success at cloning so i cant complain much.

I would get them out of that soil ASAp because its going to set you back weeks if it burns them, causes alot headaches

i tried that subcools soil, I had all kinds of burn issuse had throw a bunch of plants because all of the issues.

I found it to be way to rich, I have switched to half fox farm OF and half pro-mix and love it

Guest 18340

Man O man am I glad I brought my ladies inside last night, its cold out there! Guess my 'Jersey blood is no longer huh.
SSH, ya bro, those green cups rock. The most prevalent brand I find is Solo, but make sure you get the DARK green ones. They make one thats a shade lighter, like neon green.
Blaner123Doobie, dank looking 'Jam dude. Gonna pm you.


Active member
Crazy ass cold weather gang! Hope everyone is staying warm.

Was thinking maybe we could all share our nutrient recipes ..... figured it would be interesting to compare and see what all our other floriduh brothers are using.

Just to have some nice additional info here in the archive.

So, if you happen to catch this post, list out your veg formula and flower formula.

Here's mine to start: Per gallon - Fed everyday. 100% Botanicare Coco

VEG - 50/50 tapwater / RO mix
- 3/4 tsp MaxiBloom
- 1/4 tsp Floralicious Plus
- 1/2 tsp pH UP

Flower - 50/50 tapwater / RO mix
- 1 tsp Maxibloom
- 1/4 tsp Floralicious Plus
- 4ml Ultra Snow Storm
- 1/2 tsp pH UP
All of week 3 and all of week 6 I also add 1/4 tsp Big Bud powder to flower mix.

Peace - ogh

Guest 18340

Im down!
For Veg I use Rez's/Heads 6/9 foumula.
For flower, Maxibloom at 3/4-1tsp/gal. Floralicous+ used throughout.
I experiment here/there with boosters.
Oh, I use straight coco inside and MG moisture control soil outside.
Anybody here using Organics?

Graham Purwatt

i've been using the lucas formula in straight perlite hempy buckets for a while with decent results.i just started a new round with a mix of 50/50 fine ground coco coir/piece coco coir with a 2" layer of perlite in the bottom and the head mix of 6/9 and 1/8th tsp of epsom salt and tapwater and i must say that the coco is amazing me so far.after this run is done i'll probably be switching to coco full on.i'm trying it with and without liquid koolbloom to see if there's much difference.

Guest 16149

I do not add anything for veg normally, more than enough stuff in the Happy Frog and other soils I use for the mothers and everything else is in hydro, I use the Pure Blend Pro Grow at regular strength.
For bloom I just use Rezdog's recipe :) works well only diff is that I also throw in some liquid budswell at week 5 :)


Sure is icy outside this week boys!

For nutes I use this stuff called neptunes harvest fish and seaweed. I also add botanicare sweet because I got em for free.

Evl, I am not sure if it was you, but some one said I should have left out the lime in my mix. Who ever it was you where right! The lime caused lock out and thats why my plants dont look 100%.

But organics is the way to go! cant wait to try the smoke :D


good afternoon fellow island dwellers...hopefully all had a great holiday and are anticipating the arrival of the new year...we can only hope the draconian pot laws of this state soon change...I assume we all smoked seriously good weed and were treated with some baked goods for the holidays...I personally have become quite the fan of a breeder named ******...his gear is top shelf and grows into some of the best herb I have smoked...I don't care much for the fellow and am told just the mere mention of his name on this site is grounds for banishment...such is life, freedom still isn't free...
I noticed most of my brothers here grow in non soil mediums and do so with great skill, I prefer to keep it in a bucket of peat and play God with my nutes...tru the years I have tried damn near all the crap on the shelves and have come to a very costly but wonderful conit simple stupid and he plant will teach you what it wants and when...the following is what my girls get...period...no more funky shit or exotic miracle formulas of voodoo stuff:
10 gallons of well water
30 tbs. GH green
20 tbs. GH brown for hard water
10 tbs. GH red bloom

15 gallons of well water
15 tbs. GH green
30 tbs. GH brown for hard water
45 tbs. GH red bloom
a handful of indonesian bat guano each feeding

yes, I use hydro nutes for a peat based mix and trust me, it works...I doctor my peat with myco and vermiculite but nothing else...not even worm castings...it's a weed and it requires very little to grow, a bit more to be kick ass...y'all have seen my grow...keep it simple and the girls will love ya...peace from the swamp


Active member
Something tells me those of a certain age will use less than those of a younger age. I remember buying damn near everything in the beginning...and now only a few true stars remain.

One day I'll be old enough to call my nutes by their color! Love ya Boo! :smokeit:

OH and Boo, have a safe trip and a very happy new year, it's on in 2010 when you get back! Like the old man in Seinfeld "It's go time! "

peace - ogh
I am all Coco

I am all Coco

I use Canna Nutes that are In my Pix Above

Per Gal. in Veg

2 Tsp of A
2 Tsp of B
4 Tsp of Razzatonic
2 Tsp of Canazonic
2 Tsp of Cal+Mag

Per Gal. In Bloom

1/2 Tsp Of A
1/2 Tsp of B
1 Tsp of Razz
2 Tsp of Cal+Mag
2 Tsp of Black Magic
2 Tsp of Honey for Buds

Good to see Boo And OGH Back I Missed You Guys, Be Safe And Have A Great New Year

I Sure Am:thanks:


hmmm, seems like someone here has a problem with the word sann ie...I got censored, go figure

Guest 88950

i used sobcools soil as a guide b/c im not mixing that ammount of soil and i also couldnt get any Kelp Meal or Greensand.

bone meal
blood meal
worm castings
plant success granulars
Dolomite lime

i let the soil cook 4+ weeks and only add well water un-ph'd. i just started watering with unsulphered blackstrap molassas and Liquid Karma.

once i get alfalfa, kelp and a few other things i will start brewing my own teas using Mother Mary's Tea Recipes below.

*The measurments below are for a one gallon tea bubbler.When making teas in smaller containers,simply adjust the recipe or dilute the final tea with water.

*In these recipes,brew the tea with an airstone in a one gallon container for 24 to 48 hours.When you're done brewing,strain it through a nylon stocking (for topical/sprayer applications) or a standard strainer (for normal watering applications) and cut it 50/50 using dechlorinated water.

*Fungi-dominant tea compost should be mixed together and kept very wet for three to seven days prior to brewing.Store it high in a room,near the ceiling and in the dark.The microlife and fungi populations will really bloom if you place a heating pad-set to low-below the container (shoot for 68-75 degrees fahrenheit;20-24 degrees celsius).After three days,it will be visibly booming with fungus (what I call "Santa's Beard").Put this in your tea brewer and bubble it (in place of regular compost).

*Prepare for the container to foam up and bubble over.You should place a tray under your tea bubbler and avoid any electrical or other items that may be damaged or unsafe around the bubbling water.

Vegetattive Stage Recipe

* One Gallon Water *: R/O water,rain water,distilled etc. etc.

* One Teaspoon Black Strap Molasses (unsulfured)1-0-5)*:
Be sure to use only the unsulfured variety.This is because sulfur kills microlife,especially fungus (unless it's elemental sulfur in small ratios).

* One Teaspoon liquid Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1)*:
Fungus and bacteria both love fish ferts and go nuts reproducing when it's included.

* One Cup Earthworm Castings (vermicompost) or good outdoor compost*:
Vermicompost provides humates,enzymes,protozoa,nemat odes,bacteria,fungus ,trace elements,secondary and primary nutrients.

* One Teaspoon Fox Farms Peace Of Mind All Purpose (5-5-5) *:
Food for the microlife that balances the pH of the tea (to about 6.5-7.2).

Flowering Stage Recipes

* One Teaspoon Black Strap Molasses (unsulfured) (1-0-5) *:
An excellent source of potassium during flowering;bacteria prefer these simple sugars,whereas the fungus prefer more complex sugars derived from various organic matter.

* One Teaspoon Fox Farms Peace Of Mind All Purpose (5-5-5) *:
Food for the microlife that balances the pH of the tea (to about 6.5-7.2).

* One Teaspoon High Phosphorous Bat Guano (0-4-0) *:
Fungi love this nutrient and will deliver it to the plant roots.

* One cup Earthworm Castings (vermicompost) or regular compost *:
Good balance of nutrient (trace and secondary).Also a source for microbes and beneficial elements.

* One teaspoon Maxicrop liquid or 1/2 teaspoon water soluble Maxicrop or kelp/seaweed extract (dry) *:
A fungal favorite,this is a key tea ingredient that produces a good ratio of happy fungus.It's also booming with trace elements,some nitrogen,and some potassium.

* 1/4 teaspoon Micronized (soft) Rock Phosphate *:
Fungus attach to the rock phosphate and grow on it.Also a prime source for phosphorous,magnesium & sulfur.

Fungus Dominant (halfway through flowering) Recipes

* 1/2 cup Earthworm Castings *:
See above.

* 1/2 cup Mushroom Compost *:
This is fungus waiting to happen.A rich source of fungal spores and dense organic matter that fungi like to eat.

* Two tablespoons Powdered,100% Natural rolled oats *:
Fungi love this nutrient and will deliver it to the plant roots.

* Two teaspoons Kelp Meal *:
I use kelp meal for several reasons.It's organic matter that fungi like to attach themselves to.Fungi love kelp extracts as a primary food source and the rich trace elements and potassium it introduces.

* 1/4 teaspoon Micronized (soft) Rock Phosphate *:
Fungus attach to the rock phosphate and grow on it.Also a prime source of phosphorous,magnesium and sulfur.

The earthworm castings,mushroom compost,oatmeal,and kelp meal are first mixed together and made very wet.After fungus has grown on this blend,place it in your tea bubbler for 24 hours with some additional liquid (or water soluble) kelp/seaweed extract and Micronized (soft) rock phosphate.

Guest 88950

Natrone, thx. thats what i thought, time to re-plant.

Evl, thx for the heads up on getting the darker green cups.

Blanner, nice looking Mountian Jam. let us know how the smoke is.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Lamberts potting mix (mostly peat moss and perlite)

veg - botanicare pro blend veg

flower- botanicare pro blend flower

I've tried a couple other additives (ie. molasses, etc) and seem to do the best when I keep it simple, that just me, if it aint broke dont fix it:D love the K.I.S.S method

Keep It Simple Stoner


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I thought it was about time I posted my latest efforts down here in central Florida in this thread, instead of just talking about it. I wish the pictures were better, I had to use my web cam and it's not the best but it works. I'll post more pictures later. The larger plant is sativa and is working on a cola as you can see & has a good smell, and frosting up nicely. The smaller one is a younger indica/sativa but for her size is really frosting up hard and smells very good. Because of the photo quality it's a little hard to see the frost on them. I pollinated both of them from the males of the Indica/sativa so I should have some good seeds, there is one more girl, she is a late bloomer and is making up for lost time, she is flowering up nicely. I'll show her later on. They have at least 4 or more weeks left to go. They are in my first PC Grow Case shown here, with 2x100w CFL's inside. I also will take more pictures of it later. I just wanted to get something out here for all to see. :eggnog: :smokeit:


Active member
Need to get on my FLA Porn Tip!

Need to get on my FLA Porn Tip!

Little Chilly here this morning but yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day!

Here is some porn from this round of pics! Hope you enjoy FLA! Hope everyone had a merry christmas and is planning a very safe new year!

Stay safe!









Active member
Hello florida growers, i was wondering if anyone has been to sunshine hydro in longwood, im real suspicious of hydro shops and cops hanging around taking plate numbers..anyone had any input for this store?
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