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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 18340

A statewide report on drug-related deaths shows that the number of fatalities from prescription drugs continues to eclipse those caused by illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

The painkiller oxycodone, a class of anti-anxiety drugs that includes brand names such as Xanax and Valium, and the heroin-addiction-treatment drug methadone caused the most drug-related deaths in Florida during the first half of the year, according to a report by the state Medical Examiners Commission.

In the Orlando area alone, oxycodone caused 23 deaths, while methadone caused 15.

Although these figures put the Orlando area behind St. Petersburg and other areas in the number of deaths caused by these drugs, they show Central Florida is no exception to a statewide trend.

"There's not a week goes by that we don't investigate one of these cases," said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, who until recently was part of the commission that released the report.

Of the roughly 88,500 deaths statewide January through June 2009, just under 4,200 were drug-related, the report states.

Together, oxycodone, benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Valium, and methadone caused 1,333 deaths from Jan. 1 to June 30 — far more than cocaine, with 236 deaths, and heroin, with 53.

Deaths from legal prescription drugs have risen during the past decade. But only last year did these drugs surpass cocaine as the deadliest. Some addicts prefer to abuse prescription drugs because they can be sure of their purity.

Florida is known as the nation's capital for "pill mills," medical practices that prescribe pain killers in large numbers, with little regard as to whether patients need them for treatment. These drugs are sold locally and out of state.

"Doctors are just handing it [the drugs] out like candy on Halloween. And that's a problem," Judd said.

This summer, Gov. Charlie Crist signed into law a measure would require Florida pharmacists and peddlers of addictive drugs to report their sales to a statewide database within 15 days.

This would allow doctors and pharmacists find out whether drug dealers or narcotics abusers were "doctor shopping," or getting a high number pills from multiple sources.

good drown

well whats crazy, you walk into a doc with "your" "mri" and walk out with 180 30mg oxyxodone, 60 15mg oxycodone, and 90 xanax. some of these young kids are getting hooked, and don't know their limit or when to stop. end up od'ing sometimes days after ther rx was filled

good drown

i just about to start up round two of bubble. i have like 28 grams from the cola k-train, and maybe like 20 grams of trim. i tried to cut the mold out of it, but im not gonna risk smoking it, so off to hash land.

i have a vornado heater( it looks like a normal fan, but heats amazingly), if i turn that on at night when my lights are out, will it dry the air out?

Ioni Botani



Hey Good Drown good info for the SLR people
For people with regular digital cameras ,such as my Kodak Easy Share C340, you need to reduce your Exposure Compensation and your White Balance. I find if I set my Exposure Compensation to -.5 or -1 and my White Balance to Tungsten in my cameras menu settings I get the nicer pics even in HPS lighting.
Just a little helpful hint :))

HAhha Gotta spread more K+ around before I give you more apparently...anywho I was just gunna say how I have the fucking Kodak easyshare fuckass camera that has preset white balance settings, but I'll give this a try blaner! T'ankya!

....20 min later.....







Thankya BLANER!
Damn...that was easy.



ini, that looks unreal...very nice training and growing...you're going to have one hellava harvest
I notice you cover your buckets with foil covered lids...does that help with light reflection and doesn't it promote mold...I'm real curious about that

Ioni Botani

Light Tight

Light Tight

ini, that looks unreal...very nice training and growing...you're going to have one hellava harvest
I notice you cover your buckets with foil covered lids...does that help with light reflection and doesn't it promote mold...I'm real curious about that

Yeh boo, I cover the whole bucket in aluminum tape...I like having my DWC buckets reallllllly light tight, the slime forms too quickly otherwise. The orange bucket without tape on the sides is just holding up my fan

The one thats stretching a lot has Cindy heritage...she should yield well. The other is the PurplePinecone....she's getting really dense...lots of small dense nuggz.
MmmmMMmmmm she smells rank too.

Ive pretty much got DWC figured out..if anyone is interested...PM me.



Well-known member
Ok, peeps from the home state, this is Magnikhan checking in!:santa1:

OK, now that I've checked in, where do I get some of those Green Crack or Florida Fire cuttings?:biglaugh:


magniKhan, I'm sure you're a ledgend in you own time and place but posting up for cuts isn't a way to make friends and influence people...you're fishing up the wrong creek bro...google seeds and good luck

good drown

its pretty crazy to ask that. the first rule is tell noone. pretty hard to do if you are trading cuttings...

Guest 88950

:yeahthats :elf:

ioni, nice canopy pics. oh the upskirts were good too :thanks:

blanner, thx for the info on camera settings. i just hope i remember it when i get my pics taken.

killa, what strain was the buds with a reddish color to them? you have a colorful garden.


so tell me fellas, I have a camera that upoads using a ussb wire directly from camera to laptop...I uploaded pics before but now the laptop doesn't accept the upload and does not get acknowledged when plugged in...any help as I'm computer marginal...boy do I have pics to share...I got wood fellas

good drown

ok what kind of memory card does your camera take?
its WAY better to take the card out, plug it into a card reader, and plug that into the PC's usb. its also way faster transfer speeds.
just go to worst buy, or radioshack and get a card reader, some read 10 differnet kinds of cards. get a sandisc brand reader though


thanks bro...I tried my cardreader from the last camera and it worked fine...it's puzzling cause tthe cable worked fine...it's not like a store is "close" by here...we talking out in the swamp
Is it A new Cam Boo

Is it A new Cam Boo

thanks bro...I tried my cardreader from the last camera and it worked fine...it's puzzling cause tthe cable worked fine...it's not like a store is "close" by here...we talking out in the swamp

If it is A new cam you might need to down load the disk that cam with it, or the cable it not Compatable with your Computer Boo. Us old farts have A hard time with this new Shit out now days. I sure do no the fealing. Im getting Wood just thinking of those Wood Pixs Boo:xmastree: I should be able to get that tank and Reg. in about two weeks OK:thanks:

good drown

the port crapped out i am guessing. happens all the time, another reason to only use the card and card-readers

komrade komura

Active member
Florida Eastern Colony (UK)

Florida Eastern Colony (UK)

Saturday morning in England:

08:00 Step 1 - Make coffee

08:10 Step 2 - Finish harvesting OG Kush Plant
(this stuff sure is sticky and is gumming the shit out of my scissors)

08:45 Step 3 - Complete harvest.....scrape scissors and put in bowl...ignite

10:30 Step 4 - Wake up...make coffee again.

wasn't expecting the scissor hash to be that bloody strong...haha Wonder what OG Kush bubble hash is like.

HARVEST TIME and the smokin is easy.

komrade komura


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Nice stoked for you komrade...bet that OG is some fuego smoke....keep up the great work bro
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