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Florida Growers Thread

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Active member
Looks like a nice spot to chill Boo, glad you had a safe, albeit COLD, trip :joint:

Rooster, definitely start with most nutes at about half the recommended dosage.
It's kind of like the back of shampoo bottles where it says "wash, rinse, repeat"

They want to sell more shampoo, and the nute companies want to sell more nutes.

You'll find most plants are beyond happy with much less.

peace - ogh

good drown

i thought it was because mj plants dont need nearly as much nutes as most fruits and veggies? im sure they all also test the products on legal plants. i bet if their were any nutes for mj only, doses would be more accurate.

i bet you glad the sleepover is done ogh. i'd be paranoid they would go "exploring"


you gotta keep this in mind...marijuana is a weed...weeds have very little needs to flourish...it's only as of the last 10 years that designer label shit hs floeded the market...they all bring good things and ideas to the table but keep it simple folks...I grow forests and use the same 3 part mix I began with when I started...sure, I tweak and adjust according to what the plants tell me but undercare is far better tha overcare...don't be a yenta...a jewish grandmother...let the girls tell you what they want...it's up to you, the grower to interpret their signals...

Ioni Botani

Yes I. Indeed. I had quite the opposite problem....starting with Lucas, I was giving the gals like "half formula" for veg....and they were dying like hotcakes.
I thought it was burning....but after some research...I found that most plants will be deficient if under nuted with Lucas.....so I sloooowly increased feeding....at about 3 day increments.
Every morning I would check to see if they responded. The morning they started coming back it was like night and day. I increased feeding a couple more increments...and voillla.
Lush green growth and nice white roots.
And thus the term "dialing in your grow."


Great Hill Top Boo

Great Hill Top Boo

you gotta keep this in mind...marijuana is a weed...weeds have very little needs to flourish...it's only as of the last 10 years that designer label shit hs floeded the market...they all bring good things and ideas to the table but keep it simple folks...I grow forests and use the same 3 part mix I began with when I started...sure, I tweak and adjust according to what the plants tell me but undercare is far better tha overcare...don't be a yenta...a jewish grandmother...let the girls tell you what they want...it's up to you, the grower to interpret their signals...

You guys are the Best For Sure, If this sounds ok let me No.

I feed every other day as the plants use up the Nutes and Water around this Time, So I am going to Skip the Nutes this Feeding And Just Use 5.8 Water, Or should I just leave out any thing that has N in it and just use Canna Boost[ 0-0.1-0.1 ] and Black Magic[0-21-20] that is for Budding Or just skip a Nute feeding every other time and use just Water.

Boo the 2 Clones that were Yellow, I put Ebsom Salt on them as you sayed to and They are doing Just Fine, And I cut the Nutes down on them Too. There is so much to learn about growing this Weed and I am trying a little to hard I Think and Giving them to much love :kissass: like you have sayed before. So I think I will go down and Kick the Bitches Around A Little Just To Show Them Who's The Boss :spank:

And the 10 Medijuana Seeds I planted are Just 5 that poped up and Are 3' High and Looking Good Too. So i will veg them for 6 weeks then Bud them for 8 Weeks And Hope They Turn Out Like The Pix Well I am hoping so any way, I think I am the only one growing this Strain around here but If any one else has done Medijuana Strain Before let me no how you did with them. 25% THC

OGH Glad you made it through the Week End with The Slumber Party


Guest 88950

boo, good advice but thats probably the hardest to head, less is more.

rooster, i hope you get a few females from those 5. i only had 4 pop out of 8 so far and one didnt sprout after i put it in soil.


I sure hope I get Females

I sure hope I get Females

boo, good advice but thats probably the hardest to head, less is more.

rooster, i hope you get a few females from those 5. i only had 4 pop out of 8 so far and one didnt sprout after i put it in soil.

And if I do this will be My Way of sharing them with all that wants some cuttings of Her. I am going to make her My Mother for sure and hoping to Have some Good Shit From her and All her sisters:yoinks: Im realy stoked about this new Strain and Will Keep All On Here Informed, Becouse as you all no:wallbash: Im so new its hard for me to get all this im My Thick Head. But its nice to have Peaple that no what to do and are so willing to Help Out Us New Guys.

Thanks Again All Involved,



OK some porn from the 4 Girls at 6 weeks

OK some porn from the 4 Girls at 6 weeks

Some show the Claw I have been having A Problem with But I have cut back on my Nutes and will keep you all up to date

Now some of my 5 Medijuana Seeds at 5 days
Only 5 out of 10 are up so far.

Hope my porn is getting better



Active member
Tropical, right on. i want to get a vaporizer so i can quit smoking but im to impatient with edibles and ive always ended up smoking a few bowls before the edibles kicked in.

what kind of vaporizer do you use?

I use a Volcano. I also have an iolite for when I need something portable that doesn't need electricity. I hardly ever use it, I only bought it because the switch on my Volcano broke, so I used it temporarily as my primary vape.

good drown

2 new pets for my room

2 new pets for my room

my cat loves to kill lizards(anoles) on you back porch. i dont like killing, and wifey hates the dead lil guys everywhere. sunday i caught the cat about to kill one, i ran over and saved it, then in a flash decision, put him in my room. next day, same thing again, saved another.
1 have 2 in there now, finally saw 1, he was at the top of my 6ft arjans haze, havent seen the other. he picked the best plant, as its a 12+ week flowerer, and im at 4, not nearly the buds that are on my sssdh and mazars and trainwreck.

also just got my automatic fan controller today. it lets you set the "idle" speed and what temp you want the idle to kick in at. so when its below 80 in there(or whatever you set) the fan slows done to the speed you set. perfect for lights out, lots less noise


evening stonerz...loving this cool weather once agin...been out walking the groves of boo...they are sooo loving the rain we had months ago, new shoots are topping 40' and growing...the pinks, yellows, and blacks all send their regards...

rooster, glad to hear the epsom salts helped...keep us posted on how the nute reduction does...less IS more with these plants until you learn to read them...at one time I was using 3 liquid nutes, specific guanos for specific seasons, humic acid, kelp, added potassium, trace elements, all kinds of advanced goodies and co2 on top of all that...what a headache...I use 3 liquid nutes and a spash of epsom or guano, depending on what they have to tell me...leaves speak volumes...

I'm off for a serious repotting session...4" cups into gallon containers and gallons containers to 3 gallon containers...gotta mix the soil blend, add some myco, worm castings, and were off to pottsville...I just love this endeavour


Thanks Boo

Thanks Boo

evening stonerz...loving this cool weather once agin...been out walking the groves of boo...they are sooo loving the rain we had months ago, new shoots are topping 40' and growing...the pinks, yellows, and blacks all send their regards...

rooster, glad to hear the epsom salts helped...keep us posted on how the nute reduction does...less IS more with these plants until you learn to read them...at one time I was using 3 liquid nutes, specific guanos for specific seasons, humic acid, kelp, added potassium, trace elements, all kinds of advanced goodies and co2 on top of all that...what a headache...I use 3 liquid nutes and a spash of epsom or guano, depending on what they have to tell me...leaves speak volumes...

I'm off for a serious repotting session...4" cups into gallon containers and gallons containers to 3 gallon containers...gotta mix the soil blend, add some myco, worm castings, and were off to pottsville...I just love this endeavour

I always get good Vibes from you and your advice you give me, So i am going to Keep my eay on here and Ask Things when I need to. Hows my Porn look and Do you have any idea of what my girls are by the Pixs.



dinner break...rooster, the porn looks great...they are in that awkward time where they are not vegging and not laden with trichs...this is the time when they are getting ready to explode and continue to pack on weight...the most favorite time I have in the grow house is when they are finishing and still packing on weight...that last week is all important for weight...don't know what you're growing but I see lossa sativa dominance so be prepared to flower for mebbe 10-11 weeks...go to radio shack and get a small microscope and use that to guage the trich maturation...cloudy to amber is what I aim for...I'm impressed...really, for a new grower your work seems to be top shelf...


Thank You -Thank You -Thank You

Thank You -Thank You -Thank You

dinner break...rooster, the porn looks great...they are in that awkward time where they are not vegging and not laden with trichs...this is the time when they are getting ready to explode and continue to pack on weight...the most favorite time I have in the grow house is when they are finishing and still packing on weight...that last week is all important for weight...don't know what you're growing but I see lossa sativa dominance so be prepared to flower for mebbe 10-11 weeks...go to radio shack and get a small microscope and use that to guage the trich maturation...cloudy to amber is what I aim for...I'm impressed...really, for a new grower your work seems to be top shelf...

That realy means A lot coming from you Boo, But:bow: OGH And Evlme need some of that Praze, They have been with me in here sence I started Here.

And You to:bow: Boo, I try to do every thing you all guys tell me to and one day I will be able to tell what my girls are telling me:listen2: with there Leaves.:canabis:



rooster, I would think if it was over fertilized the claws would show some burning or yellowing...have you checked the pH of the nutrient solution you are using...you may have nute block upon further examination...the buds look well developed but the leaves are not happy...that will affect the yeild and reduce it dramatically...


I check my PH with every feeding I do

I check my PH with every feeding I do

rooster, I would think if it was over fertilized the claws would show some burning or yellowing...have you checked the pH of the nutrient solution you are using...you may have nute block upon further examination...the buds look well developed but the leaves are not happy...that will affect the yeild and reduce it dramatically...

My water is RO water that starts out at 6.5 and I set my Gal. Jugs out for 2 days to get the Cloren out of it. Then I test it and put PH Down in to get it to 5.5 to 5.8 before I feed my girls. I have been very carfull about the PH. Im thinking I have just giving them To Much Love and feeding them to much like you sayed before. It will take a few days to see if the Lower Nutes feeding is helping and when things change GOOD OR BAD I will get some more pixs to you.

Did you get your dirt mixed up. If you ever need a pair of hands to help, Just give me A shout.

Thanks Again Boo,


got the soil mix donw but thanks for the offer bro...I used pro mix bx, then added worm castings, myco, and vermiculite...ground it up real fime, and packed 'em down...fre all the gals and the frower room got a thorough dusting of indonesian bat guano prior to feeding

rooster, next feeding just try pH balanced water and no nutes...kinda like a mild flush...the curl just don't look good


OK Just Water For The Next Feeding

OK Just Water For The Next Feeding

got the soil mix donw but thanks for the offer bro...I used pro mix bx, then added worm castings, myco, and vermiculite...ground it up real fime, and packed 'em down...fre all the gals and the frower room got a thorough dusting of indonesian bat guano prior to feeding

rooster, next feeding just try pH balanced water and no nutes...kinda like a mild flush...the curl just don't look good

OK I just fed this morning and just used Boost 0-0.1-0.1
And Black Madgic 0-20-21 at 1/2 Power, Both of those are for Budding with Coco that I use, but I will just use Water The Next Feeding In 2 Days.

Thanks Again Bro


one last thought and I'm hitting the oil bong...you've checked the lights and they are not too close...right
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