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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 88950

rooster, if you do in fact have the claw then the effected leaves will remain curled under.

i hope you get the problem resolved.

this cool weather is great for keeping my temps under 85 in my closet.

good drown

i just woke up and looked at the remote thermostat sitting in my house, i RAN to my room because the temp looked like lights were off.

and yea rooster, the leaves wont go away, but like i said, it hasnt effected bud growth.


I moved the 1K light up 6"

I moved the 1K light up 6"

rooster, if you do in fact have the claw then the effected leaves will remain curled under.

i hope you get the problem resolved.

this cool weather is great for keeping my temps under 85 in my closet.

Now I am Just Wating To See What Happens Next, The Buds look good and Im think it was Heat Like Some Sayed Here. I will keep you all Up To Date For Sure.

good drown

someone in the organics section, from tampa said not to go to hydro stores in FL as they are watching them and getting your plate#
im not worried, i've always gone with someone elses car and the addy is hours away.
but just a heads up, not sure if its a tampa thing or state suggestions.

good drown

welcome ofs!
i have never in my life taken my car to a shop in the past 6 years, even when i drove out of state to md.


I have been kicked out of a hydro store before lol:wallbash:................................when I was newb I brought in a sick leaf to see if they could diagnose lol.

Dude was like yeah man you got leave, we can't even sell anything. I was like alright man sorry.lol

I have been back there though. nobody ever says anything to me though. They prob tell each other "o theirs the dude who brought in fan leaves lol.

good drown

thats like this kid i knew who broke his bong's female peice, so he brought the whole used, stinky-ass bong to the shop he bought it from. this was also the weirdest head shop ever, in the middle of west va, and 1/4 head shop, 1/4 bait and tackle, and 1/4 hunting, and 1/4 convenience store. think they also made subs and whatnot. its called Charley Brown's . i gotta go back, i love the drive there, especially in a fast car!(long windy roads)
weirdest vibe in there though, cool ass workers, but 9/10 customers are rednecks buying beer and tackle and bullets...
edit:i guess they have guns now, and machine guns if you have a class 3 permit


morning stonerz...got back last night to this cool and dry weather...too damn nice to head into work but hey, somebody has to pay the bills here...y'all enjoy the day


Glad U R Back Boo

Glad U R Back Boo

morning stonerz...got back last night to this cool and dry weather...too damn nice to head into work but hey, somebody has to pay the bills here...y'all enjoy the day

Chat slows down when U R not around Bet it was cool up there BERRRRRRRRRRRR


rooster, my nipples are still hard from scooter riding in 40 degree weather...sure gets cold up on top of the mountian...had a swell time but saturday the weather got a bit shitty...the iso came out and all was good again...


To Much Info LOL LOL

To Much Info LOL LOL

rooster, my nipples are still hard from scooter riding in 40 degree weather...sure gets cold up on top of the mountian...had a swell time but saturday the weather got a bit shitty...the iso came out and all was good again...

The nipple thing is just more info than I need :yoinks: But Im glad you had some Relaxing Time Up There. My buds are doing OK but It looks like the Claw Has Got Me So I Put My Light Up 6" and Hope That Will Be Better.


Ioni Botani

Got back from seeing Bassnectar in MIA...and it was BUURRRR chilly! No more AC felluhs...for now at least!
$$$ :jerkit: $$$

PLUS! As an added bonus!
My little gals are fucking taking off....
I love Lucas...simple...cheap...and customizable!
Here we grow!

Guest 88950

good mirning all

boo, good to hear you had a good iso trip.

rooster, im not sure moving the lights will help if it the claw b/c as i posted earlier it from too much N or ph off. if ph is that off your leaves should show ph spotting or the leaves also twisting. its strange giving advice b/c im a noob but the one thing i have expierence in is F'n things up. if its the "claw" then the effected leaves will stay that way.

check out http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688


PH is 5.8

PH is 5.8

good mirning all

boo, good to hear you had a good iso trip.

rooster, im not sure moving the lights will help if it the claw b/c as i posted earlier it from too much N or ph off. if ph is that off your leaves should show ph spotting or the leaves also twisting. its strange giving advice b/c im a noob but the one thing i have expierence in is F'n things up. if its the "claw" then the effected leaves will stay that way.

check out http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688

And I am feeding just what the Nutes are telling me to Feed at this Stage, I am thinking it might be A Root Bound Thing. The base of my Plants are around 1/2 to 3/5" wide. These girls are trees and I have them in 2 1/2 Gal Buckets. But I dont think im going to be able to trance plant at this point. They are looking A little better sence I put the Light Up. Thanks for the Info and Im Croosing my fingers.



from what I hear and not having looked at the pics in question it sounds as if the directions on the bottle are driving the feeding regime instead of the plants telling you what they want rooster...try cutting the nute dose down...some girls dont care for srtong nutes, others thrive...too much nutes will curl leaves very fast...just a thought


Im Good At Directions

Im Good At Directions

from what I hear and not having looked at the pics in question it sounds as if the directions on the bottle are driving the feeding regime instead of the plants telling you what they want rooster...try cutting the nute dose down...some girls dont care for srtong nutes, others thrive...too much nutes will curl leaves very fast...just a thought

But Im better at lissoning to you old Geesers with Hard Nipples LOL LOL I no I did not just say That:wallbash: I will get some pixs up of my Claws and thanks Again Guys



the leaves they are a changing folks...this is what it looks like up in the hills at 3700'...
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