Multi-tasking...........collecting pollen and handing out sugar treats to the little beggers.
Thanks cat and buckets. Afaik all the main stardawg cuts:Corey Haim, Kate Upton. Illuminati, guava, Kyle kushman.
7 days later I honestly dont even know how many days she is. I figure another week or two she will be toasted.
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Take the shroud off and spray it down with rubberized undercoating in a can. Should solve your light leakI'm on 7am to 7 pm for reasons of light pouring through the vents of my window AC in the morning and light showing in the evening.13 years and I never had a "leaky" fuckin window unit.DONT get a Frigidaire if you use a window unit.I'll change the clocks in my house,but my timer stays as is.Good eye bucketwithsoil.
I'm grabbing em all and seeing what's really good.