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3rd-Eye Jedi
someone close to me suffers from that disorder and I have seen more than on person lose touch with reality for YEARS after raging L

IMHE most of the people who suffer long term determent are also doing other drugs esp amphetamines analogs esp dirty ones


, The Ghost of
Coba, "I haven't pictured myself as an eagle with golden pulsating energy feathers"..that's a trip you would mention that. I vividly remember a trip on Mushies in High school on a rainy day when I clearly saw a Phoenix/Eagle emblazoned on the windshield of the car I was in atm. I'll never forget that image of it as the rain poured down around and thru it. Then I went and saw Stargate in the theatres. U ain't really seen SG till you've seen it shroomin BALLZ lol. Awesome time! Thanks for the reminder dude! Still no flashbacks here tho lol. Kinda wish I would...

Trans Am


Señor Member
IMHE most of the people who suffer long term determent are also doing other drugs esp amphetamines analogs esp dirty ones

I have to agree with this. It seems that all the people from my past who were somehow associated with me or my crew of people, who ended up going off the deep end, were the ones who also did the "street drugs" like amphetamines, phenethylamines, opioids, and research chemicals. I on the other hand had a [what I half-jokingly referred to as] lifetime supply of acid that came directly from a medical doctor in Russia. I had no real desire or need to use street drugs.

And I am honestly just fine. Have a good job, a wife, good health, etc. I am starting "adult life" a little late, lol. That's probably the worst effect of all the brain candy... I am in my mid 30s and only just now settling down, got married, planning to have kids, and that kind of thing. But I feel so much better prepared and capable, now!

And I wasn't joking about taking 10 mics a day for a whole year... I did that. You know how people say acid stops working, and you develop a tolerance and have to keep doubling your dose, all that stuff? Not true, if you aren't trying to keep hearing colors and seeing sounds, lol. The effects are always there, but they provide a more grounding effect, if you can believe that. Everything felt alive, and buzzing with meaning, but it wasn't "tripping". I was able to sleep, eat, go to work, go to school, all of that. I didn't take a large enough dose to trip during that entire year, so as not to wreck my scientific experiment.

I still, to this day, consider LSD a miracle medicine that has yet to be recognized for what it is capable of. It's not all about the trip, there's so much more to it!!!



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The Post-LSD Syndrome

Edwin I. Roth
Ratings: 0|Views: 754|Likes: 6
Published by AuthorHouseBooks
The author proposes the recognition of a condition, which he terms The Post-LSD Syndrome, in which patients who have had prior experience with LSD experience a triad of distressing and debilitating symptoms. This triad of unique symptoms consists of a sleep disturbance, anxiety, and forms of mental instability which are described in detail. These symptoms can occur after decades of even only one exposure to LSD. The author describes in detail a variety of case studies which illustrate the various forms of pathology which the condition can manifest. Typical cases which consist of a fairly clear and direct presentation of the basic triad of symptoms are described, as are atyplcal cases in which other symptoms may appear to predominate, such as depression and addictions. Situations in which other conditions may coexist with The LSD-Syndrome and in which they reenforce each other, such as PTSD, are also described. The book is written for the benefit of the general public as well as for professionals, in the hope of helping people obtain proper treatment.
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Publish date: Oct 12, 2011
Added to Scribd: Oct 14, 2011
Copyright:Traditional Copyright: All rights reservedISBN:9781463415693
List Price: $12.99 Buy Now


no thanks.


Well-known member
While i never had an out right retrip so to say, Acid 8-10 times, mushrooms 400+. i think that once we see what we see when we hallucinate, it brings us to become aware of these changes in light perception that were always there. So you now notice these abnormal reflections of light. We hallucinated and slowed down this normal process, an we will forever be reminded. Prior to hallucinating you may not have noticed these abnormal reflections

Really crazy to think about everything is a reflection of light and how our eyes deliver it to our brain. Then to have these brain connections cross paths. light memory an imagination blend.



DId have a flashback , the other day it was not as bad as the one I had when I was 18 but they do suck, dont think I would enjoy trippin like I did at 16 but hey those were the days. Remember trippin on mescuilin on 4th of july thought AND THE PEOPLE i WAS WITH AT A FIREWORK SHOW THEY WERE AIMED AT US FUNNY AS SHIT


Active member
i once travelled in metro with friends and flashback came to me. I start laughing consistently laster over 5 minutes,, for my friends and other people I looked very crazy man


what fat soluble compounds can stim·u·lus recept tetrahydrocannabinol from? ligands, endocannabinoids// i want pot-flashes!!lol


Active member
Certainly had my share lsd. Stopped dosing at the age of 19 after a bad trip. It wasn;t all that bad. Just took more than my usual one dose, and decided to get adventurous and take two, but it ended up being 4 doses because the paper was folded in half. Two for me, two for my buddy. Anyways I found myself fighting for my own sanity for about 14 hours. So that was bad.

Flashbacks? Yes, for about year after my last dose. Nothing major. Just these brief moments where things felt different, like the first instant when your trip starts to kick in. There would be mild tracers and shimmering of objects, and that undeniable sense of time being lost. Then pop. I'd be out. Just another annoying reminder. Even my pupils would dilate cause my buddy caught me during one of my flashback episodes and said my eyes looked like I was tripping out.

It's been decades now since I've had one, so I think I'm cleared out. Wait, ohh shit....


Hi ho here we go
My first 100 hits didn't phase me ...

My first 100 hits didn't phase me ...

I have never had a Flashback :dance013:

Never had a bad trip :laughing:


Active member
Gawd, I long for the days of good black pyramids that would melt in the mouth. CThose were so good with an intense body high followed by face melting hilarity lol!


ohh man, you needed a gallon of milk with the blue or black pyramids to calm your stomach, the green were better imo. i took 17 hits of paper once, lasted 3 days. bit to much i guess. mild visual flashbacks here. never had a bad trip.


52 yr old, handfuls of blotter, cubes, liquid, (LSD & LSA) mountains of shrooms (bro in law was a mycologist)
No bad trips (intense, maybe) no flashbacks.
Single most intense experience, orange mesc.
(Life altering trip)



Active member
Always dug the orange mescie microdots! Totally different trip where I felt "waves" instead of "breathing walls" type of buzz with crazy kinda circular visuals instead of fractal type of visuals I got with cid. I miss those days long gone since the onset of parenthood lol. Used to be plentiful amounts of blotter, and dots on Haight and Ashbury in the late 90's when I used to trek down there. I heard several years ago there was a large bust that put a juge dent in supply :( But I'll never forget staying in my car on the streets around Haight and hanging with the street "culture" down there. SOme cool peeps were met.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Man, I once took to much acid 15 years and I have to say I had the greatest crisis ever for like 10 hours straight.
It felt like my soul was broken or something and all I could do was cuddle up in a corner of my room. An insanely intense feeling of total despair and absolute helplessness. It went away after a while, but now 15 years later the feeling keeps coming back as some diffuse anxiety and I get mad panic attacks that can last for hours....

I wonder if I just suffer from some "burnout" from years and years of too much stress at work or if it really is because of that bad bad trip back then....


Active member
Chevy Bro, I had ONE bad trip years ago, where I thought I was dying lol. I had my girl drive my dumb ass to the er and lemme tell ya, if you ain't experienced a trip fryin BALLS to your local inner city er, you ain't really lived hahaha! I still remember the doc lookin at me as I watched his face melt and saying" now, why do people take acid?" Uh I don't know Doc. I said, to trip balls!?! lol. But for a few years after I noticed the onset of panic attacks where I wanted to jump out of my skin..after much introspection, I concluded it was really life's stresses at the time that truly triggered them and have been virtually atack free since. Don't get me wrong, I think I have had an inordinate amount of anxiety, but nothing I can't handle. But still no flashbacks..

OG savatage

I can induce a flashback at any time, for some reason. All I need to do is look at my popcorn ceiling for 30 seconds, and the particles all start moving in little waves, currents and eddies. Not unpleasant at all, pretty danged cool if you ask me. It's an exact copy of the first hallucination I ever had (it was orange sunshine IIRC). I was sitting on the sidewalk in high school, looking down into a small puddle in the gutter. All of the sudden I noticed the silt at the bottom of the (completely still) puddle was moving in waves and eddies. That was the first of MANY times I asked my buddies "did you see that???!!!" and then laughed my ass off, as if anyone could see *my* hallucinations. LOL