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Update!! 3 or 4 weeks, im not even sure. Less for the Unknown Destroyers.

Nevilles Haze x C5 Mango looking good. 2 distinct phenos, one wider leaf and one narrow leaf.

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple. They seem to be less short, squat and dense at this stage than the MT themselves were, which I like.

Chocolope f2s seem to be the least happy out of the group, interested to see what comes of them.

Golden Tiger x A5. 2 very different phenos again, one narrow leaf and one much wider.

Late popped Unknown Destroyers. The small is even further behind cause I was impatient and fucked around while it was real small. Oh well

And then there are some even later pops…testing out 2 Maple Ridge Catpiss x Skunkberry and 2 Cannalope Haze x Skunkberry. They just broke surface yesterday. And because I can’t help myself, I just popped 1 Johnny Blaze x Chemdog D and 1 Blockhead x F13…theyre regs so I might end up with males, maybe females. Either way might be something neat…or not…time will tell!


Well-known member

Increased the VPD, raised the humidity to about 70 and the temp to about 24…they really enjoyed that. Plants were topped this week at some point. Just gave them their first EWC tea, used some fresh from the bin, the leachings and some added Kelp meal and Alfalfa meal. Due to time constraints I need to flip these asap but I need to sex them first 🤦‍♂️


Nevilles Haze x C5 Mango @Donald Mallard

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple

Chocolope F2s

Golden Tiger x A5 Haze @dubi

Unknown Destroyer

The Maple Ridge Catpiss x Skunkberry, Cannalope Haze x Skunkberry, Johnny Blaze x Chem D and Blockhead x F13 are doing well.


Well-known member
nice selection . johnny blaze is a blast from the past . i had that around 20 years ago. bluebrry x haze i think it was? anyway , nice grow . thanks for sharing


Well-known member
So as you can tell from the colour, I’ve added the hps as well as the 3 cobs.

So here is the new layout as it now stands…

Here are 2 females of the NH x C5 Mango from WallyDuck. I pulled a confirmed male and down potted him to 1gal. There’s one left to sex…decisions will be made when it shows.

Here are the two GT x A5s. Similar to the NH/C5 but I’d say longer node spacing and the 2nd GT/A5 leans more to the GT.


Next up we have my CCH x MT testers. Only one of them has held onto the short slow growth I found in the MT and SS/H x MT. It also has the stinkiest stem rub. The others are more open, and taller with more of a blend of the CCH and MT smells. The first is a female, the 2nd is suspected female and the 3rd is the short smelly one. One male has been pulled, down potted and put with the other boys. Just waiting on the short one to show.



Next we have the only Chocolope female. It has a slightly stinky stem rub, but the male I just removed was the same smell but much stronger. I replaced the first male i had segregated with this one due to later flowering and better structure and smell.

Here are 2 Unknown Destroyers. The smaller one was the one I slightly stunted…which is now over watered and pissed off lol. It’ll survive. The bigger one has that Blueberry stem rub I got off the last ones I tested and off the original Destroyers I grew. Depending how they go, I might actually reverse one of them, hit the other and some other things. I really like the flower but I want it in a more nld structure and high. Ideally I’d backcross it to Destroyer but I have no more seed.

I never did update with the 2nd Tester I grew…here are side by side buds from the first and 2nd Tester. The 2nd has way more funk which was a relief as the first was somewhat muted. First on the left, 2nd on the right.


Well-known member
These are in no particular order, also a little over watered. 2x Maple Ridge Catpiss (Sweet fruity, piney, bubblegummy…not catpissy) x Skunkberry, 2x Cannalope Haze x Skunkberry, 1x Chemdog D x Johnny Blaze and 1x Blockhead x F13.

Lastly here are the males. I expect them to look pretty angry soon going from 5gallon fabric pots back to plastic 1gals 🥺. Gonna give them a heating pad as it’s pretty cool in the closet vs the 26°C in the tent



Well-known member
Another week down…did my best to block the hps and get ok one handed pictures…but theyre still shit pictures lol.

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple
We have a tall, medium and a short girl.



Nevs Haze x C5 Mango very uniform. The males have the same structure.


Golden Tiger x A5 Haze I’m starting to see a little GT in the leaflets now.


Chocolope F2 has a funky stinky coffee type smell. The male is the same but stronger.

Unknown Destroyer…over watered vs not over watered lol.

The randoms…

The males to be pollen harvested
The NHxC5 Mango is still developing.

This is the other NHxC5 that I chose not to use, gave to the furry children
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Well-known member
Some updated pictures after yesterday’s super cropping and a bit of cleaning up some of the lower shmag.

Unknown Destroyer and the little one that was water logged and stunted. Got that fresh Blueberry stem rub going on. Leaves seem lighter green compared to the dark green last time. Stretched a little bit more this time round.

Golden Tiger x A5. I picked a couple balls off the first one at the main stalk intersects with branches. 3 balls total keeping eye on this one but everything else seems good. The first one is also a bit shorter and developing flowers quicker.

Chocolope f2. What more needs to be said other than I fucking hope it’s a good pheno!! It’s got a stink I’m liking so far.

Congo Creek haze x Mountain Temple from shortest to tallest. Obviously the tallest is leaning CCH and the shortest looks very much like the MT. Hoping that middle one is an awesome blend of the two! Also, if the tall one is all Congo Haze but quicker to ripen, I think that will be pretty cool.

Nevs Haze x C5 Mango doing their thing. Nothing of concern. Excited for these ones! Had a little accident supercropping the one but I knew it was going to pull through so I didn’t bother trying to mend it.

Also…first pollinations just happened…anyone else excited for Chocolope Xs?!


Well-known member
I threw my back out like a dummy so was down all week. At a whole batch of Canna cookies. The tent didn’t stop…oh no…kept on moving forward…
One of the GTxA5, both the NHxC5Mango and one of the CCHxMT kept stretching. A ton of super cropping has happened. It’s going to look like a real mess until harvest now lol.

Golden Tiger x A5 - clearly one is going to be in that 12 week window, the other looks quite a bit longer.


Unknown Destroyer has stopped stretching finally putting energy into flower.


Chocolope f2

Nevs Haze x C5 Mango Haze - stretching like mad. Hopefully it’s all flower now.


Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple - gonna be heavy producer for sure, hoping for buds that lean to the MT but it’s not looking promising


And finally got around to pressing the bubble hash…about 44g in the end. But those cookies put my tolerance through the roof

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Well-known member

Still pushing the jungle along. I’m worried about the heavy sativas finishing in time. I figure my soil mix is too strong in N which is causing them to run and take their time in flowering. I’ll cut the lights back an hour soon.



Golden Tiger x A5
Clearly this is the A5 leaner. Pretty sure these are going to be some heavy ass tops when they fill and swell. Not alot of smells, pretty muted so far still.



This will be the Golden Tiger leaner…wild bitch she is! Resin is building. Super difficult to get any sort of decent picture. She has a menthol/pine smell from the resin right now.



Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple
This might be the plant I’m most excited about. It’s like the CCH in size and structure and flower but it’s now changing from the lemony boot polish type smell to a rank dank funk that I can only suspect is attributed to the Appalachia in the MT. And im really excited about that cause I have a ton of CCH still and the be quite honest…Lemon boot polish isn’t a taste that I find myself yearning for although the high is very very nice.




The medium plant is similar in smell but the flowers are now shaping up differently, looks like the start of foxtails possibly.



The Chocolope is doing well, silvery with resin and smelling like sweet tropical fruits. The buds are thicker than they look in the pictures.



The Nevils Haze x C5 Mango is another jungle beast. Both of them. Not much resin production yet and mild smells. Like fresh soil and tomato plant.
Here are both of them…





I’ll finish with the Unknown Destroyer. This one leans way more to the mom side. Strong fresh bright Blueberry coming off the resin. Shit picture doesn’t do it justice.



I didn’t bother taking pictures of the small CCHxMT or the 1gal plants cause there really isn’t much to see. They’re getting fuck all for light so not much for development. Don’t really care either haha. It’s such an out of control jungle there’s literally nothing I can do to tame it unless I started cutting shit back or removing plants and we ain’t doing that!! Some of these plants are literally touching 3 of 4 walls…im kinda pissed they won’t stay in their personal bubbles hahaha
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Looks like the update worked this time thankfully. I'd really hate to stop updating.

@Donald Mallard The NH x C5 Mango is out of control lol!

@flower~power i dont know how you keep yours so well behaved
well at least there is some light at the end of the tunnel now some flowers are forming,
i hope they get a wriggle on ,
any way of giving them extra "k" to encourage flowering ?
perhaps that and lessening the water availability might help a little anyhow,
doesnt look like they are very suited for tents , wild jungle plants ,, lol ...


Well-known member
I cut the light back now to 11/13 and will bring it down to 10/14 in a couple weeks I think. I suspect it's partially due to my hot soil mix, probably excess N causing them to run?
Doesn't help that I flipped the lights before they were sexually mature.

I'll have to take a look at what I've got on hand for K, I'm all organic dry amendments so anything I add would need to break down still. Maybe I'll try a little top dress with some sulpomag and Potassium sulphate. And yes I can cut the water back as well, I run blumats so very easy to adjust.

Regardless of how jungly they are, im enjoying them! It would have been easier to manage them had I not run other sativas at the same time. Oh well haha. The resin is starting to build and this week they've picked up speed noticeably.

Donald Mallard

el duck
having some fun , enjoying the grow is one of the main things i think ,
of course with some of these beasts cuttings are always much easier to handle ,
and yes id say extra "n" would certainly have an effect if the lights were on 12/12 and they had access to n and were getting a fair bit of water ,
chances are they would like to run a bit ,
i see it here in the outdoors once the hours are around that , and there is a big rain storm,
things will start to run soon after ...


Well-known member
If i wasnt having fun, i dont know why i would keep bothering haha. One day i wont be limited to a tent and then ill really have fun!

Yes cuttings would be a game changer but my situation doesn't allow me to keep things living long term currently. For now everything I do is one off seed pops.

I did flower out the one male I got though, he looked to me to be a NL leaner for sure. Smaller leaves of a bld type, didn't stretch crazy and wild, and very good heavy flowering. I should have taken pictures. Produced a good amount of pollen and I did pollinate the earlier flowering female so I'll at least have some f2s to play with later on.

I always try to make some sort of f2 so that later when I can hunt phenos and keep moms and run cuts, I'll have plenty of seed to work with.

Top dressed now, shall see what happens. I have 6.5 weeks max left before I need to have this run cut down. The countdown begins haha

Starting to get that Haze smell now too rubbing sugar leaves, maybe with a touch of pine! I can already tell I'm going to struggle with supporting the buds 😳🤪

Thanks again for these Wally!


Well-known member
Thanks Hashcam! I only have one regret...im all out of eat/sleep weed and this run isn't going to provide me with anymore lol

I was going to run hybrids next round but might have to switch that up with bld types instead.

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