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Fish Tank!

holy shit

that octopus is awesome, i bet it would be incredible to watch it while stoned

i wonder if there is a way to get it stoned?

any clue as to why they dont cant live too long? seems like a lot of trouble to go through to have a pet for only a few months... otherwise i would definitely do it



Active member
foolintherain said:
holy shit

that octopus is awesome, i bet it would be incredible to watch it while stoned

i wonder if there is a way to get it stoned?

any clue as to why they dont cant live too long? seems like a lot of trouble to go through to have a pet for only a few months... otherwise i would definitely do it


they are really badass to watch stoned...really freaky w/ the things they do.

they have the intelligence of a cat and have crazy crazy problem solving skills. (like escaping tanks)

they have moods, and they really "can" get attached to their owners.

they will eat almost anything

sometimes they will hide ALOT and u may not see them for quite a while and you'll worry about them... (sort of a "headgame")

they "naturally" have short lifespans ...so if you get one dont get tooooooo attached.

check out that tonmo website I posted...it has forums and good articles :wave:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NOKUY again.

I'm really digging the octopus! That sucks about their short lifespan. How many gallons do they need? Is it possible to breed them at home?

I want to see the lion fish!

And i want to see seahorses.. :joint:

Sorry about your goldfish man, i hate losing fish :badday:




Hi fishy guys.

On saltwater tanks. I keep freshwater and don't have to clean them due to aquaponic gardens I run off them.

Saltwater Aquaponics has been trialled successfully in Australia growing out snapper, abalone, and kelp. The kelp is processed as well as fed on to abalone, the snapper are fed commercial feed. Anyways, upshot is the filtration and maintenanace is cut right back in aquaponic systems.

If you ran your tank through another tank with kelp seagrasses, molluscs etc, and a few mangroves growing down into it, you could eliminate a lot of filtration maintenance. You'd need to learn how much salt mangroves take up though, in case you had to keep chasing the levels round.

On ghost shrimp, I love em, but can't seem to keep em longer than a year. I reckon the fish eventually get the fast ones. Wild cultures easy for me to get but a 6 mth quarantine is a PITA. Ours are androgenous, all boys that turn into girls at a certain age.

I have a few special fish, but can't photograph a fish to save myself.


Active member
ArcticBlast said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NOKUY again.

I'm really digging the octopus! That sucks about their short lifespan. How many gallons do they need? Is it possible to breed them at home?

thank bro :wave:

It does really suck about their short lifespan, but they are fun while alive.

they need a minimum of 50 gallon tank.....the larger the better tho.

I dont know about breeding them at home, I never looked into that (it might be hard since you usually cant keep more than 1 per tank) ...but there might be a way :confused:

probably the best species to start out with is the "bimac" (california two spot octi)...they live 1 - 1.5 years, they are friendly and playful, and they like human interaction.

if I get something goin soon I'll post some pics.


Smokin on that serious...
hmmm, my four fish tanks:

10 g planted:
water type: fresh water
plants: java fern, amazon sword
fish: 3 24k tetras, 2 glow light tetras, 1 tiger pleco, 2 cory cats, 1 red flame honey dwarf gourami, 1 honey dwarf gourami

35g planted:
water type: fresh water
plants: anubis, amazon sword, java fern, java moss, lilys, others
fish: 1 common pleco, 1 opaline gourami, 1 honey gourami, 1 pink kissing gourami, 1 rosy barb, 10 neon tetras, 3 cory cats

water type: fresh
fish: 1 male vail tail betta

water type: fresh
fish: 1 female crown tail betta


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
clorox-any pics?

yukon-any MORE pics?

bongsong-show us your aqua tank!



Arctic Blast - you pic junkie!

Here's part of the original prototype, this is a tank that runs through a DWC system. Partially cleaned due to plumbing emergency 5 years after making it.

Water changes 50% annually.

Now that's a maintenance schedule!

The parsley adds iron, it gets soggy, half rotten then they take it. Most of the nutrients eaten are in the biofilm, not the parsley.

Here's the prototype Ebb and Flow aquaponics. This has a little tweak to conventional ebb and flow, it runs on 1 pump, no timers. It looks ugly I know, but that's how most prototypes look. The fish are small native trout.

These fish live in a rocky silted stream with bush cover and no aquatic plants. i gave em rocks, shade, and flow. They spawned in here. Made the scientist drop his jaw- took him years to do the same in tidal ponds... The spawning capabilities of Aquaponics is amazing. I have a guppy tank, only 20 gallons odd, and I'm pulling about 20 fish a week out to feed the fish in the picture. They are in a nice new home now....

I have a pond in my greenhouse. This is also Aquaponic. So clean...


Custom User Title
My uncle has a huge reef tank, it's the most amazing thing. Something living in every nook and cranny, all sorts of different little creatures, different ones coming out once the lights go out. I'd love to have one like it, but I don't think I have the time or money to make it worth it.


I love fish and fish tanks!! i used to have a 125 gallon, 2 60 gallons, and random 10 and 20 gallons. I have had all kinds of fish.. My favorite were Clown Knives, and certain catfish. I am planning on setting up a 60 gallon again after i harvest.. I am going to look into getting some electric blue jack dempseys..

i have a 10 gallon tank, fresh water. One snail... Gary :D , a male sword tail and a female platty. More fish soon... going to buy some tomorrow :)

here's Gary...........





It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
awesome puffers dude! i got one of those a while back, and it devastated my whole tank lol...those guys dont play :joint: thanks for the bump, too! i should set up my tank again

i ain't got no puffers but i got a snail named Gary lol. awesome tank!

not too many have tanks here i guess.... or not many people take pics of their tank lol


Garden Nymph
I used to have a fighting fish named Edward. RIP Edward.
That's a beautiful aquarium you got there.
I would like a huge one in my dream house :D
i agree, for now though i only have two fish and a snail... hopefully there will be several more additions to my tank :)
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