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First Timer: 12 Light Coco Multi-feed


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
No i havent . & yeah i'm hearing the same thing about H&G , but ain't no need to fix whats not broken ... know what i mean ? :biggrin:


No i havent . & yeah i'm hearing the same thing about H&G , but ain't no need to fix whats not broken ... know what i mean ? :biggrin:

Very true, I'm just wondering if H&G might outperform my PBP regiment. I've got nothing to compare it to, so I'm curious. I'm going to stick with the PBP this run, but might test out some H&G next run.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
No i havent . & yeah i'm hearing the same thing about H&G , but ain't no need to fix whats not broken ... know what i mean ?
I shouldn't say that cuz .... i'm thinking about going back to the V&B from hydroponics research . the best my garden ever did is when i was using that , but when i moved here it didn't jive with my water & i went back to canna . but now after getting my water filtration system working like it should .... i ordered another 5 lbs of the V&B to try again . the shit was so simple & produced such great results .... i have to try it again :)


I shouldn't say that cuz .... i'm thinking about going back to the V&B from hydroponics research . the best my garden ever did is when i was using that , but when i moved here it didn't jive with my water & i went back to canna . but now after getting my water filtration system working like it should .... i ordered another 5 lbs of the V&B to try again . the shit was so simple & produced such great results .... i have to try it again :)

Whats V&B??


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Hydroponics research veg&bloom .... it fairly new . its a 1 part powder . they have a hard water & ro formula & a Dirty formula (organic ) plus a couple new additives that i haven't tried yet .

theres a thread here on it .... but the last 10 pages or so the trolls & asshats showed up & threw all kinds of unneeded shit into the thread . if you can get passed that , theres a ton of great info on it . i'm there from the begging all the way up to my problems with it & even now .




Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I did back when i first started & i was in soils . i used the FNB & florolicious plus , I used the FNB as a lucas formula of 8ml per gallon & it worked great . i did knock that down to 5ml for veg & that seemed to work better .
but never tried it in coco .


Active member
Cool. The floranova grow looks like good stuff. If it was more easily available in the uk I'd be on it myself. Can't beat a good one part nute for simplicity and results in the veg phase imo.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
just remember to shake the shit out of that bottle before dosing it . its like freakin mud ! & if its not shaken well , you'll get mixed results cuz some micro's settle on the bottom .

& good luck with it papa , i think you'll like it , especially with the FP .

Its floranova BLOOM that is lucas formula in a bottle . you don't even need the grow . lucas formula is 8ml of FNB from start to finish in flowering . they say to use it that strong in veg too , but i had better results at 5ml per gallon in veg .



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
posted by Retrogrow
I prefer this to Canna nutes, as they are expensive and require mixing @ each feeding. You cannot mix them together in a jug for feeding later, as they get like taffy if mixed together without water.
Retro .... Why you would mix canna or any nutes together without water ??? I use canna & yeah their additives are expensive , but they're about the cleanest nutes i've ever used in my rez's besides GH 3 part .
sorry i had to say something cuz they way its worded sounds like canna can't be mixed to sit in a rez or a jug . It can & I do .my veg jugs are all 5 gallons & they set 3 days sometimes . my rez's take 4 days to empty & works out great for the PH swing ,starting out at 5.6 when mixed i hit maybe 6.1 by the time its empty .

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Wow that is clean. Retro I'm taking a look at the KISS stuff. Might grab a bag and test it out on one plant.


split and binned all the BS arguing.

DSW, stop posting here! you are just causing problems. slowly but surely i'm getting fed up having to clean up your mess. why you always have to go around attacking or critizing people i do not know.


Active member
just remember to shake the shit out of that bottle before dosing it . its like freakin mud ! & if its not shaken well , you'll get mixed results cuz some micro's settle on the bottom .

& good luck with it papa , i think you'll like it , especially with the FP .

Its floranova BLOOM that is lucas formula in a bottle . you don't even need the grow . lucas formula is 8ml of FNB from start to finish in flowering . they say to use it that strong in veg too , but i had better results at 5ml per gallon in veg .


Yeah, I'm familiar with the lucas method.

It's never really appealed to me to be honest. I don't think the one size fits all approach is necessary when it's so easy to dial in weed with just a basic one-parter in the first place, know what I mean?

Everything I do is lush on 1.0ec of formulex and nothing else. We get good one part nutes over here, like vitalink etc, but floranova isn't easy to get hold of. If I was your side of the pond that's what I'd use though, I think.

GH nutes work fine in coco, whether Flora Nova Grow & Bloom, just Bloom, or my favorite, Maxibloom, which can be used throughout entire grow. Cheap, no mixing, and Lucas formula. I always add Florilicious+ to the mix, along with silicone. I prefer this to Canna nutes, as they are expensive and require mixing @ each feeding. You cannot mix them together in a jug for feeding later, as they get like taffy if mixed together without water.
It's called the K.I.S.S. method, and the thread should be required reading for all coco growers, IMO.

By the way OP, there is no reason why you can't change it up now and try different nutes on a couple of plants as a comparison. You are still early on. Can't beat the K.I.S.S. method for simplicity and cost effectiveness. I have had my best coco results with Maxibloom + Florilicious+, + silicon. Of course, Rhizotonic in the beginning for the roots.

Yeah, like I say, I know about the KISS method etc.
I think there are loads of ways to go about keeping it simple.

If people can force themselves to let go of the idea that you need ten bottles to do the job properly and embrace the good quality 1-part nutrients out there, I think most of them would never go back to another way.

I think people have had their heads slowly gassed over the last 7-10 years. Companies have really homed in on the weakness at the heart of ever grower - the quest for the holy grail. No matter how strong we try and be, there's always some shit to turn our head with some incredible claim.

Truth is: When you're running a good quality base nute at the perfect level for your plants, nothing is going to increase the growth rate by that much, if at all.

ICOVO, hope you don't mind me posting this in here dude.


Yeah, I'm familiar with the lucas method.

It's never really appealed to me to be honest. I don't think the one size fits all approach is necessary when it's so easy to dial in weed with just a basic one-parter in the first place, know what I mean?

Everything I do is lush on 1.0ec of formulex and nothing else. We get good one part nutes over here, like vitalink etc, but floranova isn't easy to get hold of. If I was your side of the pond that's what I'd use though, I think.

Yeah, like I say, I know about the KISS method etc.
I think there are loads of ways to go about keeping it simple.

If people can force themselves to let go of the idea that you need ten bottles to do the job properly and embrace the good quality 1-part nutrients out there, I think most of them would never go back to another way.

I think people have had their heads slowly gassed over the last 7-10 years. Companies have really homed in on the weakness at the heart of ever grower - the quest for the holy grail. No matter how strong we try and be, there's always some shit to turn our head with some incredible claim.

Truth is: When you're running a good quality base nute at the perfect level for your plants, nothing is going to increase the growth rate by that much, if at all.

ICOVO, hope you don't mind me posting this in here dude.

Not at all, thanks for the insight

split and binned all the BS arguing.

DSW, stop posting here! you are just causing problems. slowly but surely i'm getting fed up having to clean up your mess. why you always have to go around attacking or critizing people i do not know.

:thank you:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
It's never really appealed to me to be honest. I don't think the one size fits all approach is necessary when it's so easy to dial in weed with just a basic one-parter in the first place, know what I mean?

Everything I do is lush on 1.0ec of formulex and nothing else. We get good one part nutes over here, like vitalink etc, but floranova isn't easy to get hold of. If I was your side of the pond that's what I'd use though, I think.
I am soooo glad to hear you say that !!! :) lucas works .... but its not a complete balanced nute system for all stages of plant growth .

the V&B i was talkin about is a one part . but they've done thier homework . it has alot of the additives right in it & even offer to build your nutes by doing a water analysis of YOUR water . :) theres plenty of calmag , slica micros etc ... right in the mix , but there is a little to much N for late flowering so he suggests to feed heavy for the first 3 weeks & taper down from there .
I threw that last part about the V&B in there for you & IC OVO

& oh ... i'm sorry i thought you were askin about FNB cuz you were using it . my bad
there i go assuming again :)
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I'm really intrigued by the V&B stuff. I think I'll give them a call tomorrow and talk with them. In that thread you linked to, ICBuds looks like he is doing really nice work with it. Right now I'm mixing 4-8 components per res change and spending ~$1,500 per cycle. I think with the V&B stuff I would need one 25LB. bag for my entire cycle ($400)....


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Cool :) Yeah with that many plants 25 lbs should do you for 2+ months . i've got about 50 plants here total & when i used it 5 lbs lasted me about a month & a half .

theres quite a few guys having great results with it . i used to be one of them . but they're are guys that have had problems with it . i dunno if it was like my situation where my water was causing problems ... or guys just not using it right .


Active member
What exactly is it? I mean does it come in a separate veg and bloom mix? What's the NPK of the stuff?

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