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First time Cocogro need Help


Ok i am about to take some clones. I didnt really understand or maybe i am missing something, i dont have coco cubes, i just have a big tub of coco that i can put in some pots. It has some perlite mixed in. SO can i fill a dixie cup, cut a clone, dip in rooting hormone. then plant it in the coco in the cup. Water it everyday and keep high humidity around it, will it root this way?

Or do i need to clone them in rockwool cubes, put them in a bubbler setup, make sure they get roots, then put them in coco and dixie cups.

I hope it is the first and is really that easy, and i dont have to fool with something like an ezcloner. Let me know yalls thoughts.


sure the first method will work, you don't even need to add perlit. specially not later on. in fact i have heard people say, the coco works well to clone into, as long as you make sure the coco you use for cloning is incredibly well flushed. you do not want those delicate new roots to get burned as soon as they grow. for cloning you use ph 6.4 even in coco, once the plant has roots you give it ph 5.8 with a very low dose of ferts, 1ml per lt each of a+b will be good once they have roots.


New member
Ok so if you were to give a plant 12/12 light until it got like in the picture, then moved the plant outside (like right now) where it were to get less than 12/12 light... what would happen in 60 days? Would the buds hardly grow and the hairs turn red? Or would the hairs stay white and the buds just grow super slow and take longer than 60 days?


Active member
depends on exact location and the plants tolerance/trigger points to light cycles.

this time of year i think most plants will still be in veg mode outside.. but you could keep it flowering by taking it back inside after it's been exposed for 12 hours since the days are just longer than u need.. i think the plant would start to reveg if you just put it outside.


SpitRhyma2 said:
Ok so if you were to give a plant 12/12 light until it got like in the picture, then moved the plant outside (like right now) where it were to get less than 12/12 light... what would happen in 60 days? Would the buds hardly grow and the hairs turn red? Or would the hairs stay white and the buds just grow super slow and take longer than 60 days?

as the days are getting longer, the plant will revert to veg phase. unless you keep her in the dark for 12 hours every day. so you'd have to put her out in the morning and take her in again 12 hours later.


New member
OK let me make sure I got this right

VEG = Plant gettin bigger
FLOWER = Buds gettin bigger


So you're saying even tho it has barely started to grow buds if I put it outside in this weather (long days) it will go back to veging and the plant will get bigger? Then will I be able to make it flower again by giving it 12/12 and grow bigger buds?

What if the hairs are really solid white?

How will I know the plant has stopped flowering and started reveging? Is there any indication from the hairs? I see the plants like all day so it's hard to see growth.

I'm from Southern California (5 min from the beach baby) and the skies are clear most of the time. LOTS of bright sun.

It has grown quite big since the white hairs have popped out... but at 1st it was 3 white hairs or so and now it's like 20.

It's actually a decent sized plant but I cut a lot of it for clones (which all failed) so I'm hoping to reveg, make it taller and stronger then hopefully by then I'll have enough money saved up to buy a gun an envirolights.

I will take a picture of my plant after work today (after 4ish) and post. It is not quite big enough IMO to
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when it re veges the plant will stop making hairs and will go back to making leaves and getting bigger. it will then flower when the days get shorter again. or if you carry it in and out on a 12 hourly basis. to flower the plant needs 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness every day.


New member
Sounds like you're confirming my assumption about veg/flwr -- Thanks...

I talked to my friend's dad at the club today and he said the same thing... that it's gonna revert...

I'm just curious what the point of no return is... I mean they say once a plant flowers you can't reveg it w/o lights (24hrs/day) I'm thinkin once the hairs turn orange?

I'm glad to hear this because my baby is in a HUUUUUUUUGE pot and has a lot of potential... the bad thing is my back is gonna break bringing that thing in every day n taking it out...

I'm thinking I'll put it outside every day at 9 o'clock and bring it back inside every night at 9 o'clock once it gets big enough...

next issue is how to get the right environment for 12 hrs of darkness...

How dark is dark? Is it just sunlight/flourescent lights/HID lights that count or any light? What if it's in a small/poorly ventilated place? What's the optimum temperature?

I'd rather not have to take it up the stairs cuz it will spill soil on our persian rugs and my back will break (huge pot of soil) so my closet is quite out of the question. We have a small plastic shack for our gardening supplies such as pots, foods, shovels etc. I'm thinking of moving most of the crap out of that and putting the plant in there at night... but it will be 100% PITCH BLACK and almost NO air (but it's not air tight per se). Will that be ok?

Thanks for the info guys I really have to say this forum is like the new OG
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Well dam i didnt realize that you can steal threads here. hey bud you know you can make you own thread so ppl can just help you and only you, that way you dont confuse ppl trying to help me.

Ono Nadagin

Active member
aye and this is the coco forum, not that we dont want to help you in here, its just that since your growin in soil you might want to make a thread in the soil forum


Hey guys i was wondering if anybody knows a good link on how to setup a drip system or where to buy one. I got a setup for an ebb and flow so i dont think i need to buy much to setup the drip system, i just have never worked with on nor do i know what to buy. Thanks for all info.


Hey guys, been alittle bit. It is day 23. I was wondering when should i give them Pk 13/14. All they are on is the canna A.B .. sometimes they get alittle cannazym. I also have some overdrive that i will give them on like week 5 and 6. Just wondering your thoughts. Should i give them alittle pk starting now and dose it up for 2 weeks, then overdrive. do i need to use overdrive with pk, i would think not but not sure. Thanks for your help. Putt



hey PuttPutt33, from the look of your bud its a good time to give a dose of pk13/14, just be careful using it, you can always add more, but you can't take it out. it's a mineral based product so no closer then 3 weeks before harvest in my books.

SpitRyma2, if you are talking about one or two plants, they should be ok for the night in your pitch black shed. just don't crowd them or they will not have enough air. ideally you add a small exhaust so keep air movement going. but i have used a black bin bag on top of my plants when i had no choice and it got them flowering slightly early and let them finish just in time naturally. so your shed should be fine.
hey puttputt, they look green and healthy. your doing good so far!
I always go very light on the pk at first...maybe 1/4 strength of the full dose and then slowly increase it every week. Im sure every strain can handle different amounts, but like gaiusmarius said its better to use less and add more than to use too much and burn them! goodluck -xH
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Hey guys, Thanks for your help. I hand water with 2.65 gallons. Just like on the back on the canna bottle. I 20ml of a..b. is there peak. which is 6.2 ph and about 600ppms. So i brought that back to 13ml of each and 6ml of pk. Which gave me a ph of 6.4 and about the same ppm. I lowered the ph alittle and feed. They have been under a 250hps, all 7, but i am getting a 600 delieved that should be here tommorrow. SO hopefully they will pack on some serious weight soon. As i smoke a lot in 3 months, bad back pain. Anyways i am going to give them pk for 10 days. that will put me at about day 35. then i will give overdrive.....should i continune the PK with the Overdrive from AN? I will give them the overdrive for 2 weeks...then flush....how does that sound to ya'll. I got some other shit i could throw in there but less is better with coco right?


the best thing is to play it by ear. give the pk as planned and look how it goes, if after 5 days the plants show you they had enough pk, then go back to A+B. you have to look at the A+B as the perfect petrol that keeps the correct mixture of nutrients available for the plants. the pk is like a tank of nitro, you got to use it at the right moment. :D