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First time Cocogro need Help


Thanks Buddy and GauisMaruis. I express ordered my coco nutes From BGH yesterday. Hopefully they will be here soon. I got the coco A..B.. Some cannazym and some Pk 13/14. I didnt get the rhizotonic yet, although i am, I firgured since i am about to go into bloom no need for it now. I am also going to give them some Bigbud And overdrive along with uping the PK. I am pretty much going to try and get the same results as Bullseye. I like the way he feeds his plants, with canna base and AN additives. The pic is of the whole bunch, Top left is the one that got locked up, The next pics is just some indiviual shots. I trimmed some lower leaves, the last pic is of the plant that was locked up after i trimmed it. It looks a lot better without the ugly fan leaves on it. I'll update with they get some canna in them. I am all ears about coco until then. Peace-Putt



if you want to do it the bullseye way, you need to use hammer head instead of pk13/14.

although that might not make such a difference? we will see. they certainly look fine so far.


Active member
Berger: ECSD get pretty hungry after the 1st few weeks of flo plus they were getting like 100 wpsf, kind of a special case, but still...lol. I meant 23ml A and 23ml B, 46ml total, then there was the PK. Normally before I would get to 20 A and 20 B and stop there. It may have been a seasonal thing with the tapwater.

I only used calmag with the PB, a 1:2 ratio. So for example: 10ml CM and 20ml PB (flower for soil with 1.5-4-5 NPK) was the norm.

I used epsom salts once in 3rd week of flo with canna cuz they needed it, but that was it.

Sorry if off topic Putt. They should be looking real good after a few doses of Canna.


Well i got my nutes in. Just gave them some a,b..and cannazym. Anyways they are about 10-13" high. I am going to flip the lights tonight. I always see ppl talking about how they wished they would have flipped sooner. So here is my ? can i give these plants a 18 hour dark period. See i want to run them at night starting at 6 in afternoon. That would be better for me, but they go to sleep right now at 12 in the morning. So i would have to give them 18 hours of darkness to get it where i want it. I have heard of some ppl doing 36 and 24 hour dark periods. How should i flip as i dont want to hurt them. Peace guys and thanks for all your help with my plants and the coco nutes. Also they had just gotten there only drink of the day that is why they look droopy. Should i water them 2 times a day or 1, as they get bigger wouldnt they need more? I think so,.

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yeah thats no problem, you can pretty much start 12/12 at any time it's convenient for you. as for the watering that really is up to you. hand watering 2 times a day is a pain in the ass, even once a day isn't that easy. but you can get away with once a day no problem, just make sure you give them enough for some to run off again. yes as they get bigger you'll find their nutrient and water uptake increases.


Well i would just like to say that berger and gauis and all the others ppl here at ICMAG, THanks. Yall have helped me out tremendously and if it waasnt for yall my plants would be dead, I would still be giving them shit loads of Magical. HA. Anyways they are streching a bit but looking good. I got them on A,B. Cannazym and sone PK 13/14. Didnt bullseye also given them Bigbud. I think so. I got the overdrive for week five. Anyways Here is a pic.


Just alittle update for my ICmag friends in the COCO thread. Anyways they are loving the canna. I got to thinking though, The pots they are in are made for flood and drain, 6"x6"x6.37" to be exact. They were transplanted in the pots, with coco, about 2 weeks ago i guess, maybe alittle more. Been in bloom 6 days now. Will these pots be big enough, or will these plants become rootbound? the pots would have been big enough if i had ran hydrotron which is what i orgianlly planned. Talk to me fellows i am all ears. If they need bigger pots, what size, if not awesome.


Active member
IMO it's a little late to repot, they should be fine but possibly stretchy, it all depends on what you are willing to live with...or not, and what you have room to do. They may get a little rootbound but that's not as much of a problem in coir as in regular soil or soilless. Your watering needs will go up drastically very soon though....a drip setup would be something to start thinking about. If it's just those 9 it's a cakewalk to water until u have to leave for a few days....then yikes.

I've never repotted in flower always assuming it was a bad idea (excepting extreme sats)...anyone else???

Did u say u are using PK already? I hope not.


the pots are big enough as long as you keep on watering every day later on when they are bigger it becomes even more important. but the pot size is ok, as aeric said, it's too late to re pot now, the roots will not make full use of a bigger pot at this point.


Hey guys been alittle bit, well i built a new grow room, so now more hydro hut, they are in a new better home. Anyways i have 8 out of 9 females, the just got there top buds in and showed sex about 5 to 6 days ago. they are all about 3ft tall, but are alittle top heavy. i have put a good fan and them. In the hut they will alittle cluster fucked and leaned against each other so that is why they are top heavy. Anyways my ? is when should i give them PK. I gave them some yesterday and have given them alittle when i flipped the lights, but i was reading the back yesterday and it said just to give it to them in week 4. i thought i had to give it to them the first 4 weeks? then some overdrive. Anyways just wondering what i should do, and i know yall will know. Peace


there are a couple of approaches you can take with the pk13/14.

1- use it 3 to 4 weeks before harvest on one tank full of nutes. or in other words, add to the water for a few days. with a nute hungry strain add the recommended dose on top of the normal A+B dose. with a nute shy strain, reduce the A+B by a few 10ths and make it up again with the pk.

2- use it at week two or when the flowers start to show the first bushels of pistil hairs. again you add the pk, while reducing the A+B a bit. then use it again at 3 weeks to harvest, again like described above.

3- then there are those that start using it at day 14 of 12/12 at a low dose and they keep adding it in small amounts gradually increasing it, all the way till week 5 of 12/12. this method is not my method, i have found it burns my leaves to use pk over a prolonged period. also the plants clearly showed a N deficiency, although i must admit the yield was a good one, then again same with the above methods, without the burnt and early yellow fans.

hope that helps with the pk 13/14.


Gauismarius you are the man. Just one me ? man and this may be stupid but when i take some clones, can i just cut them, place in clone gel then into coco, or do they need to establish roots first then go to coco. I think roots then coco, but just making sure. Also when i added the Pk the tips of my leaves turned yellow and so did one leaf on one plant. I flushed today with phed water. laying off the Pk for now. Thanks-Putt
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Hey PuttPutt33, I'm a gaius taught grower and you've got the right people helping ya, dude. You did the right thing when you flushed. If ever in doubt, flush it out, lol.

My plants are in day 45 of flower and pretty much since they were put into veg I've fed them A+B 6mL/gal and now that they are flowering I've given them PK 13/14 6mL/gal along with a reduced dose of the A+B 4mL/gal for 4 days at week 2 and again at week 6.

Pictures would be really nice so we could see what's happening to them.

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you can clone directly in coco, but personally i prefer the rw cubes, although i'm sure that the coco cubes that you can get would work fine too. it's up to the individual and what's the most convinient.


Thanks Garius and here are some pics for you mojo.U can see the tip burn of the pk so i flushed them. then i put a shot of the top buds coming in. no more streching thankfully.let me know what you think.



Yikes, the PK13-14 sure does look like some potent stuff. I am also in my first coco run with a buddy and we flipped to flowering 3 days ago, so the PK will come into use in about a week and half or so.

When we do add it to our regualar Canna Coco A&B @ 10ml/gal ebb & flow, I plan on reducing the A & B slightly and going with approx 5-6 ml/gal of PK like mojo has suggested.

I was simply curious how much PK13-14 per gallon you added PuttPutt?


i did add one teaspoon for every 2 gallons...hand watering, that day i was high talking to my girl and i put 3 teaspoons in 3 gallons. little mistake. All i use is canna a,b, cannazymn and pk.


AbaZabba, I'm going to cut my PK back even more. I picked up a little burn at 6mL/gal. If I were you, I'd think about maybe reducing the A+B by at least half and maybe 60% and keep the PK to about 4 mL/gal 5 tops. See what happens during this 4 day dosing and later, when you repeat it, if the plants didn't show stress at this level of nutes, up it to maybe 5-6mL/gal of PK while still keeping the A+B reduced. Just a thought dude.

PuttPutt33, puss can be a little distracting dude, lol. Best left to us professionals.

<<<<<<<<<<< See picture to the left, hehe.

At the rate you were using the PK before she took your mind off the important stuff, hehe, you were only using 2.5 mL/gal of PK. That level shouldn't burn the plants and neither should the 3 teaspoons per 3 gallons. 1 teaspoon equals 5 mL so that would have been 5mL/gal. But if you were still feeding A+B at say a level of 6mL/gal, that might have been too hot for them.

In order for you to be sure what you're giving them teaspoons are really inaccurate, go to a real old fashioned drug store, one of the ones with an old guy in the back who's been there so long he's stuck to the chair, hehe. Tell him you're a nursing student and you want some syringes to practice PEG tube feedings. They come in 35 and 60 mL sizes so get one of each. While you're at it tell him you need some other syringes (not the needles!!!!!) to practice giving IM (intra muscular) injections. Tell him you need 3, 6, and 12mL sizes. These should cost ya under 5 bucks for all of them. Even if you have to pay 10 or 15, they're worth having for accuracy. And if you're going to measure 10mL, use the 12mL syringe to do it and not the 35mL. More accurate that way.

Note, and this is really important. Don't, under any circumstances tell him you're a medical student cause pharmacists like to show off in front of doctors and he'll probably ask ya some shit ya don't know. But everyone knows nurses are dumbasses so he won't quiz ya about anything. I'm a nurse so I should know, lol. I'm a guy too so I know how embarrassed you'll be, hehe. Dude, things like this build character so suck it up.
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Active member
2.5 ml/gal was the highest it got for me at peak, and it burned em a little. Kind of use em like Gauis's #3 but week 3-6, later for longer flowering ones like SD. Basically when the colas get that spurt at week 3.5-4.5 (8 wk strain) ya hit em with more of what they want until they start to slow down, wk 6.5 or so. This run went with only 1ml/gal. to see if they don't get burnt, so far still getting a major boost in size with that dose, no burn yet...just more input for ya, I haven't perfected it yet.


Hey guys can i use awesome blossoms or bloom booster pro 0-50-30. Just wondering if i need to add anything to my canna a,b,. i just dont feel as if i am giving them enough additives.