Thanks Buddy and GauisMaruis. I express ordered my coco nutes From BGH yesterday. Hopefully they will be here soon. I got the coco A..B.. Some cannazym and some Pk 13/14. I didnt get the rhizotonic yet, although i am, I firgured since i am about to go into bloom no need for it now. I am also going to give them some Bigbud And overdrive along with uping the PK. I am pretty much going to try and get the same results as Bullseye. I like the way he feeds his plants, with canna base and AN additives. The pic is of the whole bunch, Top left is the one that got locked up, The next pics is just some indiviual shots. I trimmed some lower leaves, the last pic is of the plant that was locked up after i trimmed it. It looks a lot better without the ugly fan leaves on it. I'll update with they get some canna in them. I am all ears about coco until then. Peace-Putt