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First Grow - POG & White Russian DWC

It's good to hear that someone is out there checking this out. I'm excited about the grow and don't have much of anyone to talk to about it. It's really here for reference for other rookies, though, so I'm sure something will help someone out! I'll post some more pics today, the buds are getting nice and fat. I'll write more later, since I'm @ work, but I had a pump fail on me, so I'm hoping that the 18-24 hrs that the roots didn't have O2 wasn't enough to kill my girl. AAAH!
I think you'll be happy with it, CT, it's a great yielder and a heavy duty stone. A buddy just finished some and I'm very happy with it. I'll get you some flower shots up later today so you can see into the future!!
Tuesday October 31, 2006 – Day 42 Flowering and HALLOWEEN!!!
- Buds are coming along nicely, and the trichs are forming everywhere. Nothing too important to report, so I’ll move along to the specifics.
o Nutrients
ß HS Nitrogen – 1 mL / 4 L water
ß HS Phosphrous – 8 mL / 4 L water
ß HS Potassium – 19 mL / 4 L water
ß HS AAA Carbo Blast – 1 gr. / 4 L water
ß HS The Heavies – 1 gr. / 4 L water
- Light hood = 46 in. from buckets (around 1.5-2 ft. from plant tops)
- pH = 5.3-5.8
- Room Temp. = 75 degrees
- Bucket Temp. = Approx. 67-72 degrees (Winter is amazing! It’s taken so much work off of my shoulders now that I don’t have to switch out frozen bottles twice a day! The water stays at around 66, and sometimes floats up a little and I’ll throw a bottle in. Oh yea!)
Relative Humidity = Approx. 38% (This is getting low, which I am definitely down with, it’ll make a less desirable environment for mold.)
- Yep, there’s weed growing in my closet…

Thursday, November 2, 2006 – OH FUCK!
- Well, one of my fucking pumps failed at some point in the last 24-36 hours or so, I’m not sure when. This is bad, but I got the pump running again just in time for lights out, and will change the water after work tomorrow. I really hope that this wasn’t enough to rot the roots or allow shitbag bacteria to take hold. Wish me and my plants luck! Pictures of everything will come later!
Update on the pump failure issue:

Update on the pump failure issue:

Yesterday, to fix the pump problem, I went ahead and mixed up nutrients in my spare bucket, which was first cleaned out thoroughly and put the affected plant into that. All surfaces related to that plant were wiped down with an H2O2 solution to kill any bacteria, and I rinsed the roots with another diluted H2O2 mix. I changed out one of the airstones/line for it, but the other one will have to remain as is (I cleaned it first, though) since I have no more spare supplies. I'll be going out to handle that today. I hate not having spare shit around, it's definitely asking for trouble not to be ready for freak problems. I Today everything looks fine (roots are a little more slimy than usual, but I'm not worried yet), and there is no more of that funky smell in the bucket. Hopefully the plant will be ok, otherwise, she comes down early and the other two plants get more light to the side branches, not too bad of a deal I must say. Here are some random shots I took today of the plants and some premature nuggets that I snipped because they weren't getting enough light.
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Pictures from Nov. 4, 2006 - - - - - Day 45

Pictures from Nov. 4, 2006 - - - - - Day 45

Here we go, Day 45 for ya right here. Only 10 days of growth left!
Roots after the pump failed and they've had a day to recuperate.

Two of my biggest colas!

Snip snip for the scrawny buds. I'm surprisingly high now from a quick dry in the oven at 200 deg from a little of this. Surprised...

Congrats on your nice-looking buds. WR was my first grow also, and IMHO it's one of the best strains I've ever had in my garden. Grown it once more since, and it's no slouch on yield, stone, or scent. Great bag appeal. You'll love it.

Hashish! is a fabulous book, too. Great pictures, history, etc. RCC really knows his stuff.

Enjoy your harvest. Making hash with yer trim, I hope?

Day 45 (Corrected), plants are flushing at the moment...

Day 45 (Corrected), plants are flushing at the moment...

Here's the next installment of my story, folks.
The plants have been doing alright, but not quite perfect. The middle bucket that had the pump problem is actually looking a little bit better, and I think it'll pull through for me. I've got them all flushing for the next couple days to correct what looks like a toxic salts buildup, so the growing period might be stretched a little bit, but that should work out fine.
I remembered that I had a 2 day flush during the beginning of flowering, too, so I'm actually that much further back as far as total flowering time goes. I've been watching the trichs, and most are still clear, with some being cloudy and very few starting to turn amber! The time is nearing.
I've also recently discovered that I'm going to have to leave town for 5 days during the flush, which will be between 10-14 days. I've got someone who will be able to check on the girls, and I've got a high powered dehumidifier that I'll be running in the room that feeds my growroom with air.
I hate not being around for the end of the story, but I'll be coming home to a few plants ready for the CHOP!
Here are some pictures taken a moment ago, Enjoy:

With some Reference:

My guest reemerges!

Some pics of the frostiness!!!

This is why I'm flushing, BLAH:

And THIS is probably one of my favorite pictures so far! I hope you've enjoyed my growroom!

How much will the flushing period affect how long it takes for my trichs to mature? Should I start flushing just before the trichs look like I want them? If so, how much before? Thanks ahead of time, everyone, let me know what you think!
Peace to ya all
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To anyone reading this thread, purchase the book Mr. Nice by Howard Marks, it's an autobiography of one of the biggest hashish and cannabis smugglers of our time, and it's a great read. Can't help but read it and hear a call to duty of sorts, but I can't quite claim near the 20-30 tons this guy smuggled. Oh well, that's not in my plans... Go get the book and enjoy yourselves!

Don Logan

Hello there Stealth :wave:
Your plants are looking awesome! I can see that you are very detailed in your grow. Good for you!
I just check pH, no PPM, EC, or blah blah blah. I K.I.S.S. I try to error on the side of lower nutes throughout my grow.
I can't wait to see the chop pics and get a smoke report :woohoo:
Peace Brotha :wave: :joint:
Well, the flush is over, and everything is looking OK. The damage that caused me to flush in the first place is not longer spreading or anything, so I'm hopeful that now that the plants are feeling better, they'll thrive like mad! Probably only 10-12 days of nutrients to go, then off we go for a flush. Wish us luck!!! Hope everyone is doing well!
Some new pics Day 48

Some new pics Day 48

Hello all, I've got a new round of pics up. Finally got the balls to turn the lights off for a moment and take some flash pics, and I think they came out well. These don't have much longer to go, probably 7 days or so. The one plant whose pump failed isn't doing well. It's showing signs of deficiency and hasn't really grown at all in the past few days. We'll see what happens. I'm feeding it a few times a day by pouring water straight into the net pot. Maybe the roots there aren't as affected by the rot, and also, this might spur the growth of some new roots to carry the plant over. Just a-watching the trichs. The plants probably have no less than 75% clear trichs still, so they've got some time. I'm impressed by the right side plant, it's growing more bigger buds than the other one that was trained. Either that says something about my training or that plant just kicks ass.

Some frosties:

A pic of a possible Boron def. in the pump-failed plant, good luck little girl!:

Here's some flash photography:

The main cola on the stunted plant, makes me want to cry thinking about what could have been! :-:)

A couple of my faves:

Hope you guys can dig on the pics. Also, I'm looking for some Sour Diesel IBL seeds, PM me if you can assist!
YO, long time no type.

YO, long time no type.

A lot has been going on. I'm at day 53 right now, expecting to flush at day 56. The plant whose pump was off for a while pretty much lost it, so I took her out of the room and chopped her down. That was Monday, and it was a sad, but also fun, experience. I've been making ISO hash and did a run of cannabutter last nite. I'll get to try it out tomorrow as long as I don't have to work. Anyway, I would have left the girl in there except that the leaves were decaying, which invites fungus gnats, etc. and also the side branches on the remaining plants are getting much more light now, and hopefully they'll fill in in the next couple weeks. They were totally dried by today, and it looks like the yield was about 35 grams on this plant. Pretty damned measly, but ok considering growth stopped about 5 weeks into the grow and I chopped it early. The buds are very airy and the high isn't where it should be, but I'm telling you, the other two plants should make up for it, they are looking astounding!!! Here are some pictures of the harvest, budshots of the others will come tomorrow.
Don't laugh too much.
Ah shit, I just went to upload pics and found out thay I must have deleted them by accident. Pics tomorrow, sorry bout that
Pictures from Day 54

Pictures from Day 54

These are all from today. There is just less than 35 grams in that rubbermaid. I've made a total of probably 1.5 grams of ISO hash.



Haven't been in the mood for a real update with all the specs, but they're all about the same right now. I've been having a hard time keeping the pH right lately, we have some whack ass water. There's no more left of the plant I chopped a few weeks ago, and the other two plants will be flushing soon. That'll go on for about 2 weeks, and I'll chop em down and find someone to burp my jars while I'm seeing 3 nights of musical madness! Oh... Bad news... I've recently started finding small amounts of evidence of some hermaphrodite action on the most vigorous plant... One banana on one of the buds, and some seeds forming... It's pretty fuckin weak, but I'll accept it and move on. Should that one be out of the room by now or something? Let me know what to do with a hermie, I figure leaving it in the room to flush with the other one can't hurt. I have no clue what could have stressed the girls into herming on me. Maybe the fact that they were from clones taken in flower, maybe from pH swings occasionally, probably not light (don't see how that could have happened, except for occasional flash photography right before lights on or right after lights out, who knows) More pictures to come later... Bud growth is doing OK, and I'm guessing about 9 ounces in the end from these two. We'll see...
2 Days Left

2 Days Left

I've been flushing for a a few days now, and since I have a landlord inspection coming up, I've got to cut the flush time down from 14 days to about 9. I'm not too worried, this should be sufficient to get those chems out. These Pot of Golds flowered for 71 days, and the trichomes were 80-90% cloudy. I want the stone to be a little more in my head and less slam me on the couch. I can't believe they took this long, but a buddy of mine reported 10 week flowering periods, too, I'd like to fast flower this one with a HarvestMaster, but thats for later... :wink: No bud porn to post today, but tomorrow I'll actually take the time to do it. Tuesday, this segment comes to a conclusion of sorts. Stay tuned...
Ok guys and gals, here we go. I've been slow to put this up because it's been a busy few weeks with the grow ending, harvesting, working, school, and cleaning up and repairing for a landlord inspection (that's today, wish me luck, haha)
Details on the harvest:
The first day of harvesting, chopping, and trimming took about 8 hours between me and at some points, a couple of mates. I spent a lot of time the next few days meticulously trimming what I later found out was 320 grams of high grade ganja. That means, with the 34 grams from the early harvested plant, I yielded 354 grams under 600w, or .59 g/w. Pretty good for my first shot at this, I'd say. This is great weed, too.
Check it out!!!

These are from just before the chop, I believe.:

Out of the closet. Take a look at these purple buds!



Active member
Wow! :jawdrop: Did you train them or did they naturally bush out like that?

Lookin' very nice! Hope my POGs turn out like that! Look at those stalks!