nettle fpe can smell nice if it's very diluted. smells like very well composted horse manure.
I even have a JayKush poster up in grow room
How much rice water do you start with using those size jars? for culturing lacto Band i also used glass, a quart mason jar. then the final culture into a 1 gallon jug(also glass).
Bravo, this thread is awesome, actually this whole sub-forum is the reason I joined here. These ideas have completely changed my methods, and I think this is trailblazing information. I even have a JayKush poster up in grow room
Okay - so by now all of the leaves and have decomposed with only the larger branches and stalk (with roots) remaining. I'm assuming that it's finished, correct?
About the smell at this point - this 'tea' (talk about abusing a word) smells exactly like fresh manure as it plops to the ground. It is overwhelming and there's almost a gag reflex if you get close to it as you're diluting it.
Is it accurate that comfrey smells worse/stronger than stinging nettle? Is that even possible? LOL