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Fentanyl-Laced Marijuana Confirmed In Connecticut


Well-known member
...... if there wasn't fentanyl in weed then there will be now, you can count on it! :shucks:

if drug dealers aren't doing it, i expect hardcore anti-pot LEO or someone like Kevin Sabet to arrange for it to happen. gotta stir up the rubes for fun and profit. ESPECIALLY profit...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Does Fentanyl even work after it's burned?. I've not heard of anyone smoking Fentanyl..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That doesn't say anything about smoking it.. All it stated is it's easy to extract fentanyl from the patch using common solvents.


Well-known member
"Transition from injecting opioids to smoking fentanyl in San Fransisco, California"

"Conclusion: Between 2018 and 2020, there was a shift from injecting tar heroin to smoking fentanyl in San Francisco. Reductions in injection of illicit drugs may offer public health benefit if it reduces risk of blood-borne viruses, abscesses and soft-tissue infections, and infective endocarditis." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34482046/


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I guess you can smoke anything. It takes a special kinda person to smoke something and see what happens lol. Google doesn't have much info on smoking fentanyl.. There's just 1 article. Maybe that's why some are trying to put weed/fentanyl together.


Well-known member
Seems like if it was mixed in with weed in a joint it could be easily orally ingested before being burned. :dunno:


Well-known member
yeah there's not a lot out there on it, there's some probably not real article that's a story about a straight edge kid that moved to washington and was in a band or something, most of the legitimate articles mention it being mixed in cocaine that gets smoked

maybe the dealers think it will give their other drugs a perceived edge in potency, I remember seeing a documentary about heroin dealers and when one of them gets a batch that someone overdoses on it creates high demand for that heroin because the users think it's the really good shit and they will pay more for it


Well-known member
Is this confirmed by the police, or an actual authority on the subject?

I've seen videos of cops "overdosing from being near a bag of fentantyl" and it seems awful sketchy, coming from someone who was deep in that world a decade ago

I call b.s.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Is this confirmed by the police, or an actual authority on the subject?

I've seen videos of cops "overdosing from being near a bag of fentantyl" and it seems awful sketchy, coming from someone who was deep in that world a decade ago

I call b.s.

I know of several people that have had accidental overdoses while cleaning out junkie camps. Usually it is from accidental inhalation or contact with it. They’ll be working and suddenly a crew member will just drop. Most of the crews carry Narcan or whatever the nasal spray version is called now.

Definitely not from just being near a bag though, that’s definitely bs.

I’ve heard of this laced weed in several states now, but haven’t seen anything I’d call “proof” yet. Just a few internet posts with few details. I’d like to see some hard data on it as it just seems too stupid and pointless for anyone to actually be doing.


Well-known member
Is this confirmed by the police, or an actual authority on the subject?

I've seen videos of cops "overdosing from being near a bag of fentantyl" and it seems awful sketchy, coming from someone who was deep in that world a decade ago

I call b.s.

Only one of the 39 suspected cases was lab confirmed to be true. The sample was "turned in by the Plymouth Police Department" and I can't find any link to the lab results . In the other cases people were just doing fentanyl and not admitting to it after overdosing.


Weed laced with synthetic cannabinoids seems to be very real though, at least in Europe.



Well-known member
Only one of the 39 suspected cases was lab confirmed to be true. The sample was "turned in by the Plymouth Police Department" and I can't find any link to the lab results . In the other cases people were just doing fentanyl and not admitting to it after overdosing.


Weed laced with synthetic cannabinoids seems to be very real though, at least in Europe.


They've now stated that they believe that it was cross-contamination from a fent user. All of the people involved were known users who had fent in their systems at the time.


Well-known member
If you search for "Weed" instead of "Adulterated Cannabis" on DrugsData there actually is a lab-confirmed fentanyl containing sample:

Green bud with small white powder bits that could be seen in corner of bag. [...] got it for free on 4/20 from someone in park, used it, went into heavy nod and knew it wasn't right.

Free bag of weed? Never heard of such a thing..

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Government lies to piss away more taxpayer money. Police are habitual liars.

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