they turned it over to the un ,its a global law we are now breaking ,so its bigger than obama,see now and look below the main pot story to see the un headlines
You have to realize that the regional DEA offices have their own agenda and politics. Perhaps they knew this policy was coming down and wanted to finish their cases before it did.When are people going to learn politics?
8 Days before this statement was posted, his office conducted 8 raids on businesses in one medical state.
Say one thing, do another. When will people learn?
Damn politicians.
edit: So they did a major pullback, right after they did a major enforcement push. riiiiiight. I was for the war, before I was against it.
When are people going to learn politics
8 Days before this statement was posted, his office conducted 8 raids on businesses in one medical state.
Say one thing, do another. When will people learn?
Damn politicians.
edit: So they did a major pullback, right after they did a major enforcement push. riiiiiight. I was for the war, before I was against it.
That might actually be a good policy, to get the criminal gangs out of the biz entirely!
Then law abiding cannabizes can have much greater success without illegal competition.
That is where the Feds need to focus their energy. Leave all the small timers alone!
Of course the next step should be full legalization, but of course we know better.
Too many special interests still involved in prohibition. But the tide has definitely changed now.
And I doubt that any party in power will try to turn back the clock. Too many ppl use it now, too many legal bizes now, many canna-lobbyists too.
Wait till they see how much TAX REVENUE gets generated, esp. locally. Politicians will be against prohibition too.
Tobacco, Alcohol, Prison Industry, Big Pharma will still be against it, at least until Big Pharma comes out with cannameds.
BTW, this is a HUGE victory for States Rights!
Be careful what you wish for when talking about States' Rights.
Be careful what you wish for when talking about States' Rights.
Bwaahahaha!Exactly so. Ms. States' Rights is a hot blonde who looks mighty fine near a greenhouse... but she also has very sharp teeth in all the wrong places.
Without states rights none of this would be happening.. ROFL WTF are you talking about.. "Beware of states rights" of the most deluded, uninformed things i've ever heard in my life. Must be an Obama supporter lmao.
Perhaps you'd care to offer other instances where States' Rights haven't been used for one repressive measure or another. I listed several.
Probably not, huh?
Like I said, it cuts both ways, usually the wrong way, like this-
Obama supporter? vs what viable alternative? Mitt, the choice of the authoritarian lootocracy?
Try to imagine how a modern Repub admin would react to all of this, then get back to me about being delusional, OK?