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Feds Won't Block State Recreational Marijuana Laws


LIGHT'EEEEMMMMM UP GUYS AND GALS THIS COUNTRYS ABOUT TO BE A POT FRIENDLY PLACE.. You know what they said when they cut the monkeys tail off? It won't be long now.... Hoorraaahhh


Well-known member
Meanwhile, in Detroit and Ann Arbor...

Would love to be positive about this but these guys have lied about this before.


Active member
The first step in the right direction. We need to keep making more progress and follow Peter Tosh's advice, just a bit late for many of us.


I'll celebrate when the official laws reflect it. Until then its just words and words are cheap, especially ones coming from this DoJ.

Cool Moe

Active member
Wow, news of the best variety. What a landmark day. Now the other 48 states are all gonna be playing follow the leader. Why lookee yonder, here comes the Green Rush, get yer boots on fellas.
Hmmm..... DEA has just re-prioritized it's efforts, yet they still order credit card companies and banks not to deal with legal medical cannabis operations and most recently ordered armoured car companies to stop servicing them as well.


Quick quote from the article above:
"In 2011 they closed our bank accounts, which forced us to handle and store cash on-site," said Steve DeAngelo, executive director of Oakland dispensary Harborside Healthcare, in a release. "Now they have denied us any secure way to transport that cash to those whom we owe money, like the City of Oakland and the California Board of Equalization.”

I'll believe that the federal government has done the right thing when they revise the list of Schedule I drugs.


Well-known member
it will probably be the same type of enforcement, state legit operations will be taken down from time to time
but they must have seen some very bad legal juju in the court system
the only way i can figure that is they(DOJ) think they would lose in the legal playing field
fiddle away DEA, your day of reckoning is coming


Active member
To quote The Wolf, "Let's not start sucking each others' dicks quite yet gentlemen."

Never mind the news story. Let's go the the actual press release on the DoJ's website.

On second thought... well -- don't actually go there then. Instead, just read this bit below.

In a new memorandum outlining the policy, the Department makes clear that marijuana remains an illegal drug under the Controlled Substances Act and that federal prosecutors will continue to aggressively enforce this statute. To this end, the Department identifies eight (8) enforcement areas that federal prosecutors should prioritize. These are the same enforcement priorities that have traditionally driven the Department’s efforts in this area.
Of the eight enforcement areas, there are a couple of "holes" big enough to drive a DEA SWAT team through. The one of greatest concern is this:

"Preventing the diversion of marijuana in states where it is legal under state law in some form to other states."

So, if there is a grow op where the DEA believes that cannabis from that grow is being planned to be sent in whole or in part outside of state, they are coming in and you are still on the DEA shit list.

The chances of such legalities being used to cloak a grow where the intent is, in fact, to export from either Colorado or Washington to out of state are... well... they are about 100%. That's human nature and we all know it.

I'm not saying all the grows will be like that -- but there will be some, and if it becomes profitable -- "some" will become "many." And I am unable to see how "some" will NOT become "many."

And so the game will inevitably continue.

that smell

They are saying if any state chooses not to legalize and you transport into that state then you are fair game. With the potential money from taxes and the feds giving the greenlight, I couldnt imagine many states not legalizing. And thats the great part....legalizing not just making it medical marijuana. Im praying to buddah my state finally does. Peace


Active member
I think Holder realizes that Federal efforts are fukololo w/o the help of state & local LEO's.

What it means is that they'll still be working together on large illegal grows, same as they do wrt moonshiners. Colorado & Washington have a vested interest in that, in establishing a revenue base wrt legal grows supplying retail outlets. They don't want the Feds shutting that down, so anybody with an extra-legal grow in Colorado is maybe more of a target than they've ever been.

Staying Colorado legal isn't difficult, particularly for couples. Want more harvest? Grow bigger plants to stay legal. Not even the Feds will bother you.

Venture capitalists who've gambled big are gonna make a killing. How about a nice retail outlet in Georgetown? Breckenridge? Frisco? Silverthorn? Vail?

Oh, Momma! The ski industry will act as a giant conveyor belt, dumping money through your door faster than you can count it.


USA won't challenge state cannabis laws

USA won't challenge state cannabis laws

Fort Collins Coloradoan:

WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department will not attempt to challenge state laws that allow for the medical and recreational use of marijuana as long as the drug sales do not conflict with eight new federal enforcement priorities.
Those include the distribution of marijuana to minors and sales that assist or act as cover for trafficking operations, according to a directive being issued Thursday to federal prosecutors across the country.
Although the directive issued by Attorney General Eric Holder will apply nationwide, it will largely affect the 20 states and the District of Columbia that allow for medical marijuana use, and Colorado and Washington where state laws allow medical and recreational use by adults.
<ASIDE class="wide single-photo" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject">
<META content="Medical Pot Privacy" itemprop="name"><META content=380 itemprop="height"><META content=540 itemprop="width">
Medical marijuana patients wear paper bags over their heads during a protest against alleged state government security breaches in Denver on Aug. 21.<META content="Brennan Linsley, AP" itemprop="copyrightHolder">(Photo: Brennan Linsley, AP)
Holder briefed the governors of Colorado and Washington earlier Thursday on the new directive in a conference call. Federal prosecutors were expected to begin briefing authorities in other states later Thursday.
The new guidelines do not change marijuana's classification as an illegal drug. But it effectively discourages the pursuit of individual non-violent marijuana users who have no links to criminal gangs or cartel operations.
The document contains a list of eight new federal enforcement priorities, which is expected to guide federal authorities when weighing decisions on marijuana prosecutions. It also notified state authorities that the federal government reserved the right to intervene if the states did not enact appropriate regulations to protect federal interests, including guarding against the distribution of marijuana to minors.
The sweeping directive was described as a major breakthrough by advocates for decriminalizing marijuana use.
"Today's announcement demonstrates the sort of political vision and foresight from the White House we've been seeking for a long time,'' said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which supports the legalization of marijuana and favors referring offenders to treatment rather than prison.
"They (federal officials) are basically saying to Washington and Colorado: proceed with caution. They are giving (states) a chance to roll this out. This is politically and historically significant.''
Dan Riffle, the Marijuana Policy Project's director of federal policy, said it was now time "for Congress to act.''
"Today's announcement is a major and historic step toward ending marijuana prohibition,'' Riffle said. "The Department of Justice's decision to allow the implementation of the laws in Colorado and Washington is clear signal that states are free to determine their own policies with respect to marijuana.''
As recently as last week, the Obama administration signaled its approval for more lenient marijuana enforcement.
"While the prosecution of drug traffickers remains an important priority, the president and the administration believe that targeting individual marijuana users, especially those with serious illnesses and their caregivers, is not the best allocation of federal government resources,'' White House spokesman Josh Earnest said last Wednesday.
In Colorado, marijuana advocates said the announcement sent a reassuringly "strong signal" to state voters who in 2000 permitted medical marijuana for medicinal use, and then last fall approved recreational use.
Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., said he had long pressed the federal government to "respect the will of Colorado's voters.''
"This is a critical first step in providing much-needed certainty for Colorado's residents and businesses who have been left in limbo since the voters decriminalized marijuana in 2012," Udall said.
Attorney General John W. Suthers says the federal decision means Colorado can continue developing a marketplace for people to buy and sell legal pot. "As belated as it is, it's a welcome document. We now know what the ground rules are," Suthers says.
The Justice Department announcement, however was not being hailed in all corners.
"We are very disappointed that Eric Holder's not doing his job,'' said Calvina Fay, executive director of the Drug Free America Foundation. "It is his job to enforce our nation's laws.
"He has created what will become a tsunami that will most likely result in far too many young people becoming victims of chemical slavery,'' she said. "And it's really unforgivable. … He should be fired."
Peter Bensinger, former administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, said Holder's action amounted to a violation of the law.
"He's not just abandoning the law,'' Bensinger said, "he's breaking the law...He's putting the people of Washington and Colorado at risk. He's violating the treaty obligations of this country. He's telling the world we don't really follow the law here."
According to the new directive, federal authorities still will prosecute individuals or entities involved in:

  • The distribution of marijuana to minors.
  • Directing revenue from marijuana sales to gangs and cartels.
  • Diverting marijuana from states where it is legal to other states where there are no laws allowing for marijuana use.
  • Using legal sales as cover for trafficking operations.
  • Using violence and or firearms in marijuana cultivation and distribution.
  • Driving under the influence of marijuana.
  • Growing marijuana on public lands.
  • Possessing marijuana or using on federal property.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said he "welcomed'' the guidance that has been "long-awaited and in short supply.''
"The Justice Department should focus on countering and prosecuting violent crime, while respecting the will of the states whose people have voted to legalize small amounts of marijuana for personal and medical use,'' Leahy said.
Contributing: Trevor Hughes, Fort Collins Coloradoan


ruger 500
they turned it over to the un ,its a global law we are now breaking ,so its bigger than obama,see infowars.com now and look below the main pot story to see the un headlines

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