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The Tri Guy
We're at risk of this becoming an Italian thread now. You clearly read English, so I'll respond in English from here on out, for everyone else's sake.
Yes PH values are important, but after this amount of time I know what's what. My tap water is pH 7. Hesi nutrients take it down to 6.8.
If I add a little too much 6.7 and a bit less 6.9.
I sometimes don't add any, so 7 again.
I don't measure the nutrients, I put a pin hole in the foil caps and give a squirt into the watering bottle. So they get a narrow but varied range. Anything they need, they either find, or are provided with in a form they can get. Oh and I suppose I should mention, the tubs I use for the compost have no drainage. Why waste good nutrients and water by letting it drain?
I've heard it all, people saying I can't grow that way etc, but I can and do.
I don't get the highest gpw, but I'm not sure I believe those who do. I get a decent harvest, which I smoke. I'm not commercial, I'm a personal grower. This just works with the minimum fuss and most importantly, the minimum work.
I genuinely appreciate the insight others have, but would say we all have our own environments that need to be catered to. In mine, this works, in someone else's it might not.
I have always said in my threads, I don't claim to be the best, but what I show is that any Muppet can get decent results easily, they just need a light, an area, and no one to stop them.


Active member
We're at risk of this becoming an Italian thread now. You clearly read English, so I'll respond in English from here on out, for everyone else's sake.
Yes PH values are important, but after this amount of time I know what's what. My tap water is pH 7. Hesi nutrients take it down to 6.8.
If I add a little too much 6.7 and a bit less 6.9.
I sometimes don't add any, so 7 again.
I don't measure the nutrients, I put a pin hole in the foil caps and give a squirt into the watering bottle. So they get a narrow but varied range. Anything they need, they either find, or are provided with in a form they can get. Oh and I suppose I should mention, the tubs I use for the compost have no drainage. Why waste good nutrients and water by letting it drain?
I've heard it all, people saying I can't grow that way etc, but I can and do.
I don't get the highest gpw, but I'm not sure I believe those who do. I get a decent harvest, which I smoke. I'm not commercial, I'm a personal grower. This just works with the minimum fuss and most importantly, the minimum work.
I genuinely appreciate the insight others have, but would say we all have our own environments that need to be catered to. In mine, this works, in someone else's it might not.
I have always said in my threads, I don't claim to be the best, but what I show is that any Muppet can get decent results easily, they just need a light, an area, and no one to stop them.
You seem to have the same growing style as me lol
And yes it does work
I've only just started ph"ing my water and measuring nutrients to be fair it does make a difference
But that being said your plants are excellent so why change what obviously works
Keep it simple less to stress over lol


The Tri Guy
Day 18 (from first pistil.) (April 25th).
Everything is on track.

Stopped giving veg nutes now, just a little squirt of flower and boost. So the largest fan leaves will start to disappear soon. That should make pics more interesting.


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The Tri Guy
Thank you, stems are starting to get a bit floppy now. Wish I'd bought netting. Might have to get some string out in the next week or so.


Padre Sereno
i read well (thanks to the translator) but if i'm not at the pc i'm scared to write in english (i use a translator, i speak very badly and i write even worse).
I will try to interact in English, sorry if I write wrong but I rely on the translator
having ph water at 7 you are very lucky, perfect, here they are at 8 and more with ec 400 (that good).
fertilizers "lower" the ph, right and brings it to you in the optimal range.
on earth you are in an iron barrel.
I would start giving a little more p and soon I would taste the k


The Tri Guy
I don't mind you writing in Italian at all. That Google translator is a handy thing. I couldn't say hello to you without it 😁. I just think my answers should be in English. I felt rude at first, but realised you wouldn't have been able to comment if you didn't know what was going on, so you have a method of understanding.
I'm using the hesi line of nutrients, they do have a P bottle, but I've never bought it. I figured the flower nutes would contain both, and using more of the P at the start may leave more K in the compost ready for when it needs more of that. Feeding extra P at the start of flower, may leed to needing to feed extra K at the end. So I'd be buying one bottle in order to need to buy another bottle. If that makes sense. By not having a drip to waste, and only feeding lightly, I seem to get away without buying either specialist P or K, and just giving simple flowering nutes through flowering.
I hate adding anything, but don't have access to my favoured compost this year for some reason. There fore I'm using a very light mix that can't sustain them on it's own. Otherwise I'd be adding water only.


Well-known member
We're at risk of this becoming an Italian thread now. You clearly read English, so I'll respond in English from here on out, for everyone else's sake.
Lol , i' m really ok with that , for my part i just didn' t make the effort to translate and just skip forward ...
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The Tri Guy
Hey Bibi, it was only about distances from tops to light. Apparently I could have started lower than I did, just cautious with a new light. ESP since it's twice as strong as the one that was in there. I know for the next run.


pure dynamite
20 cm for me too, actually it was up to 15 and even closer but at 15 cm I started to see problems on leaves. And of course the vpd is crap so close to the lamp so useless to keep them that close anyway.
as I said about 30 cm is perfect for this lamp. could be 25 to 40 cm, depending on style.
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The Tri Guy
You've both got better ventilation in your setups though, my 4*2 is complete, I still need to put my hand in my empty pocket to finish the 2.3 square tent off. At the moment it's running on passive air flow, and an unzipped zip at lights off. I need to be a little more caring about how much I ask of my girl in there. You can both crack the whip. Still for 18 days I'm impressing myself. And yes, I'm taking the credit for the work that the light and plant are doing :pimp3:.
Thanks for the insight though, it's always good to have those who've been there confirming suspicions.
I'll leave it where it is now and hope the buds grow into it a little.
After all, I always say the same thing, surely one inch can't make that much difference. :shucks:


Padre Sereno
man, no rudeness :)
I apologize if I spoke in Italian I thought your devices translated automatically.
hese never used.
I advised you to increase the p since you are in the phase in which the flower is built and I also see purple stems (perhaps from genetics).
of course i advise you to use k, now i would start at 1 ml / l and then go up.
the k works on the n that you have well put not on the p.
the light you can keep at 25 cm has no lenses.
vdp crap I did not find this problem in my garden with this lamp.
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The Tri Guy
Hey man, don't apologise for adding content, every thread needs content. It's no problem to copy and paste something. This site used to automatically translate languages, since the update, it's stopped.
The leaf stem things, I know they have a name but I can never remember it, are pretty much always red, the main stems tend to turn red, so that probably is a deficiency. I refuse to smoke nutrients though. By the time the grow is done, I want clean buds. So I deliberately underfeed, I don't care about gpw anywhere near as much as I care about clean buds. It's always nice to get a nice harvest, but it's me who smokes it. So I don't need to pump it full of extras, I don't want them in my lungs. I will give it flower nutes for a little while longer, they have p and k and all sorts of other stuff (derived from natural sources, not a chemistry lab), and perhaps they are not perfectly balanced, but it's important to me, for this to be a fun hobby. If I get caught up in the numbers, it's going to feel like work, and then I'll stop enjoying it.
Besides, it's looking ok so far isn't it? Ok , there's a bit of red here and there, but really, who's it bothering?


Padre Sereno
the plants seem excellent to me!
it's not a question of gpw.
Balancing nutrients is essential for a clean harvest.
plants feed on macro and micro elements and they don't care if they are organic or synthetic, this interests you when you supply them.
the plants are not undernourished on the contrary they are just full of n.
now the p would serve you to give structure to the flower.
then the k to form the flower and burn the n.
absurdly, you risk finding them green at the end of flowering


The Tri Guy
Check out some of my other threads here, I've got two other threads in this forum, and many more in others. You won't see anything too green at the end. Seriously, some of them are good reads. Or just keep on chilling with us here, and let the show unfold. There's less than a month left on this grow. Then I'll put my producer under this light and see what it can do. This plant is my quickest finisher, a clone I've bred and grown for years. I know it inside out. I promise, it won't be too green.

Edit, well that is apart from GMT goes led, you will see too green in there at the start. It took a while to figure led out.
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The Tri Guy
We need more pics, but all caught up on the FC, so a quick peek at the TSL2000:


Now I know I don't have room for the clones in stasis as is, and definitely can't flower them all at once, but still, it's always nice to pop a new seed, and I've wanted to pop one of these since I made them, hoping for a male:

Ok, next time back to the FC :artist:


Padre Sereno
SScusa l'italiano nn ho il traduttore sotto mano!
ti suggerisco di rendere i vasi non trasparenti, arrotola in torno qualcosa! O lo fai per far morire le radici e indirizzarle (tipo vasi Airport)?

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