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Family Guy just pissed me off..


Active member
The episode aired tonight 8:30pm EST. Anyway, one of the plots involved Peter and Lois entering into a talent show. To get their creativity flowing, they steal some of Brian's stash under his bed. It's all funny until Chris runs down why Peter and Lois lost the talent show.

He then explains that THC is just another form of Acid! :cuss:

I wish I was high to be able to cope with hearing that bullshit! My smile from laughter dropped and I blurted out, "BULLSHIT!" at my television! Then Stewie spoke up and in the first milliseconds of hearing his voice, I hoped he would correct him. But he was complaining about them talking to loud while he was watching Family Guy. Maybe if I didn't love this plant I would have been able to laugh but I was way too sober to crack so much as a smile!

What the fuck is going on when even Family Guy is in on trashing marijuana with misinformation? The wheels of this fascist government are grinding in OVERDRIVE!

I am not going to tell others to protest Family Guy but fuck them! I am not watching it again! I am actually thinking of using my DirecTV's parental control just to block out FOX altogether so I don't even accidentally watch that channel again!!


The Voice of Reason
Just like I tell my 11 year old....
If you expect to hear factual information from cartoons, Then I don't know what to tell you...


If THC was another form of acid I think a lot of people would be much happier...

I never really got into family guy, didn't really find it that funny especially since it was jokes back to back and it just gets pretty crappy...


Grat3fulh3ad said:
Just like I tell my 11 year old....
If you expect to hear factual information from cartoons, Then I don't know what to tell you...

ROFL. Please have more kids...


Active member
Grat3fulh3ad said:
Just like I tell my 11 year old....
If you expect to hear factual information from cartoons, Then I don't know what to tell you...

there's a difference between wile e coyote going plop after falling off a cliff only to do it again two min later and using chris griffin to pass along misinformation.

i do agree with you but i also know a good portion of this nation is loaded with pure ignorant and arrogant dumbasses who do get their information in such ways and unfortunately we need those "individuals" to get this shit legalized. i think we'd be better off calling attention to even minute details.


i mean yea the episode had some miss information, but it didn't really bother me, and lets face it, alot of people are total idiots when they are stoned, especially the "creative types" the thing is i have no problem with them being idiots, i mean they are enjoying themselves, so as long as they are not operating heavy machinery they should be free to be idiots.


D0nC0smic said:
and lets face it, alot of people are total idiots when they are stoned, especially the "creative types"

In my experience, the "creative types" are the most "at home" with the feeling of being high, and handle themselves when high as though it is second nature.

What creative types are you speaking of when you say that?


Hal said:
In my experience, the "creative types" are the most "at home" with the feeling of being high, and handle themselves when high as though it is second nature.

What creative types are you speaking of when you say that?

I've had a lot of friends over the years that SWEAR they can write poetry better, come up with better stories, etc... but sitting around and observing while sober, I found it to be quite the opposite. Not everyone had this problem, admittedly. But a lot of folks do. Not that I care, they can be funny to watch, especially when I'm baked.


sunshine in a bag
D0nC0smic said:
i mean yea the episode had some miss information, but it didn't really bother me, and lets face it, alot of people are total idiots when they are stoned, especially the "creative types" the thing is i have no problem with them being idiots, i mean they are enjoying themselves, so as long as they are not operating heavy machinery they should be free to be idiots.
I would like to believe that I don't act like an "idiot" when I'm stoned. I don't foam at the mouth from laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing, I don't say things like "Mannn I can feel my like.. my hair growing mann!" etc.

Generally people who haven't ever been high before are the people that don't know shit about it and make a half-ass attempt at portraying what it is like to be stoned. AKA many hollywood producers and directors.


Future Psychopharmacologist
everyone knows the majority of people who watch family guy are stoners anyways so why does it matter.
PoppinFresh said:
there's a difference between wile e coyote going plop after falling off a cliff only to do it again two min later and using chris griffin to pass along misinformation.

Not to totally disect your post here but:

If people are taking information from a cartoon seriously, there are FAR bigger problems with society as we know it.

i do agree with you but i also know a good portion of this nation is loaded with pure ignorant and arrogant dumbasses who do get their information in such ways and unfortunately we need those "individuals" to get this shit legalized. i think we'd be better off calling attention to even minute details.

I sincerely doubt we need "those individuals" to get shit legalized. In fact I'm in extreme doubt that we need "those" kind of individuals at all for anything if they are using such ways to get their information rather than using half the brain they were initially granted in life and performing a little light reading on the issue.

With that said, not trying to insult you, merely wanted to point out my opinion.



Future Psychopharmacologist
QueenofGreen said:
Then they should get shit right and not piss off their fan base.

maybe you shouldnt get so pissed. I mean hell when I see a freevibe commercial I laugh my ass off.


The Voice of Reason
Smokin' Chopper said:
Not to totally disect your post here but:

If people are taking information from a cartoon seriously, there are FAR bigger problems with society as we know it.

I sincerely doubt we need "those individuals" to get shit legalized. In fact I'm in extreme doubt that we need "those" kind of individuals at all for anything if they are using such ways to get their information rather than using half the brain they were initially granted in life and performing a little light reading on the issue.

:yes: absolutely... Far Far bigger...


Active member
As to the original poster, you obviously didn't get the point of that joke. By lumping all that ridiculous shit in with the other BS that the govt keeps telling us, they're making the point that it is all in fact bullshit. Anyone who knows that show knows that they weren't making a serious point. After all, Brian is the most intelligent character on the show, and he's always smoking lately. Lois even put bud in his jacket pocket before he went to the prom with Meg. Did you get pissed off when Dr. Hibbert offered Homer the skull-shaped bong?


Active member
DrKatz420 said:
As to the original poster, you obviously didn't get the point of that joke. By lumping all that ridiculous shit in with the other BS that the govt keeps telling us, they're making the point that it is all in fact bullshit. Anyone who knows that show knows that they weren't making a serious point. After all, Brian is the most intelligent character on the show, and he's always smoking lately. Lois even put bud in his jacket pocket before he went to the prom with Meg. Did you get pissed off when Dr. Hibbert offered Homer the skull-shaped bong?

the point? hmm. what was the point? in your eyes, it would seem to make a joke by comparing marijuana to acid. but, where's the joke? where's the punchline? what's funny about that? where's the satire? it wasn't a joke. it was stated as a matter of fact. you assume that because the show is always a joke that it HAD to be a joke. so i guess when comedy shows decide to take a serious note and say things like, "stay in school," "don't do drugs," or some message advocating donations to cancer research, we ought to just ignore it totally because in the context of the show... IT'S ALL A JOKE?

in my eyes, the point was to sneak across disinformation to the general public. a lot of us may not want to believe that people take this kind of information seriously but if you haven't noticed by the laws around the world (especially in these united states), quite a few people are ignorant of a lot of things and don't have the god given sense to think for themselves.

a lot of you may see this as just another family guy joke that went over my head and a few others as well. i see this as a quick injection of stupidity that snuck over a lot of your heads. of course, for us, it's not the truth so you let it roll off your back. but for a lot of people, they'll take it at face value and not think about it again until the subject of marijuana comes up. they WILL remember and they will equate marijuana with acid or cocaine or crystal meth or whatever man-made murder weapon developed to destroy lives.

if we continue to let even little shit like this slide, we'll NEVER get this drug legalized for ANYONE including medical patients!

and to smokin chopper
HELL YEAH there are far more serious problems. it's exactly for the reasons that i've stated. there's evidence after evidence after evidence of the type of stupidity, greed, ignorance, and arrogance that has got us and continues to get us into far worse shit than marijuana prohibition. if you doubt that we need those individuals, you aren't grasping how seriously fucked up this nation is. if you think those individuals don't matter, you aren't grasping how seriously fucked up this nation is! we gotta acknowledge, accept, and respect the fact that it's those same people who we think we don't need and who we think don't matter are the very ones that are making these mistakes that are costing lives across the board.

i know that lil blurb on family guy probably shouldn't blow up into something bigger than that blurb but the reality of the situation is that millions of people have seen or will see that episode and large portion of them are going to take that little blurb at face. it shouldn't blow up but it already has blown up!

i am not begging for people to agree with me.

im begging for people to understand me.



Active member
Did you actually read my response that you quoted, because every question you seem to have was answered by it. As for the idea that a "large portion" of the millions of people who watch that show will think it's true, how many people is a "large portion"? Fifty people? Because 99% of the people who watch Family Guy either already smoke, or at least know it's less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco. And lastly,

"so i guess when comedy shows decide to take a serious note and say things like, "stay in school," "don't do drugs," or some message advocating donations to cancer research, we ought to just ignore it totally because in the context of the show... IT'S ALL A JOKE?"

When was the last time you saw Family Guy send a serious message about school or drugs or cancer research? Are you confusing it with Family Matters? That's not the Urkle that we're talking about at ICMag bro. Stick with Saved By The Bell and Boy Meets World if you want a sitcom with a message.


Active member
wow you sure are getting worked up, we can see how you sense of humor, or lack thereof, has really skewed this.

herb is a psychotopic substance, which is a lesser form of a psychadelic, which is what acid is. a damn fine sativa can almost be acid-like.

anyways, Seth MacFarlane, the creator of family guy, is a smoker. i highly doubt he was trying to demean the herb. i have seen the episode. it's not as bad as you make it out to be.

peace n green thumbs all... wait, i'm in the toker's den... peace anyways. :joint:
