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Fall Cop Choppers?


Active member
they just flew for the second time in my area, must have figured they missed something the first time lol.



one's been over one of my outdoor spots last week but they either didn't see it or figured it'd be too much work to get into and chop.........i don't plant where ppl go :)
everythings still green and lush around them and i've made sure to let them be bushy and abnormally shapped instead of chrismas tree-like


New member
i've been hearing the choppers last couple of days flying over my house, no outdoor op this year. just started up my indoor grow though, should i worry at all? not happy to hear everyone else is having flybys too :(


Our tax dollars at work. Our govt is screwed in the head, and is taking our country down big time. All great societies fall through internal conflict and mismanagement. You think the US will be the US in 100 yrs??? Hell no. Since time began, through modern history, we see it. Many good citizens in jail because they disagree with unjust laws. I don't like him (well, believe all that he said), but, MLK said:
"it is our moral obligation to disobey unjust laws".

couldn't really say it any better.

big tough macho cops... damn, they better work out everyday... sure is hard to wrangle those plants.

It is still illegal to use infrared devices without a warrant, and unless your using several thousand watts, I don't think it would stick out.

It may cut down the overall great yield, but I guess outdoors will start to have to use autoflowering plants and harvest in July or August to beat the fheads.


MoeBudz^420 said:
Spider = Argiope, Black and Yellow. A large orb-weaver, commonly seen in grassy fields with large webs spun between 2 long grass stalks. Usually sit in the centre on a thick zigzag of silk.

Can bite, as all spiders can, but harmless to ppl venomwise.


I use to not like spiders until my son really got into them. So I had to get into them. Besides the black widows, which we have all over our property, and the few other poisonous ones, I don't mind them. They are another species on this planet and most will not hurt you. They deserve to live and we, the big brained assholes of the planet, should realize that, and respect that.

Spiders are really cool. I watched one begin a web... he would leave a little ball of silk on one line and when he reached it, he would glide down to another line. It was pretty awesome to just sit there and watch. They do a needed job of ridding insects and other pests, like so many of the other creatures. Don't fear them.

Here he/she is: a crab spider... Yeah, crazy.

Be a little aware of her though...



Active member
Nice pics, That one is not a crab spider if it spins a web, crabs are ambush hunters, not web spinners. Usually hide on a flower that is the same colour as they are, awaiting a careless bee or fly.

What you have there is a Spiny-Backed Orb Weaver (Gasteracantha cancriformis). I googled, just to be sure. I am not an entemologist by far, but know a few species...

Black widow...we don't see them here in canada, or at least I have never seen one live...

I too release spiders outside unharmed if I find them in the house (except yellow sac spiders, they're aggressive little biters - I have been bitten by them unaggravated. They get the electro racket)

Just use a shotglass and card to catch them without being bitten...Place glass over spider, slide card under glass, pick up and take outside - no need to stomp em, they kill many pest insects, and are a grower's friend. My favourites are the jumping spiders (Salticidae). Best eyesight of the spider world. Look at them, they look back at you...:rasta:

Gimme a sec to upload a pic...

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Cool thanks for the correction. It is a cool spider though. Yeah, lots of jumping spiders around here too, as well as your common grass spiders.

Didn't mean to hijack the chopper thread, but not much more to say. They look during the harvest season so they can make sure they hurt you as much as possible... after all the effort and money spent to grow. Makes me sick. Mexicans should grow in f'in Mexico.
I'm also not trying to hijack the chopper thread (don't have an outdoor grow so it doesn't concern me) but I was recently reading about a study where kSD, a derivative of LSD, was given to spiders back in the fifties or sixties or seventies. Apparently, the kSD-tripping spiders wove better, more geometrically equal webs than those which were not on the drug.


I lost a plot to someone. Could have been LEO or just some kids ripping my plot, but after that there were flybys in the area every 30 minutes for the next 2 weeks. All this for finding 3 plants...

It just makes the game more fun. Every plot of mine is off my property and I get to play games with the law.

Catch me if u can!! :joint:



Active member
i thought id make a comment on this topic.
i live in a s.orange county california in a city that has plenty of skyscrapers and large buildings, yet, no more then 5-10 miles from me, they found a 5,000 plant outside grow in orange county! i have 10-20 overhead flights a day, infact my house is on the chopers route, its always local PD they normaly dont do grow searches unless there asked to (usualy with a FLIR warrent), they also have the "CAMP" campaign against marijuana production. there the major ones who do the outdoor searches.
indoor grows in city from air are often difficult to find because of other false positives (dryer ducts and a/c are two thoughts) make it near impossible.
i cant help but wonder


Active member
Yah, sorry for taking it O/T, too bad there wasn't a spider big enough to catch those darn helicopters in it's web...



thanks for the spider info...lots of those around sometimes, when hunting for spots, i start to feel good when i see about 8 of these guys each with a 2-3foot web spanning some trees just about chest to over the head level

funny...my first grow...i sat next to the buds sometimes for more than an hour, chillin, smokin, and would watch one of those yellow ones next to me all the time, just sit there, eat once in a while...almost never moves....


any chopper action up in the NE

any chopper action up in the NE

i was wondering any chopper action up in the northeast ?

NE PA DE Nj area ????? anyone on this


LoL whats up gueriLLa ..i donno ..an i dont mean to crash ya thread ...but i seen a couple of posts here about that so :joint: i figured i give it a shot :joint:


iLuv2BlAzE said:
i was wondering any chopper action up in the northeast ?

NE PA DE Nj area ????? anyone on this

Not true NE, but in Quebec the Surete de Province de Quebec is all over the place in their helo's in the late summer. It was two years ago that they announced the suspension of sizable traffic enforcement in order to divert funds to fighting the 'green menance' in the NorthWoods of Quebec.

That was a fun season of speeding on the open highway. True to their word I never saw a single Provincial
bong_chat said:
Ohh I know what it is, and I know it's fairly harmless. But I'm the person who all but turned my car sideways and jumped out of my front seat on a main street here because a spider the size of a dime walked across the inside of my windshield in my line of sight.

I just hate em. When they get anywhere near me, I execute with extreme prejudice.

we as folks who live in the US eat a average of 7 spiders/year. along with a amount of dirt which i forget. imagine as you sleep your open mouth, the spider crawls in-crawls out , you shut ur mouth, swallow, down the hatch! :jump:
haha just had to pass on this bit of truth
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