anyone use 18/6 light schedule when using their cloner. I recently have always had 90-95% success with my cloner using 24 hour lights. Now this is not possible and i am wondering if i will still have a nice percentage. Thanks.
Do I have to bubble the EWC/molasses tea for 24rs? I have clones I cannot lose and see some slime. I've moved half to another method for backup..... was wondering if 8 hrs was enough? I'm using rainwater not tap btw.
48 hours is best 24 is earliest
Hey thanks a ton..... I have this huge influx of clones right now and thought I was going at a good pace but tried to switch it up. Thanks for all the work you've put in on this. Tomorrow evening I'll be able to use it.
Can I also put it in a spray bottle and foliar feed?