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Extra Medical Marijuana


Active member

According to the laws in my state I am allowed to grow six plants (3 veg, 3 flower) at a time and possess two ounces of dried buds.

So here is my question. Legally speaking what exactly am I supposed to do with the extra herb that I grow?

What do most medical users do?


Canna Coco grower
Stash it away... and hope the pigs don't come look at your plants right before harvest and then get the idea that there is more there than allowed....

Its sticky.... and different in different states and even different counties....

Just stash it away and keep available your legal limit....



Can't you sell it to the dispensaries here in Colorado? That's what my dispensary would like me to do. It's a nice way to develop a relationship with the dispensary and maybe you could trade strains and stuff. Win-win-win situation.


Make canna-oil....or make a thc suspension in honey...both can be stored unobtrusively..



That, or you could make some hash, I am not sure, but I think its the same limit to have whether its herb or hash.


Just stash it away and keep available your legal limit....

That's a really bad idea if you are in Colorado. Several caregivers have been convicted of felonies because they were in possession of amounts exceeding the 6/3/2oz per patient rule.

If you want to remain in compliance with the law at all times, you need to dry your plants whole, with some roots still intact(to meet the legal definition of a "plant"). Then you take only as much bud as you are allowed off the plant. Once the jarred "ready to use" buds are out of your possession, you can take more off the plants.

Remember that your dry whole plants still count on your numbers.


I ain't ever heard of no "extra money" like I ain't never had no "extra bud".... what's that look like? :D

Yeah like foco said, there's tricks for lack of a better word.

Mattress stores sell heavy mil plastic mattress bags for moving, (think 60x80 ziplock :D) You can even bag and cure the shit :D



Selling to the dispensary is illegal. It is also very very common. Soon you will be able to be a disp. employee when the new state regs pass. As it stands today you are only legally able to sell to your patients, period. That said, no one that I am aware of is being prosecuted for selling their "overage" to the dispensaries. Be discreet, and don't talk about it. If you want to follow the law then throw it away.... that's what my lawyer told me after the Clendinen case.


I'm with the other guys, just use it to make stuff. Hash, cookies, oils, butters, tinctures, anything you can really.

Or you can give it to me. I'll put it to good use :)

HAHA! Better idea. If you've got too much extra nuggage roll it up in a bunch of fat ass joints and marathon smoke them until you're compliant with the law.


Maybe you know a MMJ pt that could use it because they are tight on funds.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
That's a really bad idea if you are in Colorado. Several caregivers have been convicted of felonies because they were in possession of amounts exceeding the 6/3/2oz per patient rule.

If you want to remain in compliance with the law at all times, you need to dry your plants whole, with some roots still intact(to meet the legal definition of a "plant"). Then you take only as much bud as you are allowed off the plant. Once the jarred "ready to use" buds are out of your possession, you can take more off the plants.

Remember that your dry whole plants still count on your numbers.

What about that patient from Boulder who had 2lbs and the jury said that a patient can have any amount they NEED. :tiphat:


Active member
Thank you for the replies everyone.

FoCo - I am in CO.

I am all about making some oil and such, but will still have plenty coming in from harvest and was wondering where I stood legally.

I have asked one dispensary and he simply told me to start an LLC business and sell the overage.

Hanging a whole plant and taking what I need is not so much of an option for me. I am working with very limited space and can not dedicate an area for hanging whole plants.

Thank you for the suggestion though, if it comes down to it I will work it in.


What about that patient from Boulder who had 2lbs and the jury said that a patient can have any amount they NEED. :tiphat:
I'm assuming you are referring to Jason Lauve? He was caught with a bunch of garbage bags full of leaves and stems, not two pounds of high grade.

Lauve used an "affirmative defense", which was based on the fact that he never gave any medicine to anyone else and needed it for his condition.

If you are busted with a larger amount, AND there is evidence you are selling your extras, then you obviously dont need that extra medicine for your condition do you? So your affirmative defense isn't going to work, is it? Its ultimately up to a jury to decide weather you needed that extra medicnine, not you.

Thank you for your input, but Colorado is not California.
That's a really bad idea if you are in Colorado. Several caregivers have been convicted of felonies because they were in possession of amounts exceeding the 6/3/2oz per patient rule.
Yeah? Who?

Selling to the dispensary is illegal. It is also very very common. Soon you will be able to be a disp. employee when the new state regs pass. As it stands today you are only legally able to sell to your patients, period. That said, no one that I am aware of is being prosecuted for selling their "overage" to the dispensaries. Be discreet, and don't talk about it. If you want to follow the law then throw it away.... that's what my lawyer told me after the Clendinen case.
Not true. Tell us where it states that it is illegal to sell to dispensaries or anybody other than your patient(s) in CO. Hope your lawyer advice was a free consultation.

.♠.;3339618 said:
I have asked one dispensary and he simply told me to start an LLC business and sell the overage.
Do you have any partners? Aren't you just growing in your house? Why would you need to start an LLC without any partners just growing in your house? Sole proprietorship will be fine in your situation. KISS.


And perhaps the most important thing to remember whether you're a med patient simply over his limits or an illegal grower....

His circumstances weren't you circumstances

Your sentence will not be his sentence

Don't base other peoples cases on your decision to do anything illegal. It's a risk/reward assessment and only you can answer the Q's

Every time I her about someone catching a case I hear someone say "my friend got popped and it was only 6 months" so no prob etc.

Colorado ain't California and in much the same way Colorado ain't Colorado :)

Just sayin



Active member
In neveada it's only 1 o you can posess. I asked this same question about 4 months ago. I got completely different responces. I don't see how if I'm allowed to grow 3 plants and then I cut 1 down and start curing it I am already breaking the law? I dint see how it's phisically possible to have 3 flowering 4 veg and under 1 zip. I don see how they could enforce that limit. However if say I got pulled over nad had ovr a zip I can see getting fucked.


Active member
Yeah, it is just myself growing, with no partners. I didn't even know what a LLC was when he told me that. lol.

I won't really have all that much overage really. I plan on using as much as I can in alternate forms.

Thank you for all of the input everyone!


i am in kentucky were rand pauls home town is located . people think he is gonna vote for weed to be legal he might but at what expense. his other ideas and comments seems like he would do us more harm than good . just becuase a canidate says one thing you agree with does not mean you will like every thing he does . i have been registered as a repub for years but in know way would i waste my vote on him . the guy he is running against is know better . they are out to keep us divided . they do this by playing the biased media outlets against us Cnn, fox, msnbc, there in bussines to make money , they have there own agenda just like the politicians. when people start looking at the truth instead of just catching the headlines of biased news programs and quit voting for people because the have a D==democrat or R= republican things will never change .


the law is designed by people who obviously dont understand cannabis so it leaves us all in a shitty position. IMO its very difficult to NOT be breaking the law if your growing in CO. I know my little 4 plant harvest is well over what i should have but im not gonna sell it just because its technically illegal.


Show us in our laws where it's illegal to sell to dispensaries. Lies.

If you sell it then it goes right back to other patients. Or give it to a poor patient...eg. me [jobless, bio student :)]