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Diary explo and his new mate, Cultimate 🦫


pure dynamite
EC 1.57 mS, PH 5.6, 22.8C, 63% RH
I added enaugh nutrients to go to around 1.8 mS EC.
Otherwise all seems good, stretch is calmed a bit compared to before. Didn't have to raise light height again.


pure dynamite
From earlier today:
EC 1.64 mS, PH 5.6, 23.4C, 68% RH
I added nutrients to go to about 1.8 mS EC.
Stretch calmed down, last 3 days I only raised light a few centimeters, compared to multiple times a day x 5-10 cm each that was happening last week. It would rock if they stopped stretch already, but I am not sure they won't do it again soon..

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
Thats a thick jungle, at what point would you consider thinning out or at least cleaning up bottoms? If your bush is that thick you should try getting some rh readings from the middle of that in order to have a proper reference. The Bobr music, are you guys finding it online or using AI generated music? This dropped my jaw and blew my mind until i realized that it was just AI

But then i also realized how much fun you can have with this. No point in any argument cannot be laid out more convincingly than when played out as a tune. Imagine being able to avoid any flame war argument online by just throwing some songs at it.
How are you going to argue against Led > HPS or similar contentiousness, when you have to deal with gangsta rapping arguments and points made, and then only to hear your counter arguments shouted down by a death metal singing digital lunatic with a german accent ripping your arguments to pieces with fine counterpoints?
This little 10$ a month pleasure is something that i will definitely have to sample and try.
However im afraid that it may turn me into even more of a contrarian trying to get the most out of my latest toy:LOL:


pure dynamite
Thank you for coming by, @Rocket Soul .
I already cleaned the bottoms once, they were like that down to the buckets edges before I did it. So about 20 cm cleaned. And I will have to do it again, soon. Thinning out.. I am cutting off any lower branches that won't manage to get to the top.
The music is found online, it's made with snippets from real videos that became memes, most of the bobr music that's been posted doesn't seem touched by AI, maybe some autotune used and that might be using AI to do it's job. But it doesn't change the words used, just fixes the high and lows so that voice sounds more "melodious".
Nice find on that song u posted, didn't know there is already a trend of AI music out there.


pure dynamite
EC 1.67 mS, PH 5.55, 23.8C, 71% RH
Time for changing water and switching to flower recipe.

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
EC 1.67 mS, PH 5.55, 23.8C, 71% RH
Time for changing water and switching to flower recipe.
View attachment 19051568
They are just balancing on the point of tip burn. At least the top leaves but they also the ones that transpire more. Make sure you balance your nutes well. Does your system allow you to test the equivalent of run off? What you test in the res is not necessarily what you have in the pot; runoff would be a better measure. But then again you probably have better idea of things than me, youve been at it a lot more years :)


pure dynamite
They are just balancing on the point of tip burn. At least the top leaves but they also the ones that transpire more. Make sure you balance your nutes well. Does your system allow you to test the equivalent of run off? What you test in the res is not necessarily what you have in the pot; runoff would be a better measure. But then again you probably have better idea of things than me, youve been at it a lot more years :)
Sir, this is RDWC (hydro). What I got in the reservoir should be exactly what the plants get. Cause the solution is always circulated and always dripped to the plant roots. The roots also sit in the reservoirs. Not sure what I could test more.

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
Sir, this is RDWC (hydro). What I got in the reservoir should be exactly what the plants get. Cause the solution is always circulated and always dripped to the plant roots. The roots also sit in the reservoirs. Not sure what I could test more.
I honestly don't know. Never run RWDC. Sorry i dont wanna step on anyones toes:)

The clay balls have no local effect on the solution? They have 0 CEC?
Is the the only reservoir on the bottom of the pots or is there a separate one?

In coco we would look more at the runoff than what goes in. But cocos a different beast.

But in any case its only top leaves, at closer look the bottom leaves look fine. This tends to happen when youre right on point for nutes: since top leaves always tend to transpire more than bottom leaves. More water tru the leaf then more nutes in absolute terms. Again, sorry dont wanna bust anyones balls, just not fully read up on the system :)


🦫 Special 🍆
yes claypebbles are washed and pH stabilized before the plants get into the system, basically zero puffer capacity compared to cococoir, the cultimate has 4 rdwc pots which can be used also as a totally separate system, now they are set up as one system, 4 rdwc pots connected to a main reservoir, plus it has an additional tank to compensate the daily evaporation that is connected to the big puffer reservoir


pure dynamite
No worries @Rocket Soul , I don't mind questions or comments, but yeah the question didn't make sense since the nutrient solution is always washed over the clay balls. And fired clay is quite inert. My response was more like a joke, wasn't coming at you in any way.
Those tips are a bit burned cause they were right under the light, 10 cm lower they all look perfect. So yes, is a sign the nutrients are in the good range. I could probably even push them a bit more (1.8 is the minimum of the range recomended by Terra Aquatica), but no need. They seem happy to me.

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
No worries @Rocket Soul , I don't mind questions or comments, but yeah the question didn't make sense since the nutrient solution is always washed over the clay balls. And fired clay is quite inert. My response was more like a joke, wasn't coming at you in any way.
Those tips are a bit burned cause they were right under the light, 10 cm lower they all look perfect. So yes, is a sign the nutrients are in the good range. I could probably even push them a bit more (1.8 is the minimum of the range recomended by Terra Aquatica), but no need. They seem happy to me.
My impression was that the buffer tank was being measured. That was my confusion. Cause what every comes as "run off" can easily get buffered in the tank. I also was having a lot of difficulty finding any lower leaf tips, they all seem to be hiding.
This thing with top leaves vrs bottom leaves seems to be more an issue with leds; with hid i never saw it but i see it quite often with leds - tops on the limit and bottoms fine. Suppose its to do with missing infra meaning more variation in transpiration in led grows. Its also easy to forget: its not really the EC in itself that gives the tip burn, its the total amount of nutes passed thru the leaves, which depends on how the leaf is transpiring. All cleared up :)


pure dynamite
You can check previous update from a day or two ago for more pics, including some of lower stuff. This was just a fast update to see why I decided to switch to full flower nutes. They do drink about 10 liters a day by now, so lots of nutes are passing through them. It's probably normal for the upper most tips, sitting much closer than they should to the leds, to burn a bit. But I did raised the light a bit after I took the pic.


pure dynamite
Water is changed and now they are only getting Terra Aquatica NovaMax Bloom.
After water change I also added the flower activator and the silicate additive.

EC 1.72 mS, PH 6, 23.4C, 65% RH


pure dynamite
~12 hours after the change:
EC 1.72 mS, PH 6.2, 23.6C, 70% RH
I think EC mantained at same level cause the silicate powder and maybe the nutrient slowly gave more minerals over time.
I added PH down to get to around PH6 again.
I also did more supercropping and tieing.

Also, a big leaf I found:
(Before this I only had leaves this size on outdoor monster plants)
1000035710 (1).jpg

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