yep great thread, psychosis was a fave many years ago, preferred it to cheese.both banging smokes in there own way tho.
I have never seen a nanner on Psychosis in any of my grows, it's like cheese in that respect. Although my buddy managed to reverse cheese it had no pollen.
"9 bar" Succesfully reversed it m8 but not seen him for yonks
Dunno about STS . Sure he had Results with A Strong CS Solution so he said..
Yup I remember that m8 !
Swear to Christ man,that's what he said.. I Remember talking about this to a few
Not allowed to rep posts anymore
yea this is Since then Bro... around the same time we were talkin about Boxing and he Knew how too get all Satellite Channels Cheaply Which I was Very Keen on
So far, I am not impressed with my Psychosis in comparison to the other strains I have grown in the past & have flowering next to it currently.
Might be due to the abuse she had in younger life through veg so I am giving her another chance now I have all the correct equipment, nutrients etc
Edit-I have a couple of rooted clones of this psychosis in flower & also a psychosis male cut & psychodiesel seedling in veg. I have no idea on the origin of my seeds as they were gifted to me but I'm pretty sure its the real deal as my plants from seed look identical to the cuts on this thread.
I shall update with pictures in time!
Psychosis male ?