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exodus cheese clone still active


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Does anyone still have the Nelly cross? That was a NL5 cross and was stinky as fock, I only ran it once because it overwhelmed my carbon filter. I can't remember if the high was any good, just that it stunk about the same as the exodus cheese.
Greetings guys!

First post and I’m excited to say I do indeed have an original Exodus “Luton” cheese cut.

UK based grower, chemist.
Been in the community for 20 years +

Pleasantly was gifted a whole mother plant that was taken out of an operation up in Cambridge (the gent had to shut down shop)
In return of keeping the gentics alive and giving back 10 cuttings alive and rooted.

I was given this beauty in a plastic bag ripped out from her root and folded up.

I managed to take over 30 cuts of the sacrificial mother to my horror I noticed the plants had mites; red spider mites specifically, I treated her clones with an American Strong pesticide called HOTSHOT (contains Dichlorvos nasty dude) I left a GREEN strip inside the propagation dome for an evening and a day; this was extremely strong and killed 17 of the thirty babies before they even rooted, it was a sad day at the office a long uphill struggle now commenced bringing these babies up to size and shape the pesticide was very strong.

**IT DID KILL ANY LIVING THING IN THOSE PLANTS*** word of advice best not to use in such a confined environment as a propagation dome.

I then had 13 Exodus Cheese babies hanging in for dear life but 10 rooted.

I grew them under a very small CFL light on an 16/8 light schedule as to slow the growth and for them not to grow so tall.

Once to size I put in a 6inch rock wool and gave back the person whom gave them to me ‘8’ and kept 2 for myself he was happy with the exchange and was pleased I could give him back the genetic.

From these two I had two absolute beautiful Exodus (Luton) Cheese clones in two Growdan Hugo Blocks 6’

Since I have taken 2 cuts of each and have yet to flower. Stay tuned 🎥
Hello David,

Please plant a well rooted clone outdoors this year. It does not have to be grown until flower. Running a clone outside until just before flowering will remove MOST if not all pests. So long as you dont infect it with something new 😂 I find this also renews lost vigour. JUST before flower (just as you start to see the pre-flowers puff up a bit) take as many fresh clones as possible, you will find this generation of clones not only produce better plants for cropping but also still make for much better mothers. It is a trick I have used many times to rejuvenate old and sickly clones that others have given up with.
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Well-known member
That sounds good to me. Easier than bringing pests inside the house from being outdoors. It goes so quick... I left mine out for a day and got lice straight away. Never again 😂


Active member
That sounds good to me. Easier than bringing pests inside the house from being outdoors. It goes so quick... I left mine out for a day and got lice straight away. Never again 😂
Oh no! It helps to have a space without much other foliage around, ideally you want the plants outside for long enough for natural predators (spiders, ladybirds etc etc) to get a chance to clean up the plants for you. I think the physical act of rain helps too (so long as not in flower) and certainly the plants immune system is boosted by being outside. For me putting a sickly clone outside for the summer to heal will ending up with me taking fresh healthy clones at the end of summer before flowering sets in, these i then would root in a propagation tray under 24h light in order to revert back to veg. Then you simply grow them out a little bit and either make new mums which will (hopefully) last for ages and be much more vigorous or you can flower them- either way it's worth trying this technique on an old clone that has pest problems or is particularly weak/sickly. This is the only method I have ever encountered that removed the bastard mites known as 'the borg' - a spring and summer in an english garden saved both my favourite haze cuttings after my mum room got infected by a GSC cutting from the states from someone whom was very apologetic and shall remain nameless. (Not even a fan of GSC!)


Well-known member
This IMO looks like it might be the actual cheese cut, but it's been more than 10 years since i grew it and im old with shit eyes! I do remember that I got a completely different (imo better tasting) product when growing the exact same exo cheese cut outdoor in a greenhouse (organic, decent soil from compost bin, no fancy science im afraid!). If you have access to and the possibility, you should run one of your exo plants outdoor this year. If you bung it in the greenhouse, the real exo cheese will finish end of october/first week/10 days of november, by which time it will almost certainly need staking and support on the upper branches as the stems have a tendency to become brittle and snap under the weight of flowers- larger volume pot = bigger plant, more flower (I know in general this is true but in particular very true with the cheese, which stunts easily in a smaller pot). Cheers.
Cheers bro, yeah it's definitely the cut. I don't know him directly but from what my buddy is saying his guy is the guy that gave the clones to the Luton exodus lads being close with them. he was on the south coast and I remember years ago my mate would drive down there for a small holiday then drive back with flower for all lol. And funny you say that but in conversation with a couple of mates I told them last week he still has the exodus psychosis clone too and warlock cheese. All old stuff same plants still going so just waiting to see if he's willing to give me a clone of them too 👍

Being from L-Town we never called anything exodus it was just cheese, psychosis and warlock but on the net I see all this stuff about it that definitely makes sense.

There's guys on here with Blues that I would love lol I almost got busted bringing some down from up north when I was younger but can't beat the northern blues 🤤
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Well-known member
Cheers bro, yeah it's definitely the cut. I don't know him directly but from what my buddy is saying his guy is the guy that gave the clones to the Luton exodus lads being close with them. he was on the south coast and I remember years ago my mate would drive down there for a small holiday then drive back with flower for all lol. And funny you say that but in conversation with a couple of mates I told them last week he still has the exodus psychosis clone too and warlock cheese. All old stuff same plants still going so just waiting to see if he's willing to give me a clone of them too 👍

Being from L-Town we never called anything exodus it was just cheese, psychosis and warlock but on the net I see all this stuff about it that definitely makes sense.

There's guys on here with Blues that I would love lol I almost got busted bringing some down from up north when I was younger but can't beat the northern blues 🤤
Can't wait to see them flowers bro. Cheese is one of my favorites.
Looks like a nice yield too
Who would you like to verify it?

there maybe skunks about but doesnt exodus have some tell tale signs when it comes to growth (other then double serrated course)?
Your gear is trash bro. Ive verifed with a few other memers on another forum that none of your seeds pop. Popped an entire pack of cheese dips and blockbuster. Not a single one popped.


Well-known member
Cha Cha Cha cheddar 🧀..lol..super thick up in there bro :headbange great job 👍
Double filters on blast and dehumidifier on standby bro 🤣 👊
Bro got the entire farm making that cheddar. Big ladies man props on keeping them green and let flower begin
She's resilient bro 💪 two snaps in the training but still going strong can't wait to see some flower 💯 👊
@Greenvein hey bud, they're nice plants you have, well done!

I've a suggestion if you've concerns about too much stretch?
11/13 or 10/14 could be useful for minimising stretch.
View attachment 19015930
It's a bit faster flowering but you do trade a little yeild however all in its a better option than hitting the light.
Thanks bro 🙏 appreciate the advice. I didn't know the time schedule made that much difference to structure. I should be ok after I tie them down some more but I'll definitely keep that in mind 👊


Well-known member
@Greenvein hey bud, they're nice plants you have, well done!

I've a suggestion if you've concerns about too much stretch?
11/13 or 10/14 could be useful for minimising stretch.
View attachment 19015930
It's a bit faster flowering but you do trade a little yeild however all in its a better option than hitting the light.
11/13 would be great with @Greenvein full canopy. Good recommendation, but it definitely hurts the yield.

CocoNut 420

Well-known member
Hey folk's, I got a exo clone from my buddy a while back, after a minor teething issue it's coming along fine. (Right)

I've also been preparing a variety of seeds x6 so I'm going to flower the exo with them and probably a few others.

Exo, back right.

I preped pots and mixed coco + perlite tonight so that I can get right onto potting them in the morning.

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