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exodus cheese clone still active


Well-known member
I remember being a young lad when my parents would talk about skunky skunk they would call it. I was too young to know but remember them talking about it when the dude delivered lol.

20 years ago I first smoked this exact plant with my mates! Bongs, lungs, buckets and blowbacks was what we were up too. always after the cheddar! We'd all chip in!

18 years ago I met my now long time mate who started giving bigger amounts of this exact plant and saved me and my mates money on flower.

Trouble hit and I quit everything for years but life got hard again so here i am! A phone call to my mate & weeks later that same plant arrived for me to grow for myself!

That's my exodus cheese history 🧀 💚

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On point bro 😎



Well-known member
I remember being a young lad when my parents would talk about skunky skunk they would call it. I was too young to know but remember them talking about it when the dude delivered lol.

20 years ago I first smoked this exact plant with my mates! Bongs, lungs, buckets and blowbacks was what we were up too. always after the cheddar! We'd all chip in!

18 years ago I met my now long time mate who started giving bigger amounts of this exact plant and saved me and my mates money on flower.

Trouble hit and I quit everything for years but life got hard again so here i am! A phone call to my mate & weeks later that same plant arrived for me to grow for myself!

That's my exodus cheese history 🧀 💚

View attachment 18923944 View attachment 18923943 View attachment 18923942
Busting out the cheese homie! Going to be a great show. Hope that mountain air filter does the trick or the wifey going to be on your ass.. 😂


Well-known member
they did not look like this a couple weeks back, i was pretty sick and thing got to looking bad but i think i got them back on track.

i will keep dropping in pics i really really want to know if this is the real exodus cheese. i got it from a very well known breeder and he bent over backwards twice to get these two me, i just cant see them not being the legit cuts.

thanks for the interest ..


Very true on the not reversing Skotty but I'm telling you mate that exo you got isn't the original,it's clearly not the same plant brightside circulated,I'm sure it's good but I bet it would reverse, because she's not the one,sorry mate she just isnt

Only just seen this... im currently smoking exodus cheese right now and i would be more than happy to come and put her next to any cheese flowers you guys have... im not claiming this is brightsides cheese im claiming her to be the original exodus cut...

The terp and loudness alone put her right right up there and her unique flava that lasts all the way to the end is what makes her stand out from all the others imho.. nothing else tastes like exodus she is un-deniable


Well-known member
ahh ya the one i have looks a lot like yours, just small right now and has not even started filling in/out yet. i looked at the roots this morning and there just flowing through the underside of the one gallon pot's. will take cuts and if she proves good in this run i will bump her up to the trash cans next round. same goes for the UK CHEESE.

my heath issues are mostly in check now so its time to get back to it. i'll get some pics up ion here before to long. looks like i need to hunt for the brightside now.

peace ..
If you dont mind saying, can you tell us a bit about how you aquired the two clones you have.... the one you have labled as uk cheese looks like the proper cheese clone, aka Brightside....if it isnt could be a well selected s1....the other clone need to see it grow abit more...should be able to tell more about both as they grow some more....would be cool to see how they both look after a good veg and in flowering....if we could get the scent as they grow too would know for certain.....there is no doubting or umming and ahhing when you see the real thing....would like to see how you get on with those both.


Well-known member
i have been told by the person i got the cuts from thats its totally cool if i say who i got them from, how ever im not going to say anything about that RIGHT NOW. i want ppl to help me id these and not kiss ass and/or bash me because of who i got them from.

once i am good with the outcome i will for-sure say who i got them from. the blurry pic above does look like both the cuts i have right now, side by side you can tell there not the same but they do have some of the same looks. im smelling everyday and just waiting for the funk, i had a p of uk cheese years and years ago and i still get ask why i never had any of that ever again, the smell was insane smelled my whole house good like, even days after it was all gone you could still smell the funky cheese like odor. no time ever spent with the exodus but i had always heard it was a really good cheese option so when if was offered to me after 15 years of no luck i could not say yes and thank you fast enough.

we shall see ..


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Ahh ok well think it's safe to say that both plants are different to mine then,the exo has a way different structure and colour,the UK has same colour and similar structure but if you have only cleaned up the bottom,kinda like a micro lollipop and not taken out serval nodes in the middle and cleaned out a fairly large amount of foliage then,she's different as well imo, interesting.... lovely healthy looking plants tho buddy,good work... Cheers. bimble
Got any pics of that growth?

Mine looked just like his does…

The pics are posted in the other thread…

It’s so crazy that we have the same clone but it comes out different.

I was think hlvd but now I’m not so sure. The cheese is the first rooted out the dome


Well-known member
Got any pics of that growth?

Mine looked just like his does…

The pics are posted in the other thread…

It’s so crazy that we have the same clone but it comes out different.

I was think hlvd but now I’m not so sure. The cheese is the first rooted out the dome
I'm not in a position to post any pics right now,laptop got stolen with all my old pics on plus the phone I used for my "work' photos as well, plenty of pics of her in cheesgez thread tho ,thinking about it im probably getting more nodal and foliage growth cuz I'm using led,I'm guessing that'll be the difference bro if I had to bet


Well-known member
i would really like the cheese heads opinions of these two cuts, are the legit???. im going into flower and i really need to know if i have the real deal or fakes.

what type of pics do you need if these are not good enough for you to tell if they are or if they are not.



Active member
what are you expecting mate, there's a million and one plants very similar in structure and looks
none of which could be verified until you actually sit down and smoke them. go read the other thread


Active member
what project,
apologies if that came across as being rude
i hope you find what your looking for and all the best with any now and future projects.
for the record most of the clones, cheeses etc seem to be accessible the one that is eluding everyone is the brightside clone.
I see you mention previously you don't want to disclose where your cuts came from? why?
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