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Active member
Shit tell me about went to change my
Daughters primarily doctor.

And he was like I see she was vaccinated
Against hep. B but here we also vaccinate
Against A so go down the hall.

I was like we are not sticking her with anything
That is not mandatory mister.

He got mad but fuck him and his vaccine
Money making protocol.

This day you have to be careful what they shot
You with.


Active member
TJO - You have a one track mind. Fox news, Fox news, Fox news. Why don't you spend more time listening to proper news sources and stop talking about Fox all the time. Your like that girl in second grade that likes to tease the boy she likes.

Who owns most liberal stations? George Soros aka Spooky Dude. Can anybody say agenda?

That is why smart people get their news from trusted sources. Fox, CNN, CBS, MSNBC all garbage. (unless big breaking news)

TJO - What news station doesn't have an agenda? Where do you get your so enlightened news source from? Let me guess, you wont answer because you have no real answer. Just like the last ten times I asked you to defend your potion.


Andinismo Hierbatero
when this ebola thing gets figured out, and it will, what will the conspiracy fema camp dudes say to justify how wrong they were?

we have seen this happen before, sars, swine flu, etc... and look, here they are insisting in the whole fema camp conspiracy like they have not been wrong in all their claims in the past...


Kiss My Ring

Antarctic sea ice hits record levels as it reaches 20 MILLION square kilometers for time time since records began in 1979

Now covers more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began records in 1979

Single-day maximum extent this year was reached on Sept. 20 when the sea ice covered 7.78 million square miles

Published: 16:24 EST, 7 October 2014 | Updated: 18:44 EST, 7 October 2014

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...-MILLION-square-kilometers.html#ixzz3Gbv79mM6
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Extent of Antarctic sea ice reaches record levels, scientists say

By Jane Ryan and Sam Ikin
Updated 16 Sep 2014, 1:44pmTue 16 Sep 2014, 1:44pm
Photo: An area about three times the size of Australia, in the Antarctic region, is now covered by sea ice. (British Antarctic Survey)
Related Story: Krill diet discovery predicts threat to Antarctic life
Related Story: Ozone layer showing signs of thickening, UN says
Related Story: Atlas of Southern Ocean marine life launched

Map: Antarctica

Scientists say the extent of Antarctic sea ice cover is at its highest level since records began.

PIOMAS October 2014
Another month has passed and so here is the updated Arctic sea ice volume graph as calculated by the Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) at the Polar Science Center:

As always, (modeled) sea ice volume has also hit its minimum in September: 6810 km3. This number is comparable to that of 2009, and well above the lowest three minima on record (2010: 4582 km3, 2011: 4302 km3, 2012: 3673 km3). This year's minimum is almost 1500 km3 higher than last year's, which itself was more than 1700 km3 higher than the 2012 record.


i'll get vaccinated when the ice is gone.


by Jon Rappoport

Behind every phony pandemic, there are a number of agendas in play.

In this case, the Globalist heavy hitters, who are dedicated to managing the planet, view things this way:

***Use a crisis to build a larger structure than previously existed.

As in: one global healthcare system. All-encompassing.

The propaganda? “We can’t defeat Ebola unless all nations form one system that allows prevention and quarantine and immediate treatment anywhere on Earth.”

In that sense, Ebola is the occasion for adding wings to the system.

Ditto for every so-called epidemic.

“Well, we faced down and ultimately defeated virus X. But at great cost of life. Now we have to build better bridges between the healthcare systems of nations—and finally, we need one great Dispensary that adjudicates where drugs and vaccines go, who is quarantined, which borders are sealed off, at any point on the globe.”

We’re talking about a very high-level op here.

The Globalist dream? A single cradle-to-grave maze every person on earth follows, as a docile patient taking orders, submitting to diagnoses, taking vaccines and drugs, allowing their bodies and minds and energies and strength and independence to be drained away.

A single global medical system is the ideal structure of control.

Crisis A? Build a bigger system. Crisis B? Add to that system. Crisis C? Add more to the system.

And of course—invent each crisis.

The “medical crisis” is ideal, because it seems to involve no political agenda, no partisan position, no motive other than “helping those in need.”

You’ll be hearing phrases like “the pitfalls of privatized medicine,” and “uncaring corporations,” and “the UN has to step in to solve the Ebola crisis,” and “international cooperation.”

Realize that behind these phrases, there is another op in progress. It has nothing to do with predatory corporations or greedy doctors. It has everything to do with building Medical Central for planet Earth.

Under that system, up the line, a patient would have no choice about whether to accept a diagnosis or take a drug or vaccine.

The watchword will be: compliance.

For “the greater good.”

Over the past hundred years, no force has been more powerful in shaping modern medicine than the Rockefeller empire.

In his 2003 Memoirs, David Rockefeller wrote: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Rockefeller is acutely aware that one of the prime strategies for bringing his dream (nightmare) to fruition is: a one-world, all-embracing medical apparatus.

There are some who welcome such an enterprise, naively believing it will mean greater health for all.

For them, I cite (as I frequently do) Dr. Barbara Starfield’s shattering review: “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield was a revered public-health expert working at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Her review was published on July 26, 2000, in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Starfield concluded that, every year in the US, the medical system directly kills 225,000 people. Every year.

That’s 2.25 MILLION deaths per decade.

So imagine, if you will, what would happen if the Globalist dream of one “healthcare” system for the planet came true.

And don’t imagine such a system would involve solving the ongoing, endemic causes of death in most of the world: contaminated water, starvation, lack of basic sanitation, overcrowding, poverty.

The World Health Organization has had decades to make a significant dent in those grinding problems. But they talk; they appoint task forces; they study; they demand the distribution of more (toxic) medicines, and vaccines that push already-compromised immune systems over the cliff.

Jon Rappoport


Rubbing my glands together
Global warming from a different point of view-
Think about it and keep an open mind. do some research on your own and keep in mind that governments do and say things for a specific reason-

Prehistory=Many cultures have a "Noah's flood" story.
There is evidence that sea levels rose by a very large margin at some point in history. There were people around when the last on happened as the evidence shows but not on the scale that there is today. No one knows exactly when. This is evidences by recent discoveries(in deep water) of buildings/villages in the English channel, off the coast of Ireland, off the coast of India, and other places around the world,and the theory that the Mediterranean sea was created by this catastrophic flooding event. There is evidence to support that theory.
At some point the earths atmosphere had to heat up enough for ice caps, ice flows, glaciers to melt, add such a large volume of water to cause the flooding event.
We already know that the glaciers that covered much of the norther hemisphere melted which opened up more land and caused the water from that melt off to add to the worlds oceans.
So here we have an extreme case of global warming. Much like what's happening today but here's the key difference=
The earth did this all by itself. There weren't enough people around to cause such a catastrophic temperature change.
So if the earth did this at least once before that we know of, it's possible that it had happened before, what is to stop it from happening again?
Could it simply be a cycle of of the earth heating and cooling that just happens? Closer and farther approaches to the sun? We already know that a slight difference between the sun and the earth makes a difference in our temperatures.
This time we have the first reported global cooling evidence coming out of an office at the UN along with a memo that states the event could be a money maker for world governments by placing "carbon taxes? on companies and demands that scientist express their point of view. After all it's caused by human activity.
With all the past evidence that the earth goes through heat and cooling cycles without the aid of humans, the powers that be have done an excellent job of having people "believe" that our activities and even the absurd claim that cow farting methane is causing all the problem. I'm guessing every other animal on earth that passes gas isn't contributing to the problem?
People look, any time any government come out with a theory, presents it as fact, knows they will have enough gullible citizens to swallow their bullshit, all the while knowing full well past events on an even worse scale has occurred, you got to follow the reason which is usually connected to a financial gain for someone.
Do I believe that global warming is happening? Well yeah there is evidence to support a difference in temperatures.
Do I believe it is caused by human activity? No.
Do I believe the line the government is feeding us? Not by a long shot.


Active member
Nwo agenda all day and night

protocol Order out of choas.

Make people go crazy then say we will bring in the arm force.

Marshall law around the corner.

And guess what when they pull you out your house for even looking sick but your allergy's are acting up. they will detain you with out dew process and no judge for you.

What happen to the land of the free as my good buddy says in spanish

Los esclavos unidos=united slaves

translates better in spanish.

But anit no one free my friends. Its coming soon to a hood near you.


Well-known member
Global warming...
Do I believe it is caused by human activity? No.


sad thing is it's not uncommon to find folks with the same mentality.

i really have a hard time seeing how you can't find the connections between industrialization, pollution of the planet and it's atmosphere, and human activity.

im not gonna ask any ??, bc i doubt i can read anymore without my head exploding


Rubbing my glands together
Lol. All that industrialization, pollution of the planet and it's atmosphere, and human activity wasn't around the last time it happens on a much larger scale was it?
I find it hilarious how you choose to insult me for having a different opinion than yours. Pretty grown up of ya:biggrin:


sad thing is it's not uncommon to find folks with the same mentality.

i really have a hard time seeing how you can't find the connections between industrialization, pollution of the planet and it's atmosphere, and human activity.

im not gonna ask any ??, bc i doubt i can read anymore without my head exploding


Active member

Antarctic sea ice hits record levels as it reaches 20 MILLION square kilometers for time time since records began in 1979

Now covers more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began records in 1979

Single-day maximum extent this year was reached on Sept. 20 when the sea ice covered 7.78 million square miles

Published: 16:24 EST, 7 October 2014 | Updated: 18:44 EST, 7 October 2014

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...-MILLION-square-kilometers.html#ixzz3Gbv79mM6
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Extent of Antarctic sea ice reaches record levels, scientists say

By Jane Ryan and Sam Ikin
Updated 16 Sep 2014, 1:44pmTue 16 Sep 2014, 1:44pm
[URL=http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/896516-3x2-340x227.jpg]View Image[/URL] Photo: An area about three times the size of Australia, in the Antarctic region, is now covered by sea ice. (British Antarctic Survey)
Related Story: Krill diet discovery predicts threat to Antarctic life
Related Story: Ozone layer showing signs of thickening, UN says
Related Story: Atlas of Southern Ocean marine life launched

Map: Antarctica

Scientists say the extent of Antarctic sea ice cover is at its highest level since records began.

PIOMAS October 2014
Another month has passed and so here is the updated Arctic sea ice volume graph as calculated by the Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) at the Polar Science Center:
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/]View Image[/URL]
As always, (modeled) sea ice volume has also hit its minimum in September: 6810 km3. This number is comparable to that of 2009, and well above the lowest three minima on record (2010: 4582 km3, 2011: 4302 km3, 2012: 3673 km3). This year's minimum is almost 1500 km3 higher than last year's, which itself was more than 1700 km3 higher than the 2012 record.


i'll get vaccinated when the ice is gone.

That's total bunk. The South pole is much colder than the north pole, but is still losing ice. Temporary fluctuations due to many factors mean that a measurement taken at a particular time may show an increase in ice @ the south pole, but even that has changed recently, as the latest scientific data shows ice loss at the south pole also. The north pole/Greenland, etc.are melting at a much faster rate. This is not even open to argument. It is scientific fact, despite your conspiracy theories.
I could bludgeon you with evidence, but I will post the latest research on the subject, which proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that ice caps are melting, and at an ever increasing rate.

Here are a few recent studies. Better do some more reading before making false statements. Not all of us are gullible enough to fall for that particular nonsense:









Active member
Lol. All that industrialization, pollution of the planet and it's atmosphere, and human activity wasn't around the last time it happens on a much larger scale was it?
I find it hilarious how you choose to insult me for having a different opinion than yours. Pretty grown up of ya:biggrin:

The "last time it happened" has nothing to do with what is happening now. What we have now is a direct correlation between the industrial revolution, overpopulation, and climate change. Because the climate in the past going back billions of years has had "natural" fluctuations/ice ages/ etc., does not mean that is what is happening now. What is happening now is a direct result of the population of the world more than doubling in the last 50 years, and the burning of fossil fuels to keep us warm and our vehicles running, and the vast cattle industry, which is the single greatest cause of environmental degradation and global warming. Ignore it if you wish, put your fingers in your ears and go "na na na na", I can't hear you, but that changes nothing. The planet is warming, and there is not even a shred of doubt about is. It is scientific fact, like it or not.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
That's total bunk. The South pole is much colder than the north pole, but is still losing ice. http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/geophysics/question473.htm

Not sure where you are getting that. This is from the National Snow & Ice Data Center -

"sea ice in Antarctica has remained at satellite-era record high daily levels for most of 2014. On September 22, 2014, Antarctic ice extent increased to 20.11 million square kilometers (7.76 million square miles). This was the likely maximum extent for the year. This year’s Antarctic sea ice maximum was 1.54 million square kilometers (595,000 square miles) above the 1981 to 2010 average maximum extent, which is nearly four standard deviations above this average. The 2014 ice extent record is 560,000 square kilometers (216,000 square miles) above the previous record ice extent set on October 1, 2013. Each of the last three years (2012, 2013, and 2014) has set new record highs for extent in the Antarctic."



Active member
Not sure where you are getting that. This is from the National Snow & Ice Data Center -

"sea ice in Antarctica has remained at satellite-era record high daily levels for most of 2014. On September 22, 2014, Antarctic ice extent increased to 20.11 million square kilometers (7.76 million square miles). This was the likely maximum extent for the year. This year’s Antarctic sea ice maximum was 1.54 million square kilometers (595,000 square miles) above the 1981 to 2010 average maximum extent, which is nearly four standard deviations above this average. The 2014 ice extent record is 560,000 square kilometers (216,000 square miles) above the previous record ice extent set on October 1, 2013. Each of the last three years (2012, 2013, and 2014) has set new record highs for extent in the Antarctic."


Check the links. It's all right there. I'm aware of a temporary increase in South pole ice, but their is a huge net loss of ice due to loss in north pole/Greenland. This isn't a theory. It's well documented and tracked by satellite, etc.
Look at the N.Y. Times article, or any of the others.