RZT = Root Zone Temperature. Your temps for your root zone is of the utmost importance in terms of growth. Too low and you will find that your roots are no longer able to uptake nutrients due to many factors including lack of certain beneficial bacteria.
Your looking for about 72*F is optimum. now i've run it down to 69-70 and found great growth but any colder and I saw stunted growth.
If possible get a water heater to control your temps better.
18-20celcius is far too low. I mean when I see 20 I get extremely cautious of root zone damage.
Your looking for about 72*F is optimum. now i've run it down to 69-70 and found great growth but any colder and I saw stunted growth.
If possible get a water heater to control your temps better.
18-20celcius is far too low. I mean when I see 20 I get extremely cautious of root zone damage.