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Easy CFL method... Powerstrip + adaptors = no wiring hassles


Active member

I like to use these adaptors (available at Home Depot) to convert a power strip into a CFL light bar.

I like to use 6 or 8 (best) plug power strips with 3 or 4 of these adaptors and 3 or 4 of the 23w CFLs.

All you have to do is screw the CFLs into the adaptors, then plug them into the power strip. Then, connect the power strip to your timer and you're ready to grow. No hassles with wiring.

To make it adjustable, simply hang the power strip from some twine/string and lift/lower as you require.

Home depot has power strips for about $3.00 but you can also find them at 99cent stores if you look around.

Hope this helps.



This is insane, I just came up with this idea yesterday and have been fooling around with it! Have you ran an entire grow this way MMM?
Good choice for a small grow using a single larger CFL. Eliminates the need to wire a socket. Yea, its easy,but plugging is easier :)

I'm good for wandering the electrical isle, but I have managed to miss this one.


Active member
Yes I can wire as well, but for people scared of doing it, it works well...

I have a powerstrip at the top of my cab for extra power plug in (fan, etc) and I looked at it and thought...HRMMM, I could plug a couple CFLs into the strip and be good to go w/no extra hassles.

The REAL advantage is "plug n play" you can add lights over time or re-arrange them as needed. Its really flexible.

Below you can see all 9 of them in the cab. The 3 vertical ones in front are plugged into the power strip on the ceiling using the adaptors. This gives me (9) CFLs and over 70w/foot :woohoo:

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I cant belive I found this! This is the solution I have been looking for. I have 8 males, 5 g13-diesel and 3 GodBud by DvP that I want to flower for pollen. I have a very limited space, about the size of a 20 in tv box(the box the tv came in). I was stressing about fitting floro tubes in the box, but now I'm just gonna hang the power strip from the top of the box and just let it go! Thanks for this sweet idea :wave:

mmm420socal, btw your cab set up looks killer
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New member
i am currently using 3 power strips with the adapters and it works great i tried using the adapters that you put 2 bulbs in but the bulbs then are almost to heavy and try to come unplugged but using just one for each adapter is working out really well. I plugged two of the strips into the middle one and ran the middle one out the side of the box to a timer. This also allows you to add light very easily all you have to do is plug another one in and your done.


Active member

I'm glad to see people using this technique. I was at the 99c store yesterday and they had these adaptors (2) for 99c and also 3 position power strips for 99c...Can't be that.

I used double sided sticky tape to attach the strip to the top of my cabinet, it worked AWESOME, Id have to break the strip or the sheeting to get it down now!


P.S. Try spreading the terminals out on the adaptors to provide more friction into the outlet if you have a problem with them falling out.


fuckin cool little things those are... maybe ill try and utilize them in my next grow wich i think is gonna be a pc grow..


Awesome idea! Way to go for making life easier for Micro growers everywhere :D :yes:

I recommend this topic for sticky-dom!


that shit is awesome!!! i wish i would have done that instead of a 3 unit vanity fixture. it is maxed out with six bulbs using the y-adapters, but those take up some space with larger cfls. have any of you experienced those lights falling down on your plants? it seems like with a heavier cfl (42w+) the prongs would loosen over time and the fit may not be as tight. such a revolutionary idea for n00bs and microgrowers. round of applause...


Get two birds stoned at once
I built two rows of 3 CFL each a while ago, heres a pic.

Its a good way of making a cheep compact light fixture. If the adaptors dont hold while upside down bend the prongs a little to provide more friction while plugged in. I used zip ties to secure the power strips to the backing, get a very rigid backing as mine buckled but still works ok.
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