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dwc with tap water, new city. full of new problems.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Good choice. :) (curtis lucas, lol) You're going to enjoy the simplicity, especially if you ever change water supplies again. I've moved through several states and many water supplies the last 15 years or so, and I have not had to change anything in how I run my hydro.

Did GHE ever change their formulations to the same as the USA GH Flora? Though I have not looked in years, I was under the impression there were some differences?

Looking forward to watching your progress. :D
you are speaking in tangues...surely i do not know... i have only seen ghe bottles used by friends with 3 part system. with good outcomes i must say. i am familiar with lucas formula by somemeans by random readings on the www, but what you are asking is beyond me, eu vs usa manufactoring? ratios?
Good choice. :) (curtis lucas, lol) You're going to enjoy the simplicity, especially if you ever change water supplies again. I've moved through several states and many water supplies the last 15 years or so, and I have not had to change anything in how I run my hydro.

Did GHE ever change their formulations to the same as the USA GH Flora? Though I have not looked in years, I was under the impression there were some differences?

Looking forward to watching your progress. :D
so here we go again, managed to get hold of two just rooted clones.

and operation restore hope begins.

plan is to put 1 in soil and 1 in mini dwc. place them to small closet under 125w 6400k cfl light and get normal growth out of them finally. hopefully cut clones from them for main operation down the line.

but first lets restore believe that this is even possible to get working here :D

few thoughts on ro + lucas usage..

mini dwc has maybe 7liters in volume til water touch bottom of the netpot.. airstone is surely to shoot the water in contact with the clay pebbles which in my experience tends to give ph rise atleast in the first weeks. tho down coming roots surely are happy for the moisture. never arsed to ph balance the medium, just rinse with lots of tap.

chasing this natural ph swing in the start will mostlikely be really hard as the transpiration is minimal and there are other factors in play.

with what kind of solution strength i should start with, forums on the matter seemed to have multiple opinions, from full strength to half and everything in between..

my logic says start with quarter strength, as done before with tap + AHH nutes in the past. and build up from there..

but then again, i dont know much yet of ro + lucas practices..

and about addons, boost ro water with calmag first? silica?
heres poor shots of the eu versions labels


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on addons department we also poses diamond nectar(fulvic a) // AHH's growth bloom accelerator (seaweed,herb proteins and whatnot)
// canna's enzymes.

but as it stands i have a gut feeling it would be smarter to keep simple as possible and hide the bottles at least till some consensus has been recovered on running basic stuff, that actually work..

back in the days AHH 3 part made the base with tap.
silica for some ph buffer. enzymes for cleaning/preventing buildup.

other than those rest went in pretty much randomly, depending what i had in hand and how bored i was to try something extra. of coz in some reasonable limits.

didnt seem to make much difference, smooth sailing. resulting somewhere near g/w ratio outcome. was good enough for me.

couldnt fuck up the run even if after night out came home very late in the morning hours, fearlessly eager to check on things...resulting a wake up from the tent floor 7h later, ph pen and beer can floating in the ress. no problem. white bushy roots always. good times.

but as i have been leaning in the ropes now for too many months, this childish naive innocence surely has been beaten out of me.

all is new and im full of questions


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Using a sediment filter and uv sterilizer helps w tap water A LOT


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Yes, smaller plants can have issues with creating a strong enough pH swing. Younger plants are transplanted to pebbles, and can be watered from the top until their roots reach the wet pebbles. Once they're strong and using up nutrient well, they should be transplanted to their vegetative reservoir.

The labels look the same as the US GH Flora, so I'm guessing results should be very similar. :)
If you want a cheap hack for city tap water, try running your tap water through a Brita filter.

Brita filters are just super basic activated charcoal filters but they do a pretty decent job of cleaning up nasty tap water. I learned to grow using city tap water and Britas became a necessary component of surviving.

Also watching what tap water does to plants made me a little...

i thank you for your input/info crooked8 and guerrillared but as the hop to RO wagon has been taken, focus will stay there. atleast for now. i ended up doing the 7liter on the bucket with 1.5ml calmag and 4ml/8ml lucas ratio, that is in total to that 7liters.. resulting 0.90ec. its in natures hands now, heatwave which nicely started right away after doesnt exactly favor me but what a hell. aeration is in good levels. lots of o2 and movement in the bucket. pebbles surely will have their moisture atleast. thank god its not under hps. 30c day/25c night. surely is something to endure.


More and more water districts are moving towards surface water and getting away from ground water. This requires more water treatment, more chemicals, worse for us all and our plants. Get a reverse osmosis system.
we endured the heatwave from the last week, we got nice root system going. its been hot and dry there.

now we are on the safe side.

17cm in height.

but is it really trying to tell me 0-4-8 / gal lucas ratio aint doing it?
its even spiced with 0.1 ec calmag. (under 125w cfl)

after re calibration of ec pen we are running already at 1.2 total ec. which seems absurd to me. given its size. (compared to AHH 3pack practices around 0.5 ec with tap would have easily been enough)

yet its sister which has been in the small soil pot, is showing similar yellowing. with more dark green overall tone.

soil only fed with pure ro water.

do we blame the heat stress from the start or what am i chasing?

ph.s are ok, 5.5-5.9 so far.


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ionic calmag pro has some in it. other than that its up to ghe micro/bloom(lucas) yellowing on top makes you ask? am i following here
sure this aint what i imagine a healthy young plant to be. with yellowing on bottom and on top. purple/reddishhhh stemss and slight overall pale/lime green hue if compared to soil sister.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
but is it really trying to tell me 0-4-8 / gal lucas ratio aint doing it?
its even spiced with 0.1 ec calmag. (under 125w cfl)
No idea what the cal/mag is doing, since I've never used it. I strongly suggest using **only** the base nutes for a grow or two. Epsom is about the only 'additive' you might need for mag hungry strains.

In hydro, 0-4-8 is too low for moderate lighting. I would use at least 0-5-10, and see how this works out. In soil, you can 'feed' every watering as long as it's slightly less than 1/3rd of what's working for you in hydro.

With the lucas ratio in use 1:2, your goal is to find the level which works for your genetics and light/environmental conditions. Once you know this, your focus should be on proper reservoir maintenance practices. Without the full pH swing in the root zone, the plants will show signs of deficiencies. Grown this way, you'll be able to grow decent cannabis and get a solid hydro foundation. Once you have r/o hydro down well, you'll find experimenting with additives much easier. :D


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah it does looks more like mag or sulfur deficiency. My bad.
"In soil, you can 'feed' every watering as long as it's slightly less than 1/3rd of what's working for you in hydro." soilsister got re potted to larger container two days ago, stuffed with biobiz all mix soil, only waterd once with pure ro water. waiting it to dry out, "dont feed anything for two weeks" stated in the instrunctions. lets see how that holds up, see how she adapts.. in theory should show natural healthy looks. have to start feeding then if it doesnt improve and yellowing on bottom doesnt stop. and will make a fresh patch to mini dwc with upped lucas only. thank you.