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Dutch Police Using Unmanned Helicopters to Sniff Out Cannabis Grows


British_Bulldog: Well take it down when it's hovering over someone else's house. :D

Might get whoever lives there in trouble tho so maybe not too cool in real life.


Active member
Ok belfast....then the armed response unit show up and you're REALLY fuckered!!

Armed response unit For Paintball where there are no real guns?



Belfast, the pictures you posted of guns look like the real thing. Anything that looks like a real gun will be treated like a real gun by the police, it may get you shot dead, or indeed a minimum of 7 years inside.


when this cannachopper is near to my house...i will take my pumpgun and destroy it .no question


So wait, you're saying that holland is moving further away from their tolerant views of marijuana while the U.S. is considering legalization because its too big an influence to control here?

Its decriminalized in numerous places of America now and tolerated in California for medical use.

In 5 years, how many dutch coffeeshop ops will be looking for work in california?
Would be funny to see the international stoner pilgrimage change from a trip to Amsterdam to a trip to California.


Active member
Belfast, the pictures you posted of guns look like the real thing. Anything that looks like a real gun will be treated like a real gun by the police, it may get you shot dead, or indeed a minimum of 7 years inside.

this one look less like a real gun.

also paint ball guns do not make a sound like a real gun.



It is strange that it's getting tight over in the Dam and here in the us it's getting better all the time. I think a lot of people overseas do not understand that it is legal to grow you own meds in a few states here in the US.

I love this.. What times we live in!! It's hard to believe how far we have come!! We are not there yet but I see light on the horizon!!

Can you imagine living in Cali when we are free to puff away totally. I am happy the way it is now but you know... Wow!! Also, I hate to say it but if it come to a competition about where to go, The Dam or say Beautiful Cali on the beach, well I think most are headed back to Cali!!!

The times they are a changing!!


Listen to the music

Listen to the music

If it gets legalized and everyone flocks to that safe haven then Ozzy Ozbornes predictions of Bloodbath in paradise will come true. It will be war.... they will use millitary force with martial law after yellowstone explodes in a couple years
its gonna be worse than anyone could imagine but we are the hope for the world grow many plants and we will have food clothes and smoke which we will be lucky to have anything. We are opressed now but when the shit hits the fan we will be the ones that everyone turns to when they are starving and ill trodden. I am "crazy" in that I belive in the paranormal and i have "seen" the chaos :wallbash: its bloody and the government has already opened fire on civilians because they opposed the RFID cards that are becoming manditory coverd up im sure. Most of my friends have future dreams as well and they have all seen similar and or exact dreams as well as me and my girlfriend.:dueling: Oh well might just be that im crazy and dillusional i shure hope so for the sake of inocent people. I for one will not starve if im hungry and your trying to kill me you die I eat you. Barbacue with some hemp butter muhahahaha.


yellow stone aint blowin

we would know just check radon levels...

but nothing should deture legalization
not the commercial growers bitching about how they would go outta buisness
not the polotics
not the lies
fuck everyone what about the millions of smokers out there that are just looking for sanctuary


Active member

Thermal imaging of cannabis house in Birmingham, UK. If you grow inside a house with a shitload of HPS lights, it's going to stand out pretty easily compared to all of the other houses surrounding it.

The Dutch spend more per capita on drug enforcement than any other country in the EU except Sweden, so I'm not surprised that they're using midget helicopters that can detect weed odor now. And for the retard in this thread who mentioned Bush, he's not the POTUS anymore, you ignorant person.


If the midget chopper uses GPS, then they sell GPS jammers which can be ordered online. If somebody is growing large scale, why don't they just not vent any odor out? Can't they use large carbon filters?

And regarding the US vs Europe and cannabis which a few people mentioned in this thread, the US is far more tolerant towards cannabis than Europe is. Many states have medical marijuana laws, and many states have also decriminalized weed with more to come for sure. Look at the UK, there's fucking cameras everywhere recording your every fucking move.



Green Ambassador
Hi Greenhead,

Nice shots you made there :smile:

Just facts and Obama can't change that overnight.

According to data released in the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, police in 2007 arrested over 872,000 US citizens - that’s nearly one out of every two Americans busted for illicit drugs — for weed. The raw data is available from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.
That figure is a five percent increase over the total number of Americans busted in 2006. It’s more than three times the number of citizens charged with pot violations sixteen years ago.

Of those arrested in 2007, 89 percent - some 775,000 Americans — were charged with simple pot possession, not trafficking, cultivation, or sale. (By comparison, 27 percent of those arrested for heroin and cocaine offenses were charged with sales.) Three out of four were under age 30; one in four were 18-years-old or younger.

The FBI’s tally is the highest marijuana arrest total ever-reported in law enforcement history. If this pace continues, annual arrests for pot will surpass one million per year by 2010.

These are the Lowbudgetarians with Joost Belinfante (Doe Maar) last saturday at "Cannabis Liberation Day" in Amsterdam (Global Marijuana March).

"Helicopter looking for the Kali Tree":


Peace, G.A.



Active member
the US is far more tolerant towards cannabis than Europe is.

U can't see europe as a whole , they are different countries with different laws.

I think overall that they are far more tolerant in europe then in most states of the usa.

Where i live it aint legal , but it is very low priority u can have one plant and u are allowed to smoke at home


in la times, several yrs ago, l.a. co. shrf. dpt. bought 12 or so predator-type drones.

they fly pretty high, and take high-quality photos. not that much of a stretch; they were developed @ cal poly.

if they really want to see you/your/what you are doing/etc, they can just turn the hubble telescope around to look @ earth.

if that thing can see xyz lightyears away, what could it see if spun around and focused on earth?

note: there are around 25,000-50,000 satellites in orbit currently. if only 10% of those are 'spy' satellites, and humans only occupy 1/4 of the surface of the earth (land), then the world truly does become small...


The only countries which are far more tolerant are Spain & Portugal.
The Netherlands did a step backwards, but this will not continue.
The cannachopper is just a play item of the Task Force Organised Cannabis Cultivation to introduce fear among the Dutch growers.:laughing:

The Dutch government has not the money to spend on drugs enforment like the US.I don't think that minister Bos want to spend € 10 billion for drug enforcement.Its just stupid and a waste of tax money which they have to keep for other things like to help financial institutions.(ING etc)

Namaste :canabis:


cutting down the heat signature won't do shit for eliminating the analysis of the gases (i.e. weed smell) emitted that they are relying on.

but my Beretta over-and-under 12ga. sure will.
I'm with shoot em down. "i thought it was a terrorist device."