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Dutch Police Seal off Neighbourhood in Hunt for Growers


Why are so many of you bashing down on the Dutch people for??

It´s hardly the people that want´s this?? (I may be corrected if I´m wrong on this..)

The Nederlands have a conservative gowerment now, that is probably just kissing up for the EU by doing this!


Active member
Why are so many of you bashing down on the Dutch people for??

It´s hardly the people that want´s this?? (I may be corrected if I´m wrong on this..)

The Nederlands have a conservative gowerment now, that is probably just kissing up for the EU by doing this!
Since the Dutch are incapable of doing anything about the changes in cannabis tolerance in their own country, we are going to help you out by boycotting you.

I suggest the Dutch who don't like the new policies also target Heineken beer and stop drinking it.

Send a message to your leaders that:
1. You don't like the new intolerance towards cannabis
2. You are willing to boycott a Dutch company to make your point
3. You are organizing yourselves to oppose this like never before.

Otherwise you Dutch are wimping out and your country will suffer a loss of face and tourism.

Go ahead and let your country turn into a fascist state. It's only a couple more steps away, steps that your country is all too familiar with, but your young folks (who are very spoiled) don't understand.

It only takes apathy to allow fascism to creep into your society and I saw so much apathy on the part of young ppl when I was there. And since I left I've seen less and less tolerance, more racism and more backsliding towards a totalitarian state.

How long will it take you to depose your BUSH POODLE, Balkenende?

You let your queen get away with too much!


Well-known member
Just think how ironic this is! The Dutch have prospered & made fortunes mostly by pushing addictive, unhealthy vices like chocolate, coffee, opium, tobacco, prostitution and pharmaceuticals for the past 500 years.

Now all of a sudden, it's politically incorrect to be involved in the vice trade.

THE DUTCH ARE HYPOCRITES! Their country will soon lose all their cannabiz... to Spain, Mexico, and California!!!

And meanwhile, Latin America continues on the road to decriminalization and legalization.

Shall we boycott Holland to protest this? Let's see how they like losing their cannbiz tourism.

Gypsy, let's have the next 420 in California!

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> That really is fucked up, nothing like a few thousand ill-mannered drug tourists to turn things downhill. </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
Yeah, like THAT's the problem. NOT!

I guess having TENS OF THOUSANDS of ill-mannered and VIOLENT drunken Brits roaming the streets of A'dam every weekend is preferrable for the Dutch, cause they're drinking Heineken, while trying desperately to get it up for the prostitutes and that makes everything just LEKKER for the Dutch...

BTW, when was the LAST TIME whole neighborhoods got sealed off and searched in Holland?

Did you learn NOTHING from the Nazi experience? Balkenende = NAZI!

Woah there, I'm not happy about it either, and I'm not claiming that respectful, responsible, cannabis users from abroad are responsible for this newfound crackdown. I've been to Europe twice and I've never been to the dam, and if I do go I'll definitely sample the coffee shops, but they aren't the only things I'd go there to see, if I want to see weed I'll open my drawer and save myself a plane ticket.

I believe that a great number of things are probably responsible for this, namely the current government. However, not everyone that uses cannabis uses it responsibly, and as the recent ban on Psilocybe mushrooms shows, people sometimes use a legal substance irresponsibly thus putting a shadow over the substance itself that is hard to get rid of.

I understand you're upset about this, I mean, it's absolutely ludacris for this to happen in any sort of modern society over A FUCKING PLANT, but don't take my post out of context. I didn't say that drunk tourists are any more fun than stoned ones, (sometimes though haha) I merely made a passing observation that overtly obnoxious drug tourists can leave a lasting impression on both visitors to, and elected officials of a city.

We're all friends here. :joint:

Madrus Rose

post 69
Spain definitely sounds like a nice alternative to the damp Dam ...ah yes , a little smoke in the evening & some musica / dancin.... then go hit the squares & tapas bars after for a little late night manger ! :)

*Of course there's always the option of going to Philly, usa....which btw has the highest known rate of deaths to drugs . And copping a bag on the street corner...


Active member
The problem with so-called "drug tourism" is not that people visit , primarily because of lax drug laws, but because when they visit they are acting like disrespectful assholes. I've been to Amsterdam a few times (many years ago now), and I can attest to many of the younger college age kids I saw staying at the "Boatel" down by the Rail station acting disgracefully.

Otherwise, "drug tourists" would be viewed the same as somebody going to the Netherlands to take pictures of tulips and Ann Frank House and leave their money behind.

In other words, I suggest that some of the blame for this can be laid at the feet of the cannabis community for acting like uncouth jerks when we visit their country.

FWIW, I have found Spain and, more specifically, the Spanish people, in general, to be the most relaxed, fun-loving and least pretentious of all the Europeans. I like the Spanish a lot.

Cat Jockey

Anyone care to enlighten some of us on the no-no's of growing in A-dam? Is one only allowed to purchase it? Is there no personal growing allowed?


Well-known member
with measure z in oakland i think one wouldn't have much of a problem having a little international get together; heard the pound and euro go pretty far is the usa nowadays as well ;)

i lived in granada for a couple months a few years ago; super chill stoner vibe. think i met more girls who smoked hash there than anywhere else in europe. i used to trip when we were smoking puros on benches in the middle of town; entire families would walk by like 3 or 4 generations and not one of em would trip; just minded their own business. that and the police never getting off their motorbikes; don't think i ever saw one on foot.

dutch r probably just pissed that the stoners r taking business away from the whores who probably have all the right wing politicians by the balls, literally, if they're anything like american conservatives ;)

i just think it's crazy that they can shut down an entire neighborhood; imagine lapd shutting down south central for a house to house search or nypd doing a door to door in some projects... sux how a change in govt can affect the lives of so many citizens


They have as much respect for the principles in the US 4th Amendment as...those here in the US. I haven't heard of neighborhood wide searches yet, but don't think some cop in the US isn't reading this, think about how he could do that here. Ugh.


As a Dutchman this is shocking that they sealed an entire neighbourhood and i dont agree at all that it happened, but most of the growers were not paying there electric bills, so automatic you will have a grow bust.

Everybody is talking about South America, Spain, California that they are more liberal nowadays than Holland and the only thing i can say :moon:

It is still allowed here to have 5 plants for recreational use, no matter how big they are or how much the harvest is.

South America, Spain and Portugal it is allowed to have small amounts for personal use, but it is not allowed to grow your own stash.In California for the time being it is only allowed under prop 215 to grow and use for medicinal purposes, but not for recreational use, although it is easy to get a medical card as long you have $150 and a good doctor.:D

You have to see it on the bright site of life.This situation is good for innovation.For a long time the Dutch were at sleep because of the liberal drugs policy, but now it is time to experiment new kind of lights for indoor growing which uses less energy than the average HPS and to invent new stuff for growing better quality.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Active member
Interesting how I can put down Balkenende in post after post (I've been doing this for years, ever since he came on the scene just after 9/11), yet not ONE DUTCHMAN has anything bad to say about him. DO YOU LOVE YOUR LEADER SO BLINDLY? Where are your balls Dutchies? Where are your protests? Are you taking to the streets? Are you fighting this? Or are you just so complacent, your gov't can do anything and you don't do anything in response?

Have fun with your PRIVATE CLUBS, which we can't join. Why not turn your entire country into a private club? Then you can be racist, drunken pedophiles, and smoke yourselves into oblivion in private where no one will report you to the gestapo. Just don't expect us to visit you anymore... we've had it!

And I've really had it with the "We have a conservative government now" bullshit excuse.

Don't you know you can CHANGE it? Yes YOU! Don't be apathetic. Get yourselves organized.


Freedom Fighter
As a Dutchman this is shocking that they sealed an entire neighbourhood and i dont agree at all that it happened, but most of the growers were not paying there electric bills, so automatic you will have a grow bust.

Everybody is talking about South America, Spain, California that they are more liberal nowadays than Holland and the only thing i can say :moon:

It is still allowed here to have 5 plants for recreational use, no matter how big they are or how much the harvest is.

But you don't have an expectation of privacy in your homes...obviously--:nanana:

mr noodles

the dutch never run such an operation about the jihadist that are very vocal about taking a shit and action against the dutch if they dont comply with their request ... link to al quaeda is well establish in netherlands

dutch let these people held hatefull speech against occidental value but they raid a whole street for pot ????

how long before dramatic events in netherlands ?

or they used this as a front againts terrorists ?


But you don't have an expectation of privacy in your homes...obviously--:nanana:

Only when they have permission from the judge, a court order then they are allowed to come in your home to check, but not many Dutch residents know this.
Another thing is that they can tap your phone unnoticed to check if you are involved in grow activities.Nowadays they use the same techniques as the DEA.
Problem is that most Dutch people are at sleep when it comes to privacy.A lot of them dont give a damn.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Freedom Fighter
Only when they have permission from the judge, a court order then they are allowed to come in your home to check, but not many Dutch residents know this.
Another thing is that they can tap your phone unnoticed to check if you are involved in grow activities.Nowadays they use the same techniques as the DEA.
Problem is that most Dutch people are at sleep when it comes to privacy.A lot of them dont give a damn.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:

Wow...my condolences for the death of Dutch Rights...
But my heartfelt respect and positive vibes out to the people...that are Dutch--:respect:


Have fun with your PRIVATE CLUBS, which we can't join. Why not turn your entire country into a private club? Then you can be racist, drunken pedophiles, and smoke yourselves into oblivion in private where no one will report you to the gestapo. Just don't expect us to visit you anymore... we've had it!

I think thats what some of them want!, apart from the racist, paedo bit... but when you have groups of lads mainly from the UK going to the dam and having no respect for the place or its people... what do you expect?

is it true that holland is being run by rightwing nuts?

most of Europe is.....


Well, the Stasi (East-German State Security ) would be jealous whats the Dutch authorities doing here.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Life is one big grow........
he he the german had tap my phone about 8 years ago!! What i know they tap it very fast!! If the have only a small suspicion they tap it for a week or two!! Even if ther is now real evidence!! just to check if u are a dealer!! A dump one if your using registrated sellPhones

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Just like every other Government in the world

There is a monetary reason for this