I have people messaging me on Instagram or emailing me to ask about Durban Poison so thought I'd write a thread here.
You are probably better off buying Durban Poison from a seedbank or someone that did a preservation effort as opposed to coming to South Africa to look for it. It got completely wiped out here around the 80's maybe late 90's. I've only seen Durban Poison crosses but never a pure sativa that was Durban Poison.
I've been to Durban and I've tried finding it. Even with good contacts you won't find it. I know some people in the USA definately have seeds as part of some preservation efforts.
Also there is a pheno of Durban Poison that everyone is looking for that is supposed to have a Liqourice smell. Good luck finding that. I think the guy who runs potcast has a strain he made that fits that bill.
Anyways Swazi Gold and even Malawi Gold are also becoming super hard to find these days so if you have it in pure form(not crosses to something) then hold on to it tight.
You are probably better off buying Durban Poison from a seedbank or someone that did a preservation effort as opposed to coming to South Africa to look for it. It got completely wiped out here around the 80's maybe late 90's. I've only seen Durban Poison crosses but never a pure sativa that was Durban Poison.
I've been to Durban and I've tried finding it. Even with good contacts you won't find it. I know some people in the USA definately have seeds as part of some preservation efforts.
Also there is a pheno of Durban Poison that everyone is looking for that is supposed to have a Liqourice smell. Good luck finding that. I think the guy who runs potcast has a strain he made that fits that bill.
Anyways Swazi Gold and even Malawi Gold are also becoming super hard to find these days so if you have it in pure form(not crosses to something) then hold on to it tight.