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This is how it is with the Pax







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used to vape some with the mighty aswell,
but , hell , we use a lot of " consomable " for that !
You get a lot of hits from the amount though. The "out" photo was after many hits, and got multiple hits even after the photo. It was kind of my whole point to get a lot in there because the Pax mini only holds like 0.25g of bud, which isn't much, but full of kief I think I'll manage the entire day, taking a hit or two now and then, if I'm out and about. And with this long tumble (and then using the leftover bud to make salve) I think even the making isn't that wasteful. And sure it tastes real nice too.
This is how I vape hash with Mighty. I use small ~0.1g blobs, larger amounts can flow straight through the pad and burn into the bottom screen of the heating chamber, which restricts the air flow quite significantly. It's better to add small blobs on top of the hot pad if longer sessions are required.

11 months cured Frenchy Cannoli style 45-159mu. Cheers, fellow hash lovers!

Already melting at 175C


This is whats left after 15+ large puffs, going from 195C to 210C at the end, the pad can be flipped over and get a few more harsh hits.


Well-known member
Time to try this fresh frozen mango sapphire ...

6 monthes cure ( cold cured , fridged cured ) ,
pics :

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Finally it's ready, isn't it? Your patience is up my ally. Despite it is quite stony as you put it what about the taste? Better than the ones you picked up on you last two trips to Amsterdam? Or on par? Probably. I hope so at least:biggrin:!
If not then in the next run, fingers crossed!

I couldn't figure out though what was your best from your recent stay? Was it either the static Washing Machine or the static Tangiebert? Bummer you didn't find some good Moroccan oldschool but there is always next time!

By the way I agree about the price for such deception packages like 'Piatella' which basically isn't so new or unique as the marketing sells it[of course it will be quality I am sure] as I think real static is more work-intensive and in the end one has to cure both probably similarily long. If it is good quality I am willing to pay for trying as said and I maybe do it at one point as I have seen expensive static sifts as well where I definitely would.

Enjoy and don't stop experimenting!
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Well-known member
This is how I vape hash with Mighty. I use small ~0.1g blobs, larger amounts can flow straight through the pad and burn into the bottom screen of the heating chamber, which restricts the air flow quite significantly. It's better to add small blobs on top of the hot pad if longer sessions are required.

11 months cured Frenchy Cannoli style 45-159mu. Cheers, fellow hash lovers!
View attachment 19026413
Already melting at 175C
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This is whats left after 15+ large puffs, going from 195C to 210C at the end, the pad can be flipped over and get a few more harsh hits.
View attachment 19026412
Is the pad some official product or homemade? Maybe I could replace the screen in the Pax with something like this. Some Brillo pad like a crackpipe hehe.
Is the pad some official product or homemade? Maybe I could replace the screen in the Pax with something like this. Some Brillo pad like a crackpipe hehe.
Those are official consumables but can be cleaned a few times. There are cheaper aftermarket pads but some of those have half the amount of metal woven into same size -> everything just flows straight through and clogs the screen. If you get to handle them before buying, try to squeeze them lightly, the official/good ones are pretty dense and don't compress as much.

I've made some diy versions by cutting the Volcano oil pad into few somewhat fitting pieces, those work ok. I think any similar quality clean steel should work, as long as it has a lot of surface area to hold on to the oil.


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more contaminated than I thought. But I'm ok with that, the contaminant is bud not henna or old tires or whatever..

Agreed. Our own contaminants are a hell of a lot better that whatever else went in when it was made in that goat shed in Morocco or wherever. :rasta:

In the ice water domain, Frenchy taught us that it is the action of the water – not the ice - that does the best job of separating the trichome heads. Too much ice action will increase the contaminant content significantly. In my last wash, I cooled the water with lots of cubes in a cooler for ½ an hour and then scooped it into my washer with minimal cubage - onto buds that came right out of the freezer. It worked nicely. But . . . you have to be willing to sacrifice some quantity for the increased quality.

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