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Drunk Plants Are Happy Plants


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O.k. not the most scientific title, but seriously, getting your plants drunk might give you both a pleasant surprise. C3 plants, such as cannabis, have shown to benefit from foliar applications of Methanol. Methanol seems to benefit C3 plants through several modes. The most accepted benefit is inhibition of photorespiration, making it useful in high light or heat environments. Applications of methanol also induce pectin methylesterase (PME) gene expression which influences plant development and stress responses, effects cellular adhesion, plasticity, ionic contents and pH of the cell wall. Methanol induced PME has been shown to stimulate certain cytokinin producing bacteria found endogenously in plants. Methanol also acts as a carbon source for the plant.

It is important to apply methanol to the foliage only! applications to the rhizosphere can be incredibly detrimental to plant growth. Typical tested application rates are between 5-50% methanol, mixed with filtered water and often a nitrogen source (Glycine, urea, calcium nitrate) and/or a non ionic surfactant. Most studies show optimum benefits achieved from treatments of 20-30% methanol applied to the foliage often co-applied with one or more of the above mentioned additives. I will do my own testing once i finish testing several PGR's first and comment on optimum dosage.

For those that are unaware, methanol is incredibly toxic for humans. Although methanol as itself has similar levels of toxicity to ethanol, our bodies metabolize it into formaldahyde, and then formic acid, which can cause permanent blindness and death... But C3 plants have no such issues with methanol, while ethanol (the alcohol we drink) has shown little to no benefits and is significantly more phytotoxic that methanol. Methanol is for C3 plants, ethanol is for humans. Like momma used to say, don't mix your hard liquors.

Ever needed an excuse to drink? well now you have one. A way to inhibit the toxic degradation of methanol in your body is to consume ethanol. ethanol competes with methanol in the liver during metabolization so the methanol passes through the body unmetabolized. So as an extra precaution (i.e. along with skin, eye and respiratory protection) maybe take a shot or 8 of hard alcohol after methanol handling/applications. Safety first, party second, again just like momma used to say.

Effect of Time and Foliar Spraying by Methanol on Growth and Yield of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
Maziar Jafari Paskiabi, Mohammad Naghi Safarzadeh Vishekaei, Seyyed Ali Noorhosseini Niyaki, Mohammad Farzi and Ahmad Aslani

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of concentration time and spraying methanol on growth and yield of cowpea of (Vigna unguiculata) in Rasht, north of Iran. This study was done as a two- factor factorial experiment in a basic plan of randomized complete blocks in three replications. The first factor was the time of methanol application in three levels [spraying in the morning (8:00-10:00 a.m.), at noon (13:00- 15:00 p.m.) and in the afternoon (17:00-19:00 p.m.)] and the second factor, i.e. methanol use was considered at four levels [0, 10, 20 and 30% methanol]. Results showed that concentration and time spraying methanol affected on pod and seed yield of cowpea. Among methanol concentration treatments, maximum pod and seed yield values of 1743.81 and 930.54kg/ha were recorded for the 20% and 30% methanol treatments, respectively. Furthermore, the spraying in afternoon resulted in the highest pod and seed yields amounting to 1649.56 and 902.42kg/ha, respectively.
Effects of foliar and root applications of methanol or ethanol on the growth of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)

Young tomato plants were treated with foliar sprays and root applications of aqueous solutions of methanol and ethanol. Concentrations ranged from 5 to 20% v/v. Root applications caused severe plant damage. In contrast foliar sprays resulted in significant growth stimulation. Both alcohols increased leaf and stem fresh and dry weights with the maximum increases at the highest concentrations tested. Methanol produced a greater increase in stem length and stem fresh and dry weights than ethanol. There was no significant difference between the alcohols in terms of leaf weights or leaf number.
Effects of foliar application of methanol on growth and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) in Rasht, Iran
Ahmad Aslani, Mohammad Naghi Safarzadeh Vishekaei, Mohammad Farzi, Seyyed Ali Noorhosseini Niyaki and Maziar Jafari Paskiabi

In order to study the effect of the time and concentration of methanol spraying on the growth and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), a factorial experiment in the form of randomized complete blocks was done with three replications in the research farm of the College of Agriculture of the Islamic Azad University, Rasht branch in the north of Iran in 2009. The concentration factor of spraying methanol was applied at four levels, that is control (without spraying (0)), 10, 20 and 30 volumetric percentages of methanol; while the time of spraying methanol was another factor used at three levels: in the morning (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.), at noon (13:00 to 15:00 p.m.) and in the evening (17:00 to 19:00 p.m.). Results showed that there was a significant difference between different methanol concentrations regarding number of seeds per pod, harvest index (p < 0.01) and seed yield per m2 (p < 0.05). The largest numbers of seeds per pod and harvest index were in 30% methanol, while the highest seed yield was that of the 20% methanol with an average of 13.11 seeds, 38.22% and 55.97 g/m2, respectively. Moreover, spraying times had also had a significant difference in terms of the seed yield per m2 and the harvest index at the level of 5%; the highest average values of seed yield and harvest index corresponding to spraying in the afternoon were 55.52 g/m2 and 36.69%, respectively. The interaction of these two factors with none of the studied traits was not significant.
Effects of methanol on sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)
I. Nadali, F. Paknejad, F. Moradi, S. Vazan, M. Tookalo, M. Jami Al-Ahmadi, A. Pazoki

In order to evaluate the effects of methanol on sugar beet quality and yield, a field study was conducted at Research Station of Islamic Azad University of Karaj, Iran, during 2008-2009. Aqueous methanol solutions with 0 (control), 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35% (v/v) concentrations were sprayed on foliage parts of sugar beet three times during growth season with two week intervals. The first foliar application was done at 80 days after planting. After 190 days, plants were harvested, and the fresh weight of root and leaf, sugar, and white sugar yields, the relative content of molasses, sugar and white sugar, and the content of Na, K, and N in roots were measured. Results indicated that there was a significant difference (p<0.01) between control plants and plants with methanol treatment in the fresh weight of root, leaf, sugar, and white sugar. Foliar application of 21% methanol solution increased root and leaf fresh weights and sugar yield. The plants with 14% (v/v) methanol application had the maximum white sugar yield (9.28 ton/h). The other parameters were not affected by methanol application. This study indicates that foliar application of 14-21% (v/v) methanol increase sugar yield of sugar beets.
Emission and utilization of methanol in higher plants
Yang Yueqin, YI Xianfeng

Methanol, as one of the major volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in the atmosphere, has been proved to be emitted from leaves of most plant species. The formation, emission and metabolism of methanol in higher plants were reviewed in this paper. Photosynthetic processes and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were measured on peony leaves treated with different methanol concentrations. The primary results revealed that photosynthesis was greatly improved by methanol, as indicated by higher photosynthetic rates and stomata conductance (GS). Strikingly different patterns were observed for photochemical quenching (qP), non-photochemical quenching (qN and NPQ), and electron transport rate (ETR). Decreases in Fm/Fo, Fv/Fo and ΦPSII caused by methanol revealed dual effect of methanol (stimulation or inhibition) on the peony leaves, which were determined by the concentration of methanol and time duration. The data suggested that methanol can not only serve as carbon source, but also regulate energy distribution and dissipation, especially for non-photochemical quenching and photorespiration.
Influence of Methanol on Sugarbeet Yield and Photosynthesis
Lee Panellal , John N. Nishio, and Susan S. Martin

Foliar application of methanol has improved growth and productivity experimentally in a number of agricultural crops. To test the possibility that methanol application might improve sugarbeet yield, we conducted a replicated field study at Fort Collins, Colorado in 1994 with two commercial sugarbeet varieties (Monohikari, Beta 2398) and one public breeding line (FC709-2). Methanol was foliarly applied at about ten day intervals throughout the growing season starting at 40 dap. Plants were treated with 50% methanol plus 0.1% Triton-X surfactant, or 50% methanol plus 0.1% Triton-X plus 0.2% monoso*dium glutamate (MSG) as a nitrogen source. Control plants received no spray treatment. Two regimes of irri*gation were included, one that provided water at a level typical of commercial growing practice and one in which about 50% as much water was applied on the same schedule, intentionally causing chronic water stress. Photosynthetic gas exchange was determined on August 26 and September 8 at mid-day on a subset of plots. Root yield and percentage root sucrose were determined at harvest, and sucrose yield was calculated from those values. The summer was warm and dry in 1994 and even plants in the higher irrigation regime were water-stressed (i.e., wilted at mid-day), and no significant differences in root yield, percent root sucrose, or sucrose yield occurred due to irrigation treatment. Significant differences for each of the three parameters occurred among varieties and for methanol treatments. Both methanol treatments re*sulted in significantly lower root weight and sucrose yield than the control, and methanol plus MSG application resulted in significantly lower root weight and sucrose yield than application of only methanol. Percentage su* crose was statistically similar in control and methanol treatments, but treatment with methanol plus MSG re* sulted in lower percentage sucrose. Photosynthesis was increased in methanol treated plots, but this result was not consistent. If methanol treatment resulted in higher photosynthesis in the short term, this may have resulted in greater above-ground growth at the expense of root growth and root sucrose storage, which could account for the observed lower root and sucrose yield in the treated plots. Ifearly-season methanol application tim* ing and concentration could be adjusted to stimulate early canopy formation, so that maximal light interception could be achieved earlier in the season, this might lead to increased sucrose yield at harvest.

Methanol-lnduced Growth, Biomass, and Economic Productivity in Hibiscus esculentus, Vigna radiata, and V. catjung in Tropics

Treatment of agricultural crops in high solar light intensities with methanol was initiated as a source of fixed carbon or supplement of methyl groups for pectin production. Methanol is rapidly metabolized in plants. Study of the path of carbon in photosynthesis revealed very rapid metabolism of (14C)methanol (1-3). From comparison of the relative rates of fixation of [14C]carbon dioxide and [14C]methanol by Chlorella and Scene- desmus strains, it was concluded that methanol was utilized for sugar and amino acid production fully as rapidly as carbon dioxide (4). Earlier studies of methanol spray in eggplant, cotton, cabbage, watermelon, wheat, grapes, and so forth, revealed that rather than merely supporting normal growth, it stimulated plant growth, which far exceeded that expected of a foliar nutrient. Plants treated with nutrient-supplemented methanol showed up to 100% increases in yield when maintained under direct sunlight in desert agriculture (5).
Therefore, a preliminary study of methanol spray under tropical conditions during the dry season (April-July 1993) on crop plants was conducted, and the novel results obtained are presented.
Muhammad Iqbal Makhdum, Muhammad Nawaz A. Malik, Shabab-ud- Din, Fiaz Ahmad and Fazal Illahi Chaudhry

A study was conducted at Central Cotton Research Institute, Multan during crop season 1995 to determine the effects of foliar applications of methanol on physiological processes, water relations, growth and yield on cotton cultivar CIM-240. The treatments consisted of untreated check, 30% methanol, 30% methanol plus 2% urea and 30% methanol + 2% urea + 2.5 litre per hectare foliar fertilizer (Omex Foliar 3x Emulsion). Four foliar applications of solutions were made during bloom stage. The results showed that foliar application of methanol, and/or of urea/foliar fertilizer had positive effect on physiological processes, water relations, plant structure and seed cotton yield. The foliar application of 30% methanol caused significant increase in seed cotton yield by about 9% over untreated check. These data suggest that methanol has potential to improve productivity of cotton crop under our arid and semi-arid environment.
The effect of foliar application of methanol on productivity and fruit quality of grapevine cv. Flame Seedless

Field experiments were conducted in 2002 and 2003 on 6-year-old grapevine cv. Flame Seedless. The content of chlo- rophyll a and b, carotenoids and total carbohydrates in- creased after methanol application. Foliar application of aqueous methanol was very effective increasing the number of leaves per shoot and leaf area. Furthermore, 30 % methanol increased significantly the number of stomata of developing leaves at the first application time (shoot length: 20-30 cm) while 10, 30, 40 and 50 % methanol solutions were more effective at the second application date (pre- bloom). Increasing the chlorophyll content, the leaf area and the number of stomata per unit leaf area by methanol application increased net productivity of vines. There was a highly significant positive correlation between total yield, chlorophyll and carbohydrates content. Generally, all methanol treatments significantly increased length and diameter of shoots and internode length at both application dates. Application of methanol increased total soluble solids (TSS), the TSS/acid ratio and total anthocyanins in berry skins but decreased total acidity. Most significant effects were obtained by spraying 30 % methanol at the two application dates.
The path of carbon in photosynthesis: Improved crop yields with methanol

Foliar sprays of aqueous 10-50% methanol increased growth and development of C3 crop plants in arid environments. The effects of low levels (<1 ml per plant) of methanol were observed for weeks after the brief time necessary for its rapid metabolism. Within several hours, foliar treatment with methanol resulted in increased turgidity. Plants treated with nutrient-supplemented methanol showed up to 100% increases in yields when maintained under direct sunlight in desert agriculture. In the shade and when winter crops were treated with methanol, plants showed no improvement of growth. When repeatedly treated with nutrient-supplemented methanol, shaded plants showed symptoms of toxicity. Repeated methanol treatments with glycine caused increased turgidity and stimulated plant growth without injury under in direct sunlight, but indoors with artificia lillumination, foliar damage developed after 48hr. Addition of glycerophosphate to glycine/methanol solutions allowed treatment of artificialy illuminated plants indoors without injury. Plants with C4 metabolism showed no increase in productivity by methanol treatment. Plants given many applications of aqueous methanol showed symptoms of nutrient deficiency. Supplementation with a source of nitrogen sustained growth, eliminating symptoms of deficiency. Adjustment of carbon/nitrogen ratios was undertaken in the field by decreasing the source of nitrogen in the final application, resulting in early maturation; concomitantly, irrigation requirements were reduced.


  • Effect of Time and Foliar Spraying by Methanol on Growth and Yield of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).pdf
    221 KB · Views: 134
  • The effect of foliar application of methanol on productivity and fruit quality of grapevine cv. .pdf
    234.2 KB · Views: 106
    342 KB · Views: 88
  • Methanol-lnduced Growth, Biomass, and Economic Productivity in Hibiscus esculentus, Vigna radiat.pdf
    387.2 KB · Views: 118
  • Emission and utilization of methanol in higher plants.doc
    122.5 KB · Views: 60
  • Effects of methanol on sugar beet (Beta vulgaris).pdf
    112.1 KB · Views: 111
  • Effects of foliar application of methanol on growth and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) in .pdf
    69.6 KB · Views: 114
  • Effects of foliar and root applications of methanol or ethanol on the growth of tomato plants (L.pdf
    199.3 KB · Views: 101


Additional useful articles - abstrasts only - no access to full articles yet

Additional useful articles - abstrasts only - no access to full articles yet

Effects of Foliar and Root Applications of Methanol on the Growth of Arabidopsis, Tobacco, and Tomato Plants
Ingrid Ramírez, Fernando Dorta, Valeria Espinoza, Edra Jiménez, Ana Mercado and Hugo Peña-Cortés

The effects of aqueous methanol solutions applied as a foliar spray or via irrigation were investigated in Arabidopsis, tobacco, and tomato plants. Methanol applied to roots leads to phytotoxic damage in all three species tested. Foliar application causes an increase of fresh and dry weight in Arabidopsis and tobacco plants, but not in tomato plants. The increase in fresh and dry weight of Arabidopsis plants does not correlate with increased levels of soluble sugars, suggesting that increased accumulation of other products is responsible for the differences in the methanol-treated leaves. Foliar application of methanol can induce pectin methylesterase (PME) gene expression in Arabidopsis and tomato plants, activating specific PME genes.

A new insight into foliar applied methanol influencing phylloplane methylotrophic dynamics and growth promotion of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and sugarcane.
M Madhaiyan, S Poonguzhali, S Sundaram, T Sa

Foliar applied methanol has been purported to enhance growth and yield of cotton and sugarcane possibly by stimulation of plant hormone production mediated by pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic (PPFMs) bacteria. In vitro studies were performed on the relations between leaf methanol and pectin methylesterase (PME: EC in young and old leaves of cotton and sugarcane. Results of field trials and pot culture studies of cotton showed that application of 30% methanol or PPFMs as foliar spray significantly increased plant height, plant dry weight, leaf area, boll number, and boll dry weight, leading to an increase of seed cotton yield (SCY) over control. Foliar application of PPFMs increased plant height and specific leaf area of sugarcane and led to a cane yield increase of 9.8% over control. The overall PPFMs population in the phyllosphere of cotton remained higher than sugarcane. Applications of methanol or PPFMs increased the total cytokinins in cotton and sugarcane. The methanol emission process, regulated by PME activity that catalyzes demethoxylation of pectins, could trigger PPFMs population on the leaf surface and subsequent cytokinin production in plants, and might play a role in plant growth promotion. In our study, the foliar applications of methanol or PPFMs increased the PPFM populations and cytokinin production resulting in increased yield in cotton and sugarcane.

Effect of Foliar Application of Methanol on Efficiency, Production and Yield of Plants - A Review
Tavassoli Abolfazl, Galavi Mohammad

Many cultivated area are situated in arid zone, where crop photosynthesis and productivity is limited by drought. Thus any treatment, such as methanol, that improves plant water relation and reduces stress impacts, could be of benefit. This paper investigated the effects of methanol application on some physiological and growth properties of plants. Recent reports indicate that vegetative growth and yield of C3 crops were enhanced by foliar methanol application and that overall crop water use was reduced by methanol sprays. It has been suggested that methanol may act as a C source for the plant and a photorespiration inhibitor. However foliar application of methanol solutions on crops would improve their accelerate ripening, reduce impacts of drought and decline crop water requirements. Methanol also appeared to improve the efficiency of water use in C3 plants, especially under water stress situations. On the other hand, methanol leads to increase of plants resistance to drought stress because these compounds play primarily a role in preventing increasing photorespiration induced in stressed plants.


goddamnit, another awesome post/thread. thanks again for all the legwork. quick question - your testing will only occur during the veg period correct?


goddamnit, another awesome post/thread. thanks again for all the legwork. quick question - your testing will only occur during the veg period correct?

Im planning on testing only in the first half of the flowering period, since methanol applications are less phytotoxic the higher the light intensity (at least according to experimental results) and since inhibition of photorespiration and increase of cytokinin production are some of the modes methanol benefits plant growth, i think methanol applications would be more effective during the bloom cycle where i have more intense light and increased cytokinin production would be more optimal. Im going to do some more reading before i commit to how often applications occur or what i will be co-applying with the methanol. the dosages for testing will be 2.5%, 7.5%, 15%, 22.5%, and 30% aqueous methanol along with a control group.
Been using methanol since '97, methanol speeds transfer of nutrients across cell membranes. Anything over 5% will start to cause damage to foliage of most sensitive plants, most beneficial for me has been at 2-2 1/2%. Ethanol works as well, just less effectively in my experience. Make sure all other variables are set correctly, CO2, light, and ferts consumption will increase by at least 25% in my experience if unable to provide perfection plants will suffer and decline rapidly. This is rocket fuel make sure you have a good guidance system y'all or you will not make it into orbit! Try adding a little tricantanol and maybe a little electro-stimulation and watch out. Methanol is a must for outdoor growers!!! Love all y'all! AgD:tiphat:


Anything over 5% will start to cause damage to foliage of most sensitive plants, most beneficial for me has been at 2-2 1/2%.

I've never seen a study where it mentions phytotoxicity from methanol at anything less than 28% (edit - on outdoor/greenhouse applications). some plants that have a naturally high alcohol content such as peppermint can handle 100% methanol spray without showing any negative (or positive) effects. plants tested under artificial lighting had much higher sensitivity to methanol. thanks for confirming this applies to cannabis as well

are you saying that you've tested foliar applications of methanol on cannabis, and applications over 5% caused phytotoxicity in your cannabis? if not, where did you get your dosages? almost all studies show maximum benefits are achieved from foliar applications between 20-30% aqueous methanol. perhaps you are talking about rhizosphere applications instead of applications to the foliage?
Last edited:

prince kali


very interesting read. thanks to dizzlekush!
i like that you are planning to test it in five different concentrations, keep it real!



Would love to see this tested

I am planning on doing testing myself, but i am testing 24-Epibrassinolide and 6-Benzylaminopurine first so it will be at least 2 months before my testing.

cool. but wont the methanol dissolve the trichs when in flower?

Methanol is a fairly good solvent so yes, there is a chance that the stronger % of methanol will dissolve some of the outer waxy layers of the trichome, but not the silica. i doubt it will have any negative effects but it is an interesting possibility.

Wonder if moonshine will work as well? ...

It wont, methanol works significantly better than ethanol or a combination of the 2.


very interesting read. thanks to dizzlekush!
i like that you are planning to test it in five different concentrations, keep it real!


Nope I have been doing it right for awhile not arguing just giving my experience underlights outside 28-30% no problemo! If you want pm me for more info your welcome to if not peace out youngins. Love y'all! AgD over and out:tiphat:


how does one acquire methanol?


you can also get or order methanol at many racing (car and motorcycle) shops and even some hobby shops that have RC racing cars [RC RC's ;) ].


Found a patent for foliar applications of methanol on C3 plants

US Patent # 5597400
Plant growth stimulants containing compounds which increase intracellular carbon dioxide as the main active component and optionally supplemented with specific nutrients have been found to enhance productivity of plants. Exemplary compounds include lower alcohols, such as methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol, and amino acids, such as glycine, glutamate, and aspartate. Such growth stimulation appears to result, in part, from inhibition of stress induced photorespiration according to a previously unrecognized photosynthetic pathway. Exposure of the plants to sunlight or other sufficient illumination following treatment with the compositions results in enhanced fixation of carbon dioxide and turgor. Stimulant compositions may comprise from 5% to 50% by volume aqueous solutions of methanol or 0.1% to 10% by weight amino acids and are preferably applied by foliar spraying of plants and plant shoots.

you can see the full article as well as download the pdf (if you wish) by clicking the link above.


Active member
I have used ipa at 500ml/liter as a pesticide. It did cause some moderate foliage damage but interestingly did not destroy the trichomes. Normally I use 20ml/liter of pure ipa in water as a mild pesticide that leaves no residue and destroys eggs and mites together. I assume this effect would be an additional benefit of the Methanol treatments as well. Cant wait to see the results of your cannabis trial.. This has real implications for large greenhouse operations as it could be effective as a prophylactic for insects and a growth enhancer. I wonder MeOH it would be considered an organic product being wood alchohol.. Great thread diz. Thanks.

Bio boy

Active member
one would have thaught this to burn the plants lol,
do you have any comparison images side by side grows from clone>? that would be interesting,

if im missed them im sorry i didnt see any,
very interesting read, do you think maybe aloe vera coudl be mixed too

Class Compounds
Anthraquinones/anthrones Aloe-emodin, aloetic-acid, anthranol, aloin A and B (or collectively
known as barbaloin), isobarbaloin, emodin, ester of cinnamic acid
Carbohydrates Pure mannan, acetylated mannan, acetylated glucomannan,
glucogalactomannan, galactan, galactogalacturan, arabinogalactan,
galactoglucoarabinomannan, pectic substance, xylan, cellulose
Chromones 8-C-glucosyl-(2’-O-cinnamoyl)-7-O-methylaloediol A, 8-C-glucosyl-(S)-
aloesol, 8-C-glucosyl-7-O-methyl-(S)-aloesol, 8-C-glucosyl-7-O-methylaloediol,
8-C-glucosyl-noreugenin, isoaloeresin D, isorabaichromone,
neoaloesin A
Enzymes Alkaline phosphatase, amylase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cyclooxidase,
cyclooxygenase, lipase, oxidase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase,
superoxide dismutase
Inorganic compounds Calcium, chlorine, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
potassium, phosphorous, sodium, zinc
Miscellaneous including
organic compounds and
Arachidonic acid, γ-linolenic acid, steroids (campestrol, cholesterol, β-
sitosterol), triglicerides, triterpenoid, gibberillin, lignins, potassium
sorbate, salicylic acid, uric acid
Non-essential and
essential amino acids
Alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine,
hydroxyproline, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
proline, threonine, tyrosine, valine
Proteins Lectins, lectin-like substance
Saccharides Mannose, glucose, L-rhamnose, aldopentose
Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, β-carotene, choline, folic acid, α-tocopherol

surfactants or wetting agents help water droplets properly wet the foliage and spread out evenly over sprayed area. this is specially needed when plants have waxy hairy leaves, as the proplets often simply run off and foliage spraying becomes a waste of time for both pest and or supplementing growth.
also aloe is super easy to grow, actually thrives off of neglect
it is a respected healing plant of many latin cultures and some varieties are edible.. imo actually paying coin for a bottle of this is simply foolish, laughable

"Here goes on what I 'think' that I've learned about saponins beyond their typical use as a surfactant and/or wetting agent.

Saponins trigger a plant's defensive responses to anaerobic fungi like powdery mildew, black scab, et al. In general saponins have a fungicide factor as well.

Here's a link to a study titled "Compromised Disease Resistance In Saponin-Deficient Plants"


Sainsbury Laboratory
John Innes Centre
Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UH
United Kingdom

With appropriate credit to the research team. This is an abstract of their findings on saponins.

Saponins are glycosylated plant secondary metabolites found in many major food crops [Price, K. R., Johnson, I. T. & Fenwick, G. R. (1987) CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 26, 27-133]. Because many saponins have potent antifungal properties and are present in healthy plants in high concentrations, these molecules may act as preformed chemical barriers to fungal attack.

The isolation of plant mutants defective in saponin biosynthesis represents a powerful strategy for evaluating the importance of these compounds in plant defense. The oat root saponin avenacin A-1 fluoresces under ultraviolet illumination [Crombie, L., Crombie, W. M. L. & Whiting, D. A. (1986) J. Chem. Soc. Perkins 1, 1917-1922], a property that is extremely rare among saponins.

Here we have exploited this fluorescence to isolate saponin-deficient (SAD) mutants of a diploid oat species, Avena strigosa. These SAD mutants are compromised in their resistance to a variety of fungal pathogens, and a number of lines of evidence suggest that this compromised disease resistance is a direct consequence of saponin deficiency.

Because saponins are widespread throughout the plant kingdom, this group of secondary metabolites may have general significance as antimicrobial phytoprotectants.

"What are the efficacy of aloe ingredients?
Aloe’s medicinal ingredients generally can be divided into several categories.

1.1 Phenols

Such as: Aloe-emodin, aloin, aloe-ning and so on. Aloe is known as potent analgesic; Aloe-emodin and aloin with enhancing the role of appetite and large intestine vent relief

1.2 Flavonoids

Such as: rutin, quercetin and so on. Rutin has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral; quercetin has good expectorant, cough role, and have some asthma, can lower blood pressure, increased capillary resistance, reduce capillary fragility, blood fat, expansion of coronary blood flow.

1.3 carbohydrate

Aloe contains glucose, mannose, and formed by their combination of aloe polysaccharides. With enhancing human immunity and a strong suppression or destruction of the role of abnormal cell growth, which has anti-cancer effect; have excellent repair gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver has the role of adjuvant therapy .

1.4 amino

After the study confirmed that Aloe Vera is rich in amino acids: aspartic acid, arginine, cystine, proline, leucine, tryptophan, valine, methionine, histidine, proline and other .

1.5 kinds of minerals and trace elements

Aloe detected in a variety of minerals are boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, magnesium, calcium, sodium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus, barium, silver, selenium, germanium, etc.. Among them, selenium, germanium and other valuable trace elements in the body;

1.6 Vitamins

Aloe contains a variety of vitamins, vitamin A, B1,, B2, B6, B12, vitamins and organic compounds such as the formation of conjugates.

1.7 Organic Acids

Contains a variety of organic acids in the aloe: malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, succinic acid, bitterness, Nonene acid, lauric acid, dodecanoic acid, 13 acid, iso-citric acid, myristic acid, pentadecanoic acid, heptadecanoic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid and palmitic acid. Different calcium citrate has a strong heart, promote blood circulation, soften hardening of the arteries, lower cholesterol levels and increase bone density expansion of capillary effect."CC1

here's a good friend of mines responce on one of our aloe discussion
Another update....
WHOA! I'm sold on the aloe....EVERY single plant no matter how locked out it was,seedling,type,fresh cutting,etc. has turned it's overall health and vigor around in a matter of hours.CC2

saying meth has carbon would this mean the need for a co2 regulator wouldnt be needed as it gets carbon there? or that different again
My apologies for the delay in posting this.

I could not find a way to access a couple articles; here is one of the abstracts:

Enhanced yield and fruit quality of redglobe grapevines by abscisic acid (ABA) and ethanol applications
Omram, 2011, Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin

Aims: Redglobe has become a popular table grape cultivar in Egypt. However, in warm climates the berries often fail to develop a full red color in addition to having lower total soluble solids (TSS) at harvest time. Here we evaluate the potential for enhancing the quality of Redglobe grapes with applications of abscisic acid (ABA) and ethanol under field conditions. Methods and results: Abscisic acid (300 mg/L) and/or ethanol (10% v/v) treatments were applied twice (10% and 75% of colored berries) for two seasons (2006 and 2007), and their effect on yield and fruit quality (TSS/acidity, anthocyanin content, firmness, and attachment force) was investigated. The application of ABA did not significantly affect yield when compared to the untreated control, whereas the ethanol treatment, alone or in combination with ABA, resulted in a significant yield increase. Total soluble solids and the ratio between TSS and acidity were increased by all treatments. The highest TSS/acidity ratio resulted from the ABA treatment due primarily to an 18% decrease in total acidity. In this regard, ABA was the most effective treatment. The total anthocyanin content in berry skins increased by approximately 48 and 38% with the ABA and ethanol treatments, respectively. Still, the highest anthocyanin content was obtained with the application of both ethanol and ABA (54% higher than in the untreated control). Berries that were treated with ethanol were markedly firmer and had higher attachment force than those of the other treatments. Conclusion: The results indicate that the combination of ABA and ethanol is more effective in improving the color of Redglobe grapes but may also increase production efficiency. However, the ethanol treatment alone was more effective in increasing yield and berry firmness and appears to be an alternative to ABA in improving fruit quality in general. Significance and impact of the study: The results obtained in this study will be useful to improve the fruit quality of Redglobe grapes in the field under warm conditions. © Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales (Bordeaux, France).

Attached are some articles on this topic that you have not posted yet. I also included some articles with contradictory results (i.e. no increase in plant biomass). I was not able to find quite as many EtOH articles as I remembered seeing, but there are a few. I also included a couple of articles re: inducible changes in genetic expression via alcohol foliars.

I would really like to read the entirety of the 2011 review I posted the abstract of. Seems that the most commonly agreed upon and repeated conclusion is that MetOH/EtOH are most effective in low water availability conditions. IMHO I think this is a complex issue that does not have a binary answer and is likely highly variable by plant spp. The fact that some articles report no benefit of the foliar alcohol applications supports the fact that these foliars are likely effective because they support stress avoidance mechanisms; some of these stress avoidance responses (e.g. the release of isoprenoids) may be relevant in Cannabis cultivation, but who knows.

I am very eager to see the results of your trials, DK.


  • Paknejad - MetOH foliar soy.pdf
    105.9 KB · Views: 73
  • Corrado - inducible gene expression and plant biotech.pdf
    294.1 KB · Views: 83
  • Albrecht - MetOH foliar no effect.pdf
    134.8 KB · Views: 99
  • Idso - MetOH foliar, CO2 enrich, PSN orange tree.pdf
    668.8 KB · Views: 111
  • Haakana - EtOH as gas and liquid foliar in mini roses and dill.pdf
    232.8 KB · Views: 121
  • Rajala - lack of response to OH foliar.pdf
    100.8 KB · Views: 81
  • Li - EtOH inducible gene expression system.pdf
    157.4 KB · Views: 121
  • Zbiec - Met foliar vs sup irrigation.pdf
    197.1 KB · Views: 69
  • Hernandez - foliar MetOH on sunflower.pdf
    558.7 KB · Views: 73
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New member
20%+glycin+urea = no damage/toxic
30%+glycin+urea = no damage/toxic

250hps...tested on a white russian ( 5 applikations = 15/20/20/25/30 ) first after 2 weeks veg and last 2 weeks in flower....

results ( no control group ) :
very dense buds, very very good yield (3 days flower left) and the plant needs much less water than the others.
thats what is see.... next grow there will be a control group (clones) and much more treated plants on different dosages.

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