but basically what i do is, when the plant is about 18 inch's tall, i will take the main top and bend it sideways with wire. at that point it already looks like a bush, then a week later, you untie the wire and your plant will take that bush shape...
i can easily take some pics for you if you would like
I just got a spot that is 12 feet wide and 32 feet long and 2 floors. I am going to mock this, 100%.
2 tables wide, 3 tables long. 2 floors. 12 tables total.
10 plants per table in 5 gallons.
Coco, plus H&G nutes. Just you watch.
This is my fav grow on IC.
ya I bumped them up to around 1000 ppm's with only 100 or so being calmag.
setting up my rez to just top off with ro water and had been thinking about letting it drift and how low to let it go.... thanks for the advice.
is that 1000ppm of just a + b?
its about 900 of a and b then 100 of calmag
plus my enzymes and sugars, but those dont add ppms
ya after 1000 i will go like 700 or 800 ppms , not adding any more calmag!!!then 5 or 6 , untill the runoff gets to around 500 or 600 ppms
i only add calmag at the beginning of the week.
usualy takes me a week to run it from 1000 to 500.
hope this helps
that really does help actually.
so then after that week do you just add calmag and bring it all the way back up or do you dump it all and start fresh