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dreams...who has those?



4-5 hours damn that's enough for a couple of days at least HOG.lol

I don't seem to dream at night but I do during that little period when you wake up in the morning and then fall back asleep for a little bit. Vivid dreams and wierdness at least what I can remember.

Ambein, Soma, and Sonata pretty much eliminate dreams as well.

When I was in rehab back in the early 90's they gave us something there that made you dream everynight, trippy dreams at that. Then we would talk about it all in group. They never would tell me what was, go figure



New member
Wacky dream w/ Sarah Jessica Parker and an Aye-Aye

Wacky dream w/ Sarah Jessica Parker and an Aye-Aye

Yep, I was in NYC with Sarah Jessica Parker (who looks a little too much like Dee Snyder for my own tastes) and walked out of her apartment into the street, which became a street in my home town in front of a house of a family I knew a little when I was a kid. Then SJP appeared on the corner with a present for me, an animal that was part aye-aye (rare endangered Madagascan primate, one of the very oddest looking creatures on Earth, occupies a woodpecker niche in it's habitat), and part bat, as it had bat wings.
I thnk I awoke then, but remembered that much.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
No Dreams...

No Dreams...

If I smoke too heavy I don't seem to have dreams, or I don't remember them. If I haven't smoked for a couple of hours before bed I do though. It doesn't matter how much I smoke that day as long as I quit a few hours before bed. I think for me anyway it has to do with alertness. Even in sleep you have some level of alertness. Your senses are still working, but mostly disengaged. Like Texas kid, I find I have very vivid dreams in the last waking sleep of each night. I often take afternoon naps just for these vivid dreams. It may be that dreams in deep sleep like you get when you go to bed stoned are harder for most to remember, and that dreams like you get in a lighter sleep are generally easier to remember.

GreatLakes THC


New member
What I 've read

What I 've read

is that dreams are sort of like your mind is a VCR and when you sleep you rewind the tape of the last couple of days and kind play it back through you own personal set of filters and values.

Say 5 people experience the same event or have the "same" day if asked to remember their dreams you may have 5 similar stories but each different according to the owner of the dream.

This happened to me and a couple of friends one time. we had been on a trip fora about a week and we never really got away from each other( other than for brief periods, but the majority of the days were spent together.
On like the next to the last night of the trip we all just woke up very early one morning, and one of the girls started talking about the dream she had just had, long story short of the 6 people in the group 4 of us had a very similar dream.
Mostly about the past week or so and certain events the group as a whole experienced, but filtered or having different elements that were the product of the individuals. IE a mass dream from our own perspectives.
pretty trippy stuff.


ICmag's Official Black Guy
No joke, I had a dream back ago on the night before 9/11 about my own death it freak me out to this day. I was suposse to meet my sister in the city to look for job in Manhattan that morning.
Dreams Remembered?

Dreams Remembered?

I too have had no dreams so to speak of.
When I was on perscribed meds I had freaky
dreams and weird issues after waking up.
I suppose I should cut back and let the Shaman
dreams come thru... but then so does the night pain.
Hhmmnn maybe I'll pass for a little while...until I can
find some of those cookies mentioned...sounded good
to me. :)
Thank you all, I do not feel so odd now, since others are
having the same thing. :)

Massage you feet.
With love,light and hugs, She Who Seeks Peace
REM Sleep...

REM Sleep...


Hi SP,
Hello all, I do not dream when I am toking daily. I have been under Seritonan Treatment for the last 8 months. I was prescribed Citalopram 30MG by my GP. I discussed previously before treatment my mood swings and very bad irritable erratic behavior patterns & intense bouts of depression and insomnia!

After 1 month of treatment my life has changed completely I am now bouncy, happy and feel like I used too years ago. My dream patterns changed when I started taking the medication and I have dreams now even when smoking daily. My dreams are more intense in the last 2 hrs before i'm awake and also when I fall back into a slumber. There seems to be some correlation in the very little Scientific evidence that has been posted.

When I was at Sea it was a completely different scenario. I was berthed in Amsterdam Ferry Terminal for several months. This allowed me and most of the Crew too experience the Dutch Delights :) After setting sail and at Sea for several weeks we all dreamt vividly even with the very strong Dutch bud and pot. As soon as we returned home on leave our sleeping patterns changed completely and we all agreed that it was inexplicable?

It seems that being away from your own surroundings and not being familiar your brain patterns change when not secure? In no expert in this matter though it seems to effect all Tokers.......
Thank you all, I do not feel so odd now, since others are

Hey SP :wave:
Hiya, Thanks for the kind words SP. Yea im feeling excellent girl. I was very fortunate that my GP is on the ball so to speak. Many people in UK and else where are being misdiagnosed with Anti-Physchotics and other horrid Prescription Drugs that have severe side effects and are very addictive :mad:

Yea we where in the DAM or as we Greenys call Amdam I was Crew on board the MV-Greenpeace so that will give you a Clue ;-) Peace to you SP and see you around gal. Stay well keep well be well.....

Dear Hashasin,

Yea,I was on those stupid meds for awhile.
Zyprexa... Which is now proven to cause
coma's, epilepsy,liver disorders,death. And several
others,so glad my body rejected after 5ish months
of treatment (and, after gaining Over 70 lbs). I was having difficulty after my Dad's passing last year and my body
collapse the year before. De ja Vu's dozens of times a
day...Dr Chou said it was a form of epilepsy...4or5
of his diagnostic books said same thing... Hhmmmnnnn.
So meds came into my life AGAIN. (off them cold turkey).
I now smoke more than I ever did before. Helps
most times sometimes nothing does. And life goes
Oh, I had a dream for the first time last nite or this A.M.
not quite sure...only remember a dark haired lady with
flowing energy.
I am so glad "you" are feeling better.
Sounds like UK Doctors are quite similar to ours
in the unfortunate mis-diagonosis's. Send prayers
and hope for proper knowledge. :)

Take care of you. Hugs to you and yours.
Massage your feet. :)
With love and light, She Who Seeks Peace

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production


I thought I'd bump this to see if anyone else has any thoughts on dreams and cannabis use.

GreatLakes THC


Well-known member
whats a dream

whats a dream

i dont sleep long enough to dream i wake up about every 1.5-2.5
hours dont know why been doing it for years guess i dont nned much sleep
peace burn a fatty


For some reason every time i get close to harvest maybe two weeks,i start to dream about my grow.Things like the lights go out or i get spider mites,sometimes good things like a huge harvest and really frosty buds.But for some reason i always dream,(pretty much every night til i harvest) about my grow. Weird?


In Your Dreams!

In Your Dreams!

Hang on now, this thread ain't over yet.

Damn glad I found this while browsing around here. Comforting to know I'm not the only one who gets his dream switch turned off when smoking reefer. I'm a 50 year-old relic who's been on a pretty steady buzz for the last 32 years. Smokin' a bowlfull before bedtime was a ritual over most of it. Was never sure if I actually ever fell asleep or just laid there stoned and still all night.

Never even realized I wasn't dreamin' til the pot ran out during a dry period one year. One of the toughest parts of going straight til the next shipment came in, was getting to sleep! Damn, nothing but a lot of tossin' and turnin'. Then, after a few nights straight (and STRAIGHT), MAN-DOGGIES! Here came the dreams!

It was like I'd been saving them up over all those nights of hittin' the sack in a stoned stupor. Just one fuckin' dream after another! I was dredging up people and places from my past I thought were long-gone from my memory. My dreams would piece them all together in all kinds of weird combinations, too. Really cracked me up thinking about some of them the next morning. And I could REMEMBER them for days on end. Crazy shit!

Been through re-hab a couple times in the last ten years (at my lawyer's strong suggestion) and hit a few more dry spells when no dope could be found, and every time it's the same thing; them nutty fuckin' dreams come back with a vengence! Guess they just get clogged up in my memory whenever I go to bed high, then all rush out together the first chance they get, when I don't.

So I'm not goin' crazy after all! (unless all you guys are, too) ;)

Thanks for the thread,

dreams and marijuana

dreams and marijuana

I get De Ja Vu's

I am not sure but I feel the quaility
of my marajuana is what lets me sleep or not,
dream or not. And yes, when I am out or nere
out I tend to panic...which does not help.

Used to dream about my friends grow house.
Ohhh, loved the smell. :)

Still just looking for the one for nerve and bone

Hugs to all, Sweet dreams.

She Who Seeks Peace
Oh Hi Again,
just an after thought,
I have to but from others and
sometimes you do not know how
they treated/handled the plants.
I feel plants take in all vibes good
and bad.

:) SP


I allwais dream more time a night i have all kinds of dreams and i dream vrey colourfull.
Every now and then i have lucid dreams and there's where the fun begins.As soon as i realise that i'm dreaming allmost all the time i manage not to wake up and do all the things i want....i can go thru walls, visit the ocean, or maybe another galaxy.God i love those dreams. :eek:


Active member
HashOil said:
I allwais dream more time a night i have all kinds of dreams and i dream vrey colourfull.
Every now and then i have lucid dreams and there's where the fun begins.As soon as i realise that i'm dreaming allmost all the time i manage not to wake up and do all the things i want....i can go thru walls, visit the ocean, or maybe another galaxy.God i love those dreams. :eek:

love them lucid dreams, but mine tend to deal with lsd and mdma?? most of my dreams are lucid and very real feeling.
bird :joint:


very nice thread .. Are there any Freud's out there .. I really wish the dreams about getting chased by cops & busted would stop someday ..

Basically i have dreams everytime i sleep , i used to get alot of "out of body experiences" but those stopped about 6 or 7 years ago ..



bird said:
love them lucid dreams, but mine tend to deal with lsd and mdma?? most of my dreams are lucid and very real feeling.
bird :joint:
I know what you're talkin about because that's what's happening to me too.It's so real the feeling you have with mdma and the feeling you have in your dream.
I also remember that onde i dreamt i was goin through a wall(in a lucid dream) and i coud see it's structure.....i could see the way the bricks were assambled and i knew this is a way to find out many things.

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