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dreams...who has those?



this may sound like bullshit, but I have not dreamed in atleast 3-4 years. Is this normal? My old lady wakes up alot and talks to me about her dreams and I wonder why I dont have any.

I kinda wish I could now, seems like it would be entertaining and interesting......the only thing i remember about dreaming was nightmares when i was a young kid living in Chicago


Sorry man I hit the wrong button and started a new thread for this deam shit........Sorry I didn't mean to litter


it may be because.......

it may be because.......

Hey SP, it could be because when you get high on weed it stops you dreaming its to do with seritonin (*sp) or meletonin (*sp) or sumthing like that when you smoke/eat weed it super charges the levels of one of em and some how then you don't dream i read a paper on it a little while ago i'll see if i can find it for ya :D


ps.. i will be posting those bits to ya on monday, sorry i aint done it yet but i got a biatch of a chest infection and i threw me feking back out coughing <ouch> so i've been stuck indoors :( -with no weed i might add <double ouch> :(


Captain Expando
yeah the less herb i toke the more i remember my dreams.

when i don't get high (surgery) i have some tripped out dreams. way too realistic !


me too zep....

me too zep....

Same here zep, when i have a break from the erb i have some fuckin VIVID dreams yet when im smoking .....nothing

SP here's a bit of what i found (not the same report but it mentions relevent stuff) will keep searching for the original report

"a phenomena consistent with an initial melatonin release significant enough to partly deplete the pineal gland's store of melatonin. Cannabis' well-known suppression of REM activity, as well as reported insomnia among middle-aged cannabis users were other indicators that caused us to ask if replacement of melatonin among medical marijuana patients might not produce results that would tend to confirm the marijuana/melatonin hypothesis.

Suppression of REM contributes to short-term memory loss, loss of focus, lethargy--all the classic signs of so-called "chronic" pot use. Would melatonin lead to a dramatic reversal of these undesirable side-effects? What we have found, somewhat counter-intuitively, is that treatment of chronic marijuana users with melatonin curtails these side-effects without interfering with medical benefit. I leave it to the patients who will speak next about that."

here's the link for that ^ report^

theres lots on there about melatonin/cannabis etc...

explains a lot



New member
ditto, I tried taking melatonin tablets to help my sleeping patterns (supposed to help with jet lag too) but I didn't notice any difference.

I have recently cut right back to a couple of joints a day and I am dreaming and rememembering them much more.



Basement Garden Gnome
Age it's self

Age it's self

Has a lot to do with sleep.
The older you get the fewer hours you need. unless thats old wives tales.

I dream just fine, perhaps not as vidid as they use to be. But I do have insomnia once and awhile. Depression causes sleep problems too.

I think a Good Inidca is the best Sleep aid. But it might interfer with dreams. I'll have to take better notice from now on.

Had Wild ass dreams on Nicotine Patch! Yeow!!!!!!


Constant, daily, smoking stops me from dreaming, too.
My wife started a job recently where she had to do a late shift twice a week and finish at 10:30 p.m. Because she doesn't drive, I pick her up from work when she works late. I don't like to drive through the city at night, stoned. So, I have two nights a week when I don't smoke.
(see, there *is* a point to this ramble :) )

After a while I noticed that I usually dreamed on those two nights and not the other five. What seemed like an inconvenience at the time (missing my daily smoke) has turned out to have an advantage :)



now at peace
I guess I'm totally weird but each night I eat a cannacookie with the equivalent of 1-2 grams/cannabinoids and dream like I'm attending a film festival.

Dr. Jay


resident slackass
i have the wierdest dreams all the time but damn if not fifteen minutes after i wake up i can't remember anything about them.

damn short term memory loss:D


I remember a dream every now and then. Otherwise, it's like I don't have them at all.


I feel your pain Sharpie, I cant remember a full dream for the life of me. I only remember two I had when I was little. A nightmare, where a friggin' lion ate my whole family and a re-occuring erotic dream, where I'm nailing some chick in the back of my dad's Mustang. I wish i can have that one now and then. Hmmm.....ahhhh!

Melatonin my ass I just cant dream! Not like I was a smoker in my younger days cuz i still did'nt dream. I like to say I fullfilled all my dreams so I dont have any to dream about. Denial? Maybe but it works for me. Now where did I put that joint? I've got some dreams to kill.



Lammen Gorthaur
As my handle demonstrates, I have multiple personalities. Dreams are always what a shrink would term to be interesting. Now, add to that quitting nicotine and the physiological changes I am undergoing as a result of smoking cessation and you get a jackpot of junk.

My shrink keeps asking me to write down my dreams but how many times to you have to write down abject terror before they will get the picture?


Active member
I have dreams of being pain free and doing normal shit like playin B-Ball and stuff , no shit. Weird ?


Active member
I would have to sleep to dream right?? LOL! I average about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. Every once and awhile I will sleep for like 8 hours. I have been like this since I can remember!! I do not lack energy, eat great and smoke everyday!! Just don't sleep. I do dream though, just loose it if I do not talk about it after 15-20 minutes of waking up!!! Unless it is really intense or sexual, I remember those!LOL!!


Anita Bonghitt
I had a dream one time that someone put a port-o-potty in my front yard and i could see it from my window,and I wanted it off my yard. It had a phone number on it so i called it.They kept putting me on hold and transfering my call (kinda like calling the phone company) and I was getting madder and madder everytime they would transfer me putting me on hold this went on and on and on........

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