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Dr. Mantis Toboggan's Perpetual Tent of Wonder, Dreams, Highs, Lows, Enemies, Friends, and Maybe - Just Maybe - Even You

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Dr. Mantis Toboggan

Well-known member
Trimmed and began curing the MN Tangie yesterday.

150 micron:


The carbon filter is not covering the smell of my flowering plants as of this week, which is concerning. I've contacted AC Infinity for advice. I think the GG #4 is the culprit, as I'm smelling funkiness. The Panamas are citrus.

Dr. Mantis Toboggan

Well-known member
The GG #4 is continuing to throw out male flowers and I'm no longer able to control the smell, so I cut it today at 66 days. While the person that I got the cut from said that it's ready at 9 weeks, it definitely could have gone longer, as many of the trichomes were still clear and the stigmas were not as mature as I would have liked. Alas!

GG #4:





GG #4 bottom left:





Well-known member
Idk 7-10 days max in my noob opinion. You could chop right now if you want to but i'd say its a little premature. What are your plans for the next cycle? How are you feeling about the soil you are using-still organic build-a-soil if i remember correctly?

Looks like some nice flower enjoy!

Dr. Mantis Toboggan

Well-known member
Idk 7-10 days max in my noob opinion. You could chop right now if you want to but i'd say its a little premature. What are your plans for the next cycle? How are you feeling about the soil you are using-still organic build-a-soil if i remember correctly?

Looks like some nice flower enjoy!
Next cycle is up in the air at the moment due to multiple concerns. You'll be the 1st to know, though!

Still using living soil via BuildASoil. It seems great (with my limited experience comparing to what I've seen others IRL use). My doctor thinks I'm having an allergic reaction to the sea critters in it though, which also impacts my asthma. Don't think I'll be able to use it in my current indoor setup again, unfortunately.

Dr. Mantis Toboggan

Well-known member

There was a fair amount of ambiguity with the Panamas: The tops of the clone were starting to produce more flower, but the leaves were dying. The bottoms still had more white than orange hairs, but the trichs on the tops were finally starting to turn amber.

I didn't want to do a partial harvest, so both came down today. The clone was at 12 weeks and 5 days and the mother was at 12 weeks to the day. It's my understanding that plants from seed take a bit longer to mature than from clone, so it was strange to see that the mother appeared to overall have more mature flowers than the clone. 🤷‍♂️





Clone (kind of a crappy pic):


Clone lowers:










Humidity is at 32% in the flowering compartment. Hopefully I can extend drying enough to preserve the terpene profile more than the 1st 2 plants.
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Dr. Mantis Toboggan

Well-known member
Review time!!!! All plants suffered during the grow for different reasons. Impacting all plants were 3 factors:

1. My heater crapped out and it took 2 weeks for the replacement part to be sent and for it to be installed.​
2. My drying area (veg section of tent) had too low of RH, causing the plants to dry too quickly. This left them - at best - with a muted smell. I guess that's my sacrifice to the terpene gods?​
3. I was getting watering game figured out and definitely let them dry out a couple of times earlier on, which couldn't have benefited the microbial life.​
With this out of the way, let's proceed.

First up is the breeder's cut of MN Tangie. In a 3 gallon container I only got 17.8 grams from her. If you will recall, she's a type III chemovar, so there's not much to say about effect. She's citrus on the front and skunk on the back end, and quite frosty.



Next is the cut I got of GG #4 S1. In 3 gallons, I yielded 26.7 grams. She suffered the most:

1. This plant turned intersex (most likely from the heat going out based on timeline) and needed to have bananas removed on multiple occasions. I've found a handful of seeds thus far.​
2. I lost the ability to control the smell of this plant and, as a result, harvested it prematurely, as it began smelling outside of my apartment. I called and spoke to an AC Infinity rep prior to beginning and asked if their 4 inch filter was enough for my tent and they said it was. Clearly I needed the 6 inch.​
3. It dried the fastest and didn't lose all of it's hay smell.​
It's harsh to smoke and not as potent as it should have been. It's half citrus diesel and half hay.




Saving the best for last! The Panama suffered from missing it's final feeding, on top of the above issues. The clone in the 3 gallon container yielded 46.7 grams and the mother in the 1 gallon yielded 13.4. It has a high that is smooth and pleasant. My friend who hasn't had much cannabis exposure danced after imbibing and texted me 6 hours later stating that he was still high. It's lemon and pepper with a hint of cream in the background.



104.6 grams in total, assuming I did my math right. Not quite 1 gram per watt (my light is 135 watts), but maybe okay for the first time?

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sundays! Thank you all for your warmth and guidance.
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Dr. Mantis Toboggan

Well-known member
You thought I was gone for good. Some said I had fled the country. But I'm BACK, baby!

Due to multiple reasons, I'm going to be doing a small grow on my back deck.

I really would prefer to grow photoperiod plants, but there is significant light pollution in my area, so I'm making due with autoflowers.

An Auto Zamaldelica and a Black Cream Auto sprouted taproots in 1% H2O2 today (5/29) and were just now placed in this soil to sprout:


Which is comprised of:


This product is formulated from 80-90% sphagnum peat moss, perlite, limestone to adjust pH, and yucca extract.

Active Ingredients:

Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: A total of 121.8 propagules / cc (3.7 million propagules per cubic foot) of the following 3 species:

Pisiolithus tinctorius 105.66

Rhizopogon luteolus 8.57

Rhizopogon roseolus 8.57

Endomycorrhizal Fungi: A total of 0.072 propagules / cc (2,040 propagules per cubic foot) of the following 4 species

Rhizophagus irregularis 0.018

Septoglomus deserticola 0.018

Claroideoglomus etunicatum 0.018

Funneliformis mosseae 0.018

I've had to change media and am now going to be growing in a mix of:

This for the base:


Which is comprised of:


Sphagnum peat moss (60-70% by volume)
Ground Limestone (for pH adjustment)
Wetting agent

These worm castings:


And a mixture of this amendment:


Comprised of:

Guaranteed Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) ..................................................................8%
0.8% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.8% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
6.4% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2
) ..................................................2%
Soluble Potash (K2
O) .............................................................4%
Calcium (Ca) ...........................................................................2%
Magnesium (Mg).................................................................0.5%
0.01% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Sulfur (S)..................................................................................1%
Iron (Fe)................................................................................0.1%
Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather
meal, and sulfate of potash.
*6.4% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted
turkey litter and feather meal

And this guy:


Which is:

Guaranteed Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) .....................................................................4%
0.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.4% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
3.2% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2
) .................................................... 6%
Soluble Potash (K2
O) ............................................................... 4%
Calcium (Ca) ............................................................................. 4%
Magnesium (Mg)................................................................. 0.75%
0.01% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Sulfur (S).................................................................................... 1%
Iron (Fe)................................................................................ 0.25%
Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal,
bone meal, and sulfate of potash.
*3.2% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted
turkey litter and feather meal

I know that these are labeled as slow-release, but they are used in cannabis cultivation, and are largely powder.

Wish me luck! :giggle:


You thought I was gone for good. Some said I had fled the country. But I'm BACK, baby!

Due to multiple reasons, I'm going to be doing a small grow on my back deck.

I really would prefer to grow photoperiod plants, but there is significant light pollution in my area, so I'm making due with autoflowers.

An Auto Zamaldelica and a Black Cream Auto sprouted taproots in 1% H2O2 today (5/29) and were just now placed in this soil to sprout:

View attachment 19010295

Which is comprised of:

I've had to change media and am now going to be growing in a mix of:

This for the base:

View attachment 19010298

Which is comprised of:

These worm castings:

View attachment 19010300

And a mixture of this amendment:

View attachment 19010302

Comprised of:

And this guy:

View attachment 19010301

Which is:

I know that these are labeled as slow-release, but they are used in cannabis cultivation, and are largely powder.

Wish me luck! :giggle:
Good luck!


Well-known member
You thought I was gone for good. Some said I had fled the country. But I'm BACK, baby!

Due to multiple reasons, I'm going to be doing a small grow on my back deck.

I really would prefer to grow photoperiod plants, but there is significant light pollution in my area, so I'm making due with autoflowers.

An Auto Zamaldelica and a Black Cream Auto sprouted taproots in 1% H2O2 today (5/29) and were just now placed in this soil to sprout:

View attachment 19010295

Which is comprised of:

I've had to change media and am now going to be growing in a mix of:

This for the base:

View attachment 19010298

Which is comprised of:

These worm castings:

View attachment 19010300

And a mixture of this amendment:

View attachment 19010302

Comprised of:

And this guy:

View attachment 19010301

Which is:

I know that these are labeled as slow-release, but they are used in cannabis cultivation, and are largely powder.

Wish me luck! :giggle:
Excellent! Been eyeing the auto Zameldica. Look forward to seeing your results


learning and laughing
Ohh, your still up and about, nice to see 👍🏼

Thanks for the details on your soil mix and seed sprouting.
I'm coming across a few situations where people sprout the seeds in diluted H2O2.
Some advocte it to get old /landrace seeds to sprout.
I've been adding some flucic acid to my sprouting water...

Can you tell me a little more about why you add H2O2?

Best of luck with your patio run 🙏🏼