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Dr Bloom's Perpetual Closet


-- It is a great way to kill a hour if you have no where else to go.. The budtenders are all cool, and I like to pester T1000 (is he still there?). I'm not quick to make friends, and imagine if I spent enough time there, would make find the cool people. I've never had a bad experience there, must have just picked the wrong times to stop in.

NNCC always seems to kill an afternoon when we go, lol. sampling and chatting kills at least an hour, and then we always have to go get food and sober up a little before we can drive home! it's great when it's not a zoo, but when it is it's kinda lame because it just gets so crowded. so i know what you mean. and T1000 is indeed still there.

Dr. Bloom

Flower Room Update

Flower Room Update

Here's a look at what's going on right now in the flower room.

SFVOG 46 days: This plant smells great, and the resin coverage is excellent. It's been deficient in something the whole time though, even though it's getting the same food as everything else. Any ideas what the problem might be?


Cherry AK 47 43 days: Nice resin coverage, decent smell, but was a pain in the ass to grow. All clones have been culled.


Flo 43 days: This is looking to be a keeper. Very pleasant Floral smell. Fast growth, good yield, easy as hell to grow. Stay tuned to see this cut vs. DJ's Flo mother cut.


G13 20 days: I love this bud so much....that I made this plant bigger than the last. I'm aiming for 2oz in this 2 gallon bucket (I got 1.5oz from a 1 gallon last time.) I can't wait to have more G-13 to toke :)


C99's 2, 1, 4. At 15 days: These all look identical, I have trouble telling the plants apart when they are all in the same pot like this. I only found one male.....so my life was made super easy. It seems to be a very consistent IBL. Thanks Wallyduck!

closeup of #1 (the other two closeups are in the album)

Herijuana, just in yesterday. Male or female? Only time will tell.


C99 # 1 is showing early hints of grapefruit smell, so we may have a grapefruit C99 on out hands...they all still look identical.

Herijuana is still being indeterminate about its sex.

the G13 is putting on fat-ass buds. I love that plant so much. i can't wait to see the yield off this one. twice the pot space and more than twice the tops of the previous plant.

Flo is going brown-pistiled all over and is on plain water from now on.
the SFV has a dose of PK and then might go straight to plain water depending how done it's looking.
cherry ak is on a GH Bloom & Beastie Bloomz mix for a couple days, then flush. that one is looking much more done than expected at this early date--Dr B saw amber trichs on it a couple days ago.

at least we'll only be pulling 3 plants within a few days of each other this time, not 6....we're getting MORE perpetual-style, at least. heh.

and I picked up a Green Crack clone yesterday! woot woot. Dr B was hilariously delighted when I told him on the phone.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
You go, guys:respect: Hell of a grow show you got going on. If only I could be so "diary-like" precise. I'm reading along and have caught myself waiting on the next "episode". I surely know what to look forward to now. I pulled the C99 at the end of 9 weeks. Every pistil was brown but it looked like the trichs were 50/50 clear/milky. Early smoke reports are favorable. A good cure will definitely bring the flavors out. I think I'm going to keep her around for a while. Good luck with yours.


Great to hear, Vash! the smell on all of ours is pretty sweet, I think they'll be nice. It might be hard to pick a keeper.

Herijuana showed male, so it was chopped. We're keeping the clone for breeding. Replacing it in the flower room are the two Fire Master plants, together in a 1-gallon pot. I'm pretty curious about what these are going to do. when I pulled one out of the pot, there were coils of roots around the bottom of the dirt/root ball. rootbound is an understatement. they'd probably love to have more space, but we're figuring one might easily be male anyways and then a gallon is plenty of space for the remaining one. a male of this is not a keeper.


the Cherry AK and Flo both got a thorough (3+ gal) flush last night and will get plain water from here on. the flo is almost out of big leaves due to powdery mildew (oh how i hate the stuff), so it's going to come down whenever it "needs" to, but we're hoping to give both of them another week (8 weeks). the SFV OG is getting a no-nitrogen mix on its next watering, then flush. Planning to cut this around 10 weeks, I think...so a week and a half from now.

G13 is in the budbuilding zone and it's a fattie. C99's are still remarkably consistent and looking good. Fire Master 1 is looking female, Fire Master 2 unknown, but those are both very preliminary guesses. when the Flo and Cherry AK come down, the Blue Moonshine and Golden Sour Kush 1 & 2 are going in, either all together in a 2-gal or individually in 1-gals.

The Veg room is staying plenty crowded, what with the new clones we've been bringing in...I'll grab some pictures of the veg room and the new shelf for the moms and clones next time I'm taking photos. it's about time for a photo update, isn't it?

oh, and samples are drying of the Flo, AK and SFV. I'm smoking the cherry ak right now, and so far i'm not overwhelmed. it's nice, but nothing special. we'd already decided it wasn't a keeper, based on it being a pain in the ass to grow (the cut we have appears to suffer from a virus of some sort, or at least a major mutation) and the fact that it's not stunning in any way (yield, smell, etc). It seems like it will be nice smoke, but I don't see us regretting the decision to cull it, either.


so here's what's been going down:
The Flo got chopped. had to be done. preliminary tests of the popcorn buds indicate a nice flavor and pleasant high for daytime. yield looks good.
SFV OG and Cherry AK are both on track to chop middle to late next week, depending on how thoroughly flushed they look and how the trichs look.
G13 is going to yield fat.:woohoo:Dr B has confirmed that it's the Pacific G13 cut.
C99's are looking crazy resinous for 30 days flower. the #1 is looking like the keeper pheno--great grapefruit smell, vigorous growth.
Fire Masters are both female, can't recall if i mentioned that....
the Golden Sour kush #1 and Blue Moonshine are also both females, the latest additions to the flower room. they went in yesterday (4/2) but were apparently eager to show sex. they're together in a 2gal of coco--our first coco flowering plants. so far so good.

overall, coco is resulting in outstanding root growth and, as a result, very fast vegetative growth on the little plants. I took a picture....I'll put them up tomorrow, promise.

GSK 2 is in a 2-liter soda bottle at the moment. when it's root-bound in that, it's going into a 1-gal to flower when the AK and SFV come out.
our big Purple Urkle that we've been taking lots of clones off of went into a 2-gal of coco tonight, and that will also be flowering when the room opens up.

Dr. Bloom

These pictures are from Mar 30.
Flo 52 days (chopped at 56 days. about 3/4 oz) This plant was a pleasure to grow. The yield is okay, not spectacular. The smell is very floral and pleasant though. This plant might stay around for a while, but it depends how amazing DJ's FLO mother turns out!

Cherry AK-47 52 days: Very resinous. Good yield. Does not smell like Cherries in any way, smells much more like a kush......not sure what thats all about? I killed all my clones though, this plant was way to much of a PITA in veg.

SFV OG Kush 55 days: The SFV is some great stuff. Smooth lemon cleaner smell and amazing resin coverage. Too bad the yield and veg time leave you wanting more. I'm going to see if I can dial this plant in to fix the growth speed and yield.....if not then i'll make some crosses with it to find something better. (C99xSFVOG is first up)

Pacific G13 30 days: What's to say, this is one of my favorite plants of all time. I can't wait to see how my second try with it will turn out. It has been given a happier life this time, plus 2 gallons of soil instead of one.

C99 #4, 1, 2 26 days: These are coming along very nicely. #1 has the standout smell of the three......a very distinct GRAPEFRUIT!

C99#1 top. I think i'm going to really like this plant.

Fire Master #1, #2 These are quite vigorous, lets hope the bud they make is close to as good as the club weed I found the seeds in. I think they are S1's?

Blue Moonshine and Golden Sour Kush #1 are in the flower room, but no pix yet.

Our grow is moving along nicely at the moment. Shouldn't be long before the Cherry AK and SFVOG come out, and we have some space to test a few new strains! We'll keep updating you all as things progress!


This is about 3-4 days of roots into 16oz of coco. from a 6" Green Crack cut well rooted in rockwool (you can see a bit of the rockwool in the photo). If anyone's considering switching from soil to coco....here's some encouragement.

I also just started switching all our moms into coco (also starting moving up to gallons...there have been some interesting things happening around here, we're going to need them bigger) because especially in the small pots with tiny plants, keeping the right watering levels so as to not dry out or drown them was just not working out. the ones i'm moving aren't fully rooted into tiny pots of soil after weeks.

And here's another look at the resin coverage on the Cherry AK (this photo is a week old).


more random photos!

more random photos!

Veg room. the big one is a Purple Urkle that will be going into flower probably Thursday, when the Cherry AK and SFV are coming out (if they go that long). sorry about the colors....can't shoot under HID lights.

deep purple stems on the Blue Moonshine. the DJ Flo also has dramatically purple stems, I have a pic of that on my camera right now.

top: UK Cheese mom, DJ Flo mom.
bottom: an SFV that was just ravaged for cuts and the non-DJ cut of Flo (the one we just chopped)
moms were just transplanted into 1-gal of coco--small pots of soil are a watering nightmare and nothing was growing. the others will follow as they become ready.

the mommy shelf. moms, dads (C99 and Herijuana) clones and recently-potted clones sit here.

back row is sour diesel mom, purple urkle mom, G13 mom mostly hidden, mazar mom (on the potential chopping block).
middle is grape ape, UK cheese, DJ's Blueberry mom, grape ape mom, purple urkle.
front: Blue Moonshine, SFV OG, peas (yes. snow peas.), venus flytrap.

took a new set of flowering room photos tonight, will try to upload them tomorrow. we killed the clone of C99 #4, on charges of being all-around not as awesome as its siblings. #1 smells so grapefruit it's ridiculous. can't wait to try it. the cherry ak and sfv are on track to chop middle to late this week, and the big Purple Urkle will go in, followed in a week by the GSK #2.


the Blue Moonshine was apparently playing tricks on us. it was a boy. now it is no more.

in the hole left by its absence goes GSK 2. I just snuggled it in next to its much taller sister plant. hopefully it's a girl, otherwise we're going to have one tiny plant in a 2-gal..meh.

Cherry AK and SFV still on track to chop thursday.
G13 is on its second wave of bud growth.
Dr B is hailing the C99 #1 as one of his most resinous plants ever, at only 34 days. smells like grapefruit candy, covered in sticky. buds are airy right now.
Dr B took clones of the Shiva Skunk yesterday. that's the next plant in flower after the Purple Urkle--as soon as the Urkle goes in, the Shiva gets repotted.

Dr. Bloom



These are slightly outdated pictures, taken by MzBloom earlier this week.

Cherry AK: Chopped. Initial tester buds have been good. Decently potent, very resinous looking. The smell and taste are more chem/kushlike. Not a hint of cherry or sweetness, but i'm not complaining.

SFVOG: Chopped! Very resinous, very stanky. These buds will be good, but there's a lot of room for improvement. Hopefully it will be happier when we run it in coco. (And without thrips)


C99's: 32 days flower. Simply Beautiful. I'm digging the resin and smell.


G-13: 37 days flower.


Fire Master Kush


a couple more

a couple more

DJ's Flo has spectacular purple stems.

Another nice one of the SFV:

these pics are all like a week old, i've been slow about getting them up.i'll get new pics int he next couple days and try to get them up sooner this time!

current flower room status: G13 is at 42 days and already failling over under its own weight. gotta love it. C99's look and smell spectacular, especially #1. they're at 38 i think. Fire Masters are just starting to bud up at 15 days or so. GSK 1 is female. GSK 2 still hasn't shown (it's a few days behind). and we put the big purple urkle into flower a couple days ago and it looks great. it's stretching it's roots out into the extra space and putting out nice new growth.

I've been repotting mommy plants into gallons of coco and all the ones that have the extra space are growing like crazy. coco rocks.


sorry gang, it's been nuts around here. lots of stuff happened. C99 and G13 are both chopped after stress started killing them (we had to spray for pests, it's hot here, etcetc.). well, technically the G13 is in the process of being chopped.

both Fire Masters hermied around week 3. not surprising, since they were hermie seeds, but still disappointing.

lots of cuts are in progress, and a few new clones have been acquired including SSH, headband, durban diesel, another OG (larry, maybe?), Ortega, Purple Bubba, Cannalope Haze and Chem D. it's leafy green chaos i tell you.

current flower room is: Purple Urkle, GSK 1 and 2, Shiva Skunk and Jack the Ripper. lots of space in there right now, but we're vegging stuff a little bigger first.

Cherry AK and the SFV both turned out to be pretty potent stuff. the SFV has the better flavor and smell. neither yielded well....we'll try again on the SFV. Dr B thinks it can do better. We've also smoked a little of the C99#1 and it's very up and alert. sativa all the way. personally i'm not sure I like it, at least this early. flavor is nice though, the fruitiness comes through.

there's just been a lot going on around here. And photography is less rewarding now that we're running at night--my camera doesn't shoot well in low light. but we're still around and there will for sure be more cool stuff to come.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
One HELL of a job, gang. That G13 is simply awesome!! I can't remember ever watching colas develop as these. Budsites seem to cover the stems - all 5 of them, from top to bottom. Everything also seems to be consistent with my experiences with the C99 as well. Few rival its' dankness. I imagine a good cure will bring out the real grapefruit taste. Good luck with your projects, guys. Oh yeah, by the way, kick that thrip ass:asskick:


One HELL of a job, gang. That G13 is simply awesome!! I can't remember ever watching colas develop as these. Budsites seem to cover the stems - all 5 of them, from top to bottom. Everything also seems to be consistent with my experiences with the C99 as well. Few rival its' dankness. I imagine a good cure will bring out the real grapefruit taste. Good luck with your projects, guys. Oh yeah, by the way, kick that thrip ass:asskick:

dude, I'm so happy you are running the G13. you will not be disappointed at all. even the one we're taking down early is dense and smells dank.

we're so totally ass-kicking the bugs around here. bastards. the one thing we really need a spray/treatment for is the fungus gnats. I'm really tired of the little buggers.


it's been a long time, but we've been busy

it's been a long time, but we've been busy

When i got a job and we started running lights at night, a lot fewer pics got taken. here's a couple.
side project garden, growing well:

trimmed GSK 1:

We've expanded a bit, made some new friends, and we are currently cleaning out the flower room in prep for a breeding project. there's an Urkle, a DJ Flo and a G13 still in, and when they are done Dr B is turning the C99 male loose on a whole bunch of stuff.

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